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2 Corinthians 4:16 – So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. (ESV)
One thing that is obvious to me and others is that, as I age, both my body and mind (which Paul describes as my "outer self") are deteriorating.
Some years ago, my son hosted a party to celebrate my 80th birthday. One of the guests, a little older than me, said that he had a gift for me. With keen interest, I inquired what it was. He responded, "Welcome to the Club. Now when you forget something, you no longer have to apologize." I continue to enjoy that "gift" more and more.
We start life as young babies, gradually growing and increasing in strength until we eventually start to deteriorate. Most people spend a lot of time and even money trying to improve their looks and to keep in shape. Some are more successful than others in preventing that inevitable decline.
Arguably, a more important part of us is our mind. We can't see that marvellous organ called our brain, but it controls all of our actions in one way or another. Our brain develops as we age and can be trained to change and control our interactions.
Some years ago, I was privileged to work with a brilliant educational neuropsychologist. She had developed a software program that trained areas of the brain to change reactions to sights and sounds. This was hugely helpful, especially to dyslexics. When I expressed admiration of her brilliance, her response was, "We hardly know anything about the brain."
However, even if our mind is active and in good shape longer than our body, it does deteriorate as we age and will eventually stop performing.
Our body may be remembered by a few. Our mind may help us to document current thoughts that can be helpful to others after we are gone. But in reality, what Paul calls our "inner self", or our spirit, is the most important dimension of what we are.
With proper training and practice, our spirit grows, develops, and becomes stronger. By believing in the saving grace of His Son, God gives us the certainty that our spirit will go to be with Him and to live eternally.
Paul goes on to state this so clearly in his second letter to Corinth.
2 Corinthians 5:1 – For we know that if the tent, which is our earthly home, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. (ESV)
It only makes sense to invest our time and energy into what will last forever.
Prayer: Dear God, we are grateful that You help us to develop our bodies and minds. Help us, however, to realize that the most important part of us is our inner self or spirit, and that we must be reconciled by grace with You and then share Your love with others. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
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Thank you, Vincent.
Good thoughts, Vincent.
So true, thank you Vincent!
Thank you for another inspirational message.
Thanks, Vincent. It’s obvious you have followed your own words of wisdom.
Vincent, God bless you and your continued writing, Vincent. I always take away a “nugget” from your devotionals.
Dear Vincent, as always, this is a really wonderful reflection. I feel ‘at home’ with you; and I truly needed this encouragement this morning. Thank you so much.
Well Vincent, you’ve done it again! A devotional to ‘wake us up’ to what REALLY is important! I totally agree, not to neglect this ‘house’ we’ve been loaned for whatever time we’re given, but to focus on that which is eternal! Thanks! Blessings to you and peace.
Isn’t what you wrote the truth! As a Senior approaching another birthday, my mind thinks I can do a thing, but when I try, my aging body says, “You’ve got to be kidding.” These days I “ain’t got that swing” as Duke Ellington so aptly put it. What am I? For sure, a beloved child of God. Blessings.
Good morning Vince
Another great one, thanks for sharing. You must have had an interesting past and I know you will have a fantastic and blessed future!!!!
May God continue to bless you.
Thank you for your devotional thoughts and wisdom in your 80’s. Six years ago I started a Bible Study that has been a real blessing to me. I am now reading them in the New Living Translation. I am almost 90 and I praise the Lord that I read the Bible more now than I did some 20-50 years ago. Keep on writing and praising the Lord.
Yes, God encourages us, gives us work to do, and family and neighbors to encourage and inform. I am 99 1/2 and still am very busy doing autobiographies, biographies, and family history. Moses was a clear thinker right up to the last day of his life on Mt Nebo. He was 120 years old. Deu 34:7. “His eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.” After being nearly blind in one eye for a year, I had an hour of surgery done on it. Afterwards I could see through the plastic mask and was told to go anywhere, but not bend my head down. What a miracle! Now I have a cyst and so many people are praying for the right treatment and healing.
Good morning and Hello Walter,
I pray you are keeping safe and healthy through this Covid-19 pandemic and I pray we can get back to normal again. Life as we know it has changed drastically and will never be the same. The next phase I believe on the health care system will be mental depression and diabetes from the weight people have gained from not being active enough.
I have been reading daily Devotional for two years or more, gifted to me by a friend and I love it. I read it first thing usually before I get out of bed because it’s my time alone with God before I begin my hectic day.
I wanted to let you know that you are my favorite writer. I have days when I say we need Vincent.
I love the way I connect to your writing and can relate and can picture it like I was there. You are amazing the way you capture me through your writing.
I enjoy your devotional. Keep up the amazing work and know I look forward to when I see your name. Some days I just scroll first to the bottom to see who it is, excited in anticipation to see your name.
I wish you a very blessed day, stay safe and healthy.
God Bless.
Isn’t it great that the soul is ageless?
Good evening, Vincent, your timing is so good. At 96, I’m in good health. Thank you for your devotional and may the Lord bless you in special and surprising ways.
Dear Vincent,
You are so right that we should spend our time investing in our spirit and sharing with others the gift of Jesus. Even as our body deteriorates, we do have the ability to pray, share with others, smile at people as we pass them, enjoy God’s Word and be still and know God. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and thoughts as we enjoy the journey of life and look forward to our “new bodies”.