You And What Army?

Sunday, September 26, 2021
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

When I look back over God's hand in my life, a time when I was in charge of a hostel for runaways in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, comes up. The police brought me two teenage girls, who knotted bed sheets while I was doing something downstairs, shinnied down them from a bedroom window, and ran off to a nearby drug hangout at the back of a soon-to-be-demolished high-rise.

Tracking them down immediately, I found only one. She stood sobbing as she scanned a many-storied mess of broken windows, doors, and fire escapes. "They're going to kill her," she said of her friend as she wept.

"No, they're not!" I prayed as I grabbed her hand and bellowed upwards into what seemed like a hollow silence: "Send that kid back down here! I've got change for the phone and I'm getting every cop in town."

I had no idea where a phone booth might be, and I had left without telling anyone where I was going. I began walking the girl back slowly, my eyes on the building as I clutched her hand.

"Courage is faith that has said its prayers," someone once said. I could almost see a phalanx of God's heavenly army behind us, as I readied myself for a second shout. But a door several feet up suddenly burst open, and the other child staggered out to a fire escape. She had a black eye and was retching and shaking as her feet came down the metal stairs till I could grab her hand. Then, the three of us, not looking back, ran flat out to the hostel, where I immediately phoned the police to report, as I'd promised.

Both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible are filled with stories of believers whom God called upon to do His work. In order to act on an assignment like the one that I had just been given, we need to be prayed up, and we need to listen to Him. As I stood there shouting at that urban ruin, seemingly all alone, I could feel all around me the vast spiritual army that supported Elisha and his fearful servant as they faced the Aramean army:

2 Kings 6:16-17 – [Elisha] said, "Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see." So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (ESV)

"If it is to be, it is up to me," someone acknowledged. Opportunities to act on our faith come to us throughout our lives as believers. But when we respond, we never have to act alone, because of the army that supports every believer who is called to step out on faith.

Prayer: Dear Father God, help us to hear Your voice when You give us work to do. Show us Your meaning and purpose in our everyday existence, doing what is in front of us to do, no matter how seemingly impossible. Thank You for allowing us to be part of Your heavenly work in the lives of others, sharing our faith with our feet, as well as through our words. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Rose DeShaw <>
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Great story! All glory to God.

    Inspiring post, Rose! Thank God you were there for those girls!

    Loved your story, Rose!

    Imagine, 2 ungrateful little girls! I am telling you Rose is a woman with a lot of experiences, good and horrendous!

    Oh, Rose, I knew this was your story before I saw your name. I delight in your God-glorifying stories of faith and deliverance throughout your life.

    Thanks for a good and encouraging word today, Rose.
    I appreciated it.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. What a scary time that must have been! Blessings.

    Dear Mrs. DeShaw,
    I’m always so captivated by your experiences and the manner in which you relate God’s presence in those moments.

    Rose, I knew it, I just knew it had to be you. Thanks for allowing your readers to share in these episodes from your colourful life.
    God’s blessings on all you do.

    Dear Rose,
    That was such an inspiring story! And to compare it to Elisha’s.
    The army of the Lord is always around us.

    Dear Ms. DeShaw:
    Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us on PresbyCan daily devotional. As one of your readers, I am always inspired by your messages.

    Good morning, Rose.
    I always enjoy your devotional submissions.
    They always strike a chord (and are entertaining, too).
    Thank you!! May God continue to richly bless you!

    My goodness gracious, the things you have done in your life and the people whose lives you have touched! How did you ever have time to work in a hostel while bringing up a family? Yes, God has been with you, but you never sat back and waited. You have sought out challenges!

    Dear, dear Rose,
    You’ve had enough lifetime adventures for both of us! I love this Old Testament story of God’s protection of His own even when we don’t see the heavenly army around us. Thanks for bringing it to mind and for reminding us of its practical application in daily life.

    Hello Rose,
    Wow, that was quite a job you had in past years and your faith in the Lord was truly a stronghold for you. Yes, our loving Lord is ever there watching over and giving us needed guidance in every day of our lives. He certainly deserves our continuous gratitude. Thank you and blessings for the meaningful writings you do.

    Good morning, Rose,
    I thank God for you. Thank you for sharing your stories! I need to believe in God’s army as I long for so many miracles, mostly involved with needs for reconciliation in families and between churches.
    God bless you.

    Rose, thank you for this testimony of God’s protection and strength provided to you. I love the quote “Courage is faith that has said its prayers.” I also appreciated your phrase in the prayer about sharing our faith with our feet.
    These are encouraging words.

    Rose, I have been reading your devotionals for years. It seems that I know you personally as you have related your life stories of faith over the years.
    I wish that I did know you personally as your faith is so strong. Thank you for sharing your life through the good and sad times, showing that God is ever present. We are weak but He is strong and ever faithful. Your messages have been one of encouragement.
    May He continue to watch over you and all his followers.

    I just want to tell you how much I loved your story of God rescuing the two girls and you as well. It was packed with action and resolve. I was right there with you every word you wrote… and then at the bottom I saw you were a woman. Wow. Joshua 1: 9 comes to mind. ‘be strong and courageous God commands..’ and that you were… and in the days before cell phones too.
    You trusted God, Rose, and He never fails us.
    Thank you again for sharing and witnessing to how good and awesome is our God, our treasured Trinity. I just may meet you in heaven Rose, though there will be many millions there, I am sure. God bless you for all the devotionals He has guided you to write Rose.

    Good morning, Rose,
    Looking back at God’s hand in our lives is very important because it helps to build our faith. When we are going through periods where are prayers are not answered as we hoped, we sometimes need that assurance that he is there and is listening. This is a powerful story reminding us we are not alone as we reach out to others. I haven’t experienced many things that you have, and I haven’t felt the spiritual army around me, but I know many times that God has helped me over the years. That is enough.
    May God continue to inspire you to share your stories and faith with us all. May you continue to feel God’s army supporting you. May you continue to pray for God’s wisdom and help. Thank you for you open and honest sharing which continue to fill us with hope and love. Blessings.

    Good Sunday morning dear Rose. As I prepare to leave for Church, I opened my computer to read my morning devotionals.
    you have a distinct writing style that captivates the reader immediately. After I read the first two paragraphs, I suspected you were the author, but I resisted the temptation to scroll to the bottom.
    By the time I was finished reading, I was not surprised to see your name at the bottom of the screen. You certainly have encountered some very difficult situations over the years, and our God brought you through them unscathed.
    I could feel the strength of your army as I read through your devotional. Thank you so much.

    It’s really helped my current situation/challenge that you shared this, Rose.
    It is true.
    Thank you in Jesus’ powerful Name, Name above all Names.

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