A Promise

Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 89:26 – He will call out to me, "You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Savior." (NIV)

We all get distressed at times. We fall out with someone at home, and we ache emotionally for the rest of the week. Something that we've planned goes awry, and we get stressed trying to fix it. A conflict arises at work, which depletes both our energy and our time. Someone at school bullies us, and we just don't know what to do. Those moments can make us feel isolated and vulnerable, injured and anxious. We have only so much strength to deal with such things, and we can easily withdraw within ourselves. I'm an introvert, so that's what I also tend to do during troubled moments.

But I also look for some consoling word, some comforting verse, or some piece of wisdom that God can give me from the Bible. Usually, I find that the book of Psalms contains all sorts of precious nuggets that will nurture me out of my place of distress to somewhere brighter and peaceful. Today's highlighted verse, for instance, reminds us that the great warrior, King David, had moments in his life when all sorts of trouble affected him. God, however, didn't desert him while he wallowed in his distress; He allowed and even encouraged David to cry out to God and claim Him as "Father" to protect him, as "Rock" to steady him, and as "Saviour" to rescue him.

It was a beautiful promise and blessing to bestow on David, but it's also one that we can rely on today. God will protect us; God will steady us; God will rescue us.

Question: What do I need God to help me with today?

Prayer: O God, Protector, Rock, and Saviour, You know all that affects us today. Grant us Your blessing of safety, security, and assurance. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <traqair@aol.com>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for the encouragement, John.

    Thank you for the encouraging words!

    Thanks, John, for sharing this encouraging devotional. Blessings.

    Thank you very much.
    I appreciate and am thankful for your words.

    Thanks, John, for a reminder to me that came in the nick of time. Grateful for your continued faithfulness as a writer.

    Thank you for your good words this morning John, Food for thought for sure.

    I can totally identify with your writing today.
    (BC, Canada)

    Thank you, John, for your good words today. I love and cling to the many Promises of God. Keep reminding us of what we need to know and share. God bless you greatly.

    Dear John,
    Greetings! Thank you for today’s devotion. I am claiming it!! It was written for me.
    May the good Lord continue to bless you richly.

    May the LORD answer that prayer abundantly for you John. You have encouraged and strengthened me every time I’ve read your reflections over the years. You don’t even know me and yet you’ve helped me over many hurdles. May He bless you always.

    What you are doing is really, really helpful to many and I thank you for sharing your faith, encouraging others, serving God’s Kingdom. Don’t stop, I hope as long as you are able, God bless your writings and you and your family and loved ones.

    I always recognize it’s you before I’m halfway through the devotional.
    You write so well.
    Thank you for the encouragement.

    Hello John,
    Thank you for another of your very meaningful devotionals. We are so blessed each and every day that our Lord, our solid rock, is ever there to watch over us and give us help through whatever we face. The reassurance we receive when we seek His word gives much peace to body and soul.
    Blessings for the writings you do.

    Good morning John,
    Thank you for the reminder of God’s promise to us and how it can help us when we derail and need to get back on track. Your devotionals always hit a mark with me and come at appropriate times. I put myself back in a situation which had caused me a lot of stress and of course, it happened again, and I was not proud of my reaction. God helped me get a better perspective and I need to pray as soon as I feel the stress, so I have a better response. May you have a great day walking with God at your side.

    I ask for help and write the concern in my journal. When the situation improves or is resolved I write beside it, “PG”, short for Praise God.
    Amazing how many PG appear over the weeks.
    Other items stay for a long time, but those PGs help assure me this too may one day get its own PG.

    Thank you for pointing out that God is everything to us. There is nowhere to look that we can’t find him. He is the constant loving force in our topsy-turvy world at all times.

    Dear John,
    Greetings! Thank you for your devotion. I am claiming it!! It was written for me.
    May the good Lord continue to bless you richly.

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