God Is In The Garment Business

Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Jesus I Am Resting Resting"1 (Lyrics)

Back in the day, I was raised under the tutelage and provision of God, in the pioneer spirit, acknowledging that God provides, and we were self-sufficient people within that framework. It was a family tradition to show love and save money by sewing clothing for our family. Girls and boys learned to use the sewing machine because there were indoor and outdoor sewing needs.

Our call in life is to follow Christ in the showing of love to one another. I sewed for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, beginning with baby layettes. As they grew, I made all manner of garments including shirts, jackets, ski-suits, and Laura Ashley prairie dresses for the girls. The time of making wedding dresses left bits of lace draped over the sewing machine, and sequins sparkled in the sunshine. A large hook still marks the spot where the dresses hung while in process. I treasure the days of visits and fittings. Although my reasons for making clothing were temporal and short-lived, the time was exquisitely filled with joy.

Our awesome God was in the garment business long before I was, but the garments that He provides are of an eternal nature. These garments can never be outgrown, become hand-me-downs, be cast aside if they no longer fit, or deteriorate, because they are holy.

Isaiah 61:10 – I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. (KJV)

The Lord's reason for providing these garments is to make us acceptable to Himself in heaven. These are spiritual garments that will not be touched by the needle of a sewing machine or a human hand, because the fabric is the righteousness of Christ. The spiritual garment is endowed to the believer by the work of God's own Son. Our precious gift of salvation is sewn into the seams by the work of our Saviour. The joy that God receives as He gives the covering is as great as the joy that we feel when we receive the gift.

God's love for us is deeper than we can imagine. He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, so that when He looks at a believer, He sees us through His Son's purity and holiness. When we awaken with the rising sun each morning, we can go to our wonderful Saviour and check our spirit to see if we are in a right relationship with the Lord for the day. Let's be sure that we are living and breathing to His honour and glory.

Prayer: Dear Lord, You are precious to behold, and You build our faith as we walk in Your very own righteousness each day. Thank You for Your guidance and power to live life according to Your ways. Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <karenbmilam@gmail.com>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Karen.

    Wow, Karen! You sound as old as I am. Thank you for continuing to share your hope and joy with us.

    Thank you, Karen. I also grew up sewing my own clothes and wedding gown, so this application is meaningful.

    Dear Karen:
    Thank you so much for these beautifully written truths of God’s goodness to us!

    Wow, I really enjoyed your message. If it ok, I would like to share it at church. There is going to be a lady we invited there, and this is a great and simple message that hopefully will let her know how much God loves us. God bless and have a great day.

    Greetings Karen,
    Thanks for another of your very mindful devotionals. Yes, we are very fortunate to have our heavenly Father there to guide us along each and every day. Blessings for the writings you do for our morning devotionals.

    Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Although I sewed my wedding dress and other things for the family, these days vision issues have seen my sewing machine neglected in my closet.

    Hi Karen
    I was blessed by your witness and words in today’s devotional. The Lord has provided much for me to ponder through this devotional. I will don my garments of praise today as I go about my work.
    Keep up the great witness.
    (Ontario Canada)

    Good one Karen!
    I too sewed almost all my own and my children’s clothes for many, many years and even one wedding dress. And how l enjoyed doing it. Unfortunately, the cost of patterns and materials escalated so high in the eighties l finally had to give sewing up. It became much less expensive to buy ready-made.
    Praise God that the cost of salvation with its clothing of righteousness still remains free to all.
    Be blessed.

    Thank you, Karen, for your devotional today. I do remember those days of sewing. There was no Old Navy, etc. I did find the same pleasure as you did. One day one of our daughters’ friends, who happened to be a boy. came to me and said, “Mrs. P, L. needs a dress to wear to the prom. Her parents are out of town. Can you help?” And I made the dress. When her mother got back in town, she was mortified because they could well afford a dress for her. I assured her mother that it was my pleasure. I look back on those days (I am also a great grandmother) and rejoice that I could share a bit with that family. I will admit that I didn’t think, “God wants me to do this.” I hope that I did it because God loves me, and I was sharing that love.
    Your devotionals are always thought provoking.

    Good morning, Karen,
    I like your title. It made me think but I was thinking earlier with Adam and Eve (a more practical slant since I am truly very practical). You talk about sewing for a lot of family, but you don’t mention if you sewed for yourself. My mom was a sewer who sewed for herself and me, the only girl. She sewed for our home also. Only one brother learned to sew because he was into leather and needed it for some of the items he made. You were most ambitious in your sewing. It is true that sewing is a part of showing our love.
    I like your slant “for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.”
    When we awaken with the rising sun each morning, we can go to our wonderful Saviour and check our spirit to see if we are in a right relationship with the Lord for the day. Let’s be sure that we are living and breathing to His honour and glory.” This follows up on the devotional yesterday of Shirley’s reminder when we walk up in the morning to praise our Lord with enthusiasm as He is always there to greet us that way.
    Thanks for sharing and reminding us of God’s garments of salvation. As I join in your prayer today, help me to be thankful and see a right relationship with God. Blessings.

    Thanks, Karen, for a very beautiful inspiration. We look forward to more of your writings.

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