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Acts 1:4,8 – On one occasion, while [Jesus] was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (NIV)
During the long winter months when we had so much snow here in northern Canada that we were forced to stay indoors most of the time, my four-year-old granddaughter decided that we should do science experiments. Once she had decided on this idea, she ran and grabbed my iPad so that I could google science projects — which, of course, I did, as I have learned that resistance is futile.
Among the many projects that we have successfully completed were using baking soda and vinegar to erupt volcanoes, to blow up balloons, and to hatch dinosaur eggs. Through these experiments, Ade has learned that when you mix baking soda and vinegar, you get an amazing chemical reaction.
Likewise, on this Day of Pentecost, let us be reminded anew that mixing the Holy Spirit within God's people also produces an amazing type of reaction. For the Spirit of Christ within us is able to empower us to be His witnesses wherever we are, even to the ends of the earth.
Wow! What a spectacular thought and truth! As individuals, we often feel that we have so little to offer God that can really make a difference for His kingdom in our world. After all, what can one little person or even one little congregation do to impact our present-day world with all its mega-problems? Yet, just like baking soda or vinegar cannot, by themselves, make an erupting volcano, or blow up a balloon, or make dinosaur eggs hatch, when they are mixed together, bam! — the impossible becomes possible.
So it is when we allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives, by listening to that still, quiet voice within that lines up with the principles of Scripture and brings us peace. For when we do, great things happen. Even though we might not always see the results, we can trust that God is at work to bring glory to His kingdom. For when we listen to and obey the Spirit's voice, we are being a witness for Christ within our world, and no one but God knows just how far that influence will travel.
So today, let's choose to listen and expect to hear the Spirit's voice within. Then, by faith, let's obey what He is telling us to do: write a note to a friend, donate finances where needed, smile and be friendly, speak a word of encouragement, forgive as necessary, memorize a Scripture verse, or sit with a sick or dying friend. The list is endless, but so also are the results of this amazing chemistry that occurs between God's Spirit and ours.
Prayer: Father God, thank You so much for the gift of Your Holy Spirit within us. Give us ears to hear and know His voice of prompting, and faith to act upon it, that we may be empowered to be Your witnesses wherever we are, even to the ends of the earth. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.
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Great story and advice, Lynne. God bless!
Thanks Lynne, blessings to you and your family.
Thank you, Lynne, for a powerful devotion on this Pentecost Sunday.
Amen Lynne.
Powerful devotional.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the reminder,
“So today, let’s choose to listen and expect to hear the Spirit’s voice within.”
Really enjoyed these specifics as well as the circumstances that brought them to be. Yay for having grandchildren! Blessings on you and them and your togetherness.
Thank you again for such a meaningful devotional. Just like Ada is so very fortunate to be able to learn from you, we also are awakened to glimpses of truth through your insights.
Dear Lynne: I truly enjoyed your message. Good to remember if we do our part God can do the rest to further his kingdom! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God Bless You!
Dear Lynne,
I always enjoy your stories (and applications, as Robin always requests!) of God at work in everyday life.
Blessings to you.
Hello Lynne
thank you for this inspiring and exciting devotional. I get excited with the idea of what the Holy Spirit is able to do through people who want to pray, listen and obey. There has been or seems to have been a lot of these to do with the Holy Spirit, I cannot help but wonder what fantastic things are about to happen as we obey.
God bless.
Dear Lynne,
Thanks for another of your very meaningful devotionals. You have written such a good analogy of the chemical reaction witnessed by your granddaughter and the reaction of the Holy Spirit working in our daily lives. Our lives are so enriched when we follow the nudgings of our loving Saviour as His spirit works within us.
Many blessings to you for your creative writings.
Hi Lynne,
Thank you for your message of encouragement today, the Day of Pentecost. I needed to hear this one as at times I feel whatever I say or do is pretty small in the scheme of things and in light of the huge challenges we face in our world. However, I know that there is no limit to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and can only trust and pray that He will use me in whatever way He is calling me.
With thanks for your faithful witness,
Dear Lynne
The gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out upon the 120 in the upper room on that first Pentecost are all available to us now. When we are open to receiving the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we open ourselves to the Lord to work in us and through us to reach the lost, the hurting, the sick and the destitute. May we all this Pentecost ask the Lord for a fresh anointing of His Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, He wants to pour out upon us for the work of ministry to His glory, honour and praise.
Blessings and thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Lynne, for today’s devotion. As usual, your lessons in life are interesting and educational. My retired teacher’s heart rejoices in the educational interaction between you and your granddaughter.
I remember the minister who used the “volcano experiment” to teach the lesson on the Holy Spirit at our church one day, and I was very impressed!
Keep up the good work and stay well!
Blessings for Victoria Day.
Good morning Lynne,
I am sure a lot of us have made a volcano with our children or grandchildren but not related it to how the small things we do with the help of the Holy Spirit can help God to work his wonders in this world. I am sure at the beginning of Pentecost, those disciples could not have imagined with the help of the Holy Spirit that they were waiting for, that they would have been able to speak so many different languages to reach many people and that they would be the beginning of the Christian church which has spread all over the World. So, us who have seen this happen and is happening, so many years later, should not doubt that each one of us can make a difference that God can multiply them all to do His work in spectacular fashion. Thank you for putting it into a perspective that we can see and help us to remember that even though we are small together with the Holy Spirit, God can make a difference in people’s lives. As I pray with you your prayer, may God open my eyes, ears and heart to each day make some small different to others in order for the Holy Spirit to help grow peace, faith, joy, love, kindness, gentleness, caring, respect …. May you enjoy everything that comes your way.