What To Do With A Pity Party

Saturday, February 6, 2021
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Nothing But The Blood"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 18:1-2 – I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (NKJV)

I walk for stress relief and exercise. I also daily thank God for my numerous blessings. I believe that God has called me to minister to those who are grieving, ill, and struggling. However, the other day, I was having a pity party. I resented all the COVID-19 restrictions placed on me. I felt depleted, defeated, and lonely. Evidently, God felt that it was time to end this pity party, as I clearly heard Him say, "Who touched me?"

Vividly appeared the Mark chapter 5 description of the woman healed of a terrible bleeding disorder and cowering at Jesus' feet. God had my attention. What did the story of this woman's extraordinary faith have in common with my feelings? What did God want me to share in my ministry? Several possibilities flooded my mind, but none seemed to answer my unspoken questions.

As I thought about the woman's faith, I wondered how people without Christian belief are coping during this pandemic. When unbelievers come to the end of their rope, when there is no more physical or mental energy left, what do they do? Then, I received the answer regarding what God wanted me to share!

God has richly blessed me. He has given me physical health, mental resilience, a strong faith, the strength to cope with stress, and the ability to connect with people both in person and in word. Yet, during these days of COVID-19, even I have been challenged some days simply to put one foot in front of another. I know that many reading this devotional have been in the same place. God wanted me to remind you to reach out and touch Jesus to re-invigorate your energy reserves. When we come to the end of our own proverbial rope, it is okay, because we, unlike our secular friends, do not have to rely on our own strength.

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (NKJV)

When we run out of our own strength, we need to reach out in thought and prayer to God. His strength will carry us when our own is depleted.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the many blessings that You grant to us — blessings of faith, health, and the basic necessities of shelter and food. Particularly during this pandemic, we are mindful that so many of Your children lack some or all of these blessings. Remind us, God, that when we run out of our own emotional energy, motivation, and physical strength, we need only reach out to You to replenish our limited resources. Alone, we can accomplish very little. With You, Lord, we can do all things. Amen.

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About the author:

Orlanda Drebit <orlandadrebit@hotmail.com>
Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks, Orlanda. This is so true.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Orlanda.

    I very much appreciated reading this prayer. God Bless.

    Wonderful devotion today. Just what I needed. Thank you.

    Great post, thanks Orlanda. Needed that today. God bless!

    Orlanda, Yes! Let’s keep our focus on what Jesus did when we don’t know what we should do. Blessings.

    Phil 4:13 is one of my favourite verses of Scripture. Thank you for the reminder that we don’t have to live in our own strength. How blessed we are to have a Saviour Who will never leave us or forsake us. Blessings and stay safe.

    Hello Orlanda,
    I so relate to your post in PresbyCan today, “What to do with a Pity Party”! I feel others will be blessed as well.
    Thank you and God bless you!

    Hi Orlanda
    Many thanks for your message today. A timely reminder as I’ve been feeling so much as you describe… and you’re right, we can always reach out to others, which certainly lifts my spirits and I hope theirs too. And isn’t it interesting how often our calls are quite timely; what I call ‘God prompts.’
    Blessings and best wishes.

    Good morning Orlanda,
    Good devotional this morning. I can relate to your words about having a pity party at times. I am blessed that I have almost always have something to do every morning, but at times this being locked in and locked down does get all of us down, even though we know that we can get strength from above.
    Thank you for writing.

    Hello Orlanda,
    Many thanks for your very mindful devotional today. Yes, when we turn to the Lord for help in our distress, He is ever ready to help us and give us the strength to go forward. The scripture you quoted from Philippians 4:13 has long been my mantra and I have had great results from it.
    Blessings for writing.

    Dear Orlanda,
    You are so right. We all have had times when the COVID restrictions have got to us. Even an introvert like myself, who loves to curl up with a good book, some days yearns for more freedom and the feeling of safety.
    As you reminds us, I need to turn to God and rely on him because he offers to carry my burdens for me. Also reaching out by phone or mail to others who I know who live on their own with God’s help, lifts my spirits when I hear their voices of gratefulness because I made the effort. Thanks for the great reminder. Blessings.

    Thank you for your devotional and mentioning Psalm 18 and Philippians 4. It also reminded me of Psalm 62:2 which states that God is our rock and our salvation and that He is our defense. Also, years ago I got a mathematical formula for Philippians 4, verses 6 and 7, add up to verse 13, and since Jesus taught us to pray and we are instructed to pray in His name, add the prayer verse 6 to 13 and it brings you to verse 19. Also, an old mentor of mine pointed out that when you are really down and weak, you need to remember that verse 13 has 10 words which you can say on your fingers, and sometimes you need to say it out loud 10 times. Thanks again for your devotional. Blessings.

    Thank you for your devotional. I too was having a pity party this morning. We lost my mother in the fall and my husband’s mom this year.
    Today it is so cold outside (as you know) and the thought of going out, to go and continue cleaning and sorting through my mother-in-law’s belongings was overwhelming to me. Reading your devotional, God once again reminded me that he is my strength, and He will carry me through this too.
    I am printing it to reread later. Thank you.

    Thanks for the reminder. I miss church, people in my home as I live alone, coping with extreme temperatures today, unable to see my brother before he died because of restrictions in the hospital.
    Then I am reminded that I need to count my blessings. My home is warm, plenty of food and clothing, family that phone, friends send emails, neighbors who care, able to look after my own needs.
    I read the footprint given to me by my daughter after my hubby died.
    It says,
    No matter how smooth or rough this day,
    God is with us each step of the way.

    Right on, Orlanda.
    I’ve been there many times.
    The best thing is to recognize when one is approaching that state and reach out, to prevent it. I tend to push on too long.

    Hi Orlanda.
    Your reference to the ‘rope’ reminded me something I heard a woman say at the end of a women’s Christian weekend. She said she felt like she was at the end of her rope and that this weekend with its Christian teaching was like the knot at the end of the rope that saved her.
    It was such a vivid image.
    Thank you for reminding me of what Christ can do for us and how he is the knot.
    Again, thank you so much for your devotional(s).

    Good morning Orlanda. Thank you for your devotional.
    I responded to an email from my minister and then proceeded with sharing my pity party with him. To date I have remained quite strong throughout the pandemic, but I would say in the last two weeks I have found myself starting to wallow in self-pity. Like everyone else, I am getting tired of this and am starting to feel weary. To make things worse, the constant uncertainty about the delivery of vaccines in our beautiful Canada is ratcheting up the fear of people who are already feeling restricted.
    Your devotional arrived at the exact time I needed it. The Lord is certainly at work in his children. I cannot thank you enough for this reminder.
    Stay strong and stay safe.


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