Songs Of Praise

Saturday, May 23, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "O Lord Thou Art My God And King"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 104:33 – I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. (NIV)

Praise God for the gift of music! Singing songs of praise can lift our spirits and fill us with His joy. I love to sing and give glory to God through praise songs and hymns. I play my favourite CDs when we are in the car. Lately, I have been playing my CDs more at home because I have more time on my hands, and I find that it soothes my soul and gives me hope in these trying times in our world. It's truly amazing how music brings joy and peace to our hearts.

I also find that the songs keep on playing in my mind throughout the day and even at night. I find myself waking up with a song going through my mind. God is always close. I feel His presence through the music, and He speaks to my heart. Music brings comfort and encouragement to us in our times of need.

There are many songs and choruses based on Scripture. These are some of my favourites:

    Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say rejoice. (x2)
    Rejoice, rejoice, again I say rejoice. (x2)
           (based on Philippians 4:4)

    Be still and know that I am God. (x3)
    I am the Lord that healeth thee. (x3)
           (based on Psalm 46:10 and Exodus 15:26)

    Create in me a clean heart, O God,
    And renew a right spirit within me. (x2)
    Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord,
    And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
    Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation,
    And renew a right spirit within me.
           (words by Keith Green, based on Psalm 51:10-12)

    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (x4)
           (words by Amy Grant, based on Psalm 119:105)

    White as snow, white as snow, though my sins were as scarlet,
    Lord I know, Lord I know, that I'm clean and forgiven.
    Through the power of Your blood, through the wonder of Your love,
    Through faith in you I know that I can be white as snow.
           (words by Leon Olguin, based on Isaiah 1:18)

I'm sure that some of you were singing along as you read these. If you were, I hope that they brought you peace.

Colossians 3:16 – Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (NIV)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we always make a joyful noise to You in songs of praise! We honour and thank You for the gift of music and singing. As we sing and listen to songs of praises to settle our anxious hearts in these trying times, may the words of the songs draw us into Your presence and fill our hearts with Your joy and peace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Dee Renaud <>
Sauble Beach, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen, Dee.

    Thank You for your Devotional. God’s blessings.

    Thank you for a very lovely devotion; very uplifting!

    Thank you for sharing your lovely music, Dee. God bless!

    Amen Dee. Indeed words of wisdom.

    Thank you for these encouraging words. I was singing along. God Bless!

    Yes, Dee, praise songs do uplift our souls. Thanks for sharing this reminder with us. Blessings.

    I am strengthened by singing hymns to and praising in the midst of this. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

    Thanks, Dee. There are many places in my Bible where I have written “song” in the margin. I love to come across verses that prompted songs.

    God, I miss Keith Green. I’m going to my music storage room in the basement and sing and play this music today! We are his workmanship, created for good works in Christ. I remember all of my scripture verses with his music. Thanks!

    Thank you, Dee, for your morning’s devotional. The way I best remember scripture is through music…hymns or choral pieces sung by the choir. You expressed my thoughts beautifully.

    So very true Dee! Music is food for the soul. I love Because He Lives. That one got me through a very difficult time in my life, along with Dolly Parton’s Golden Streets of Glory and Carroll Baker’s Hymns of Gold.

    Thank you for this devotional today. I can so relate to what you wrote! Yes, often God will have a particular song, which is so relevant to something I may be struggling with that day, just pop into my mind at the right time! And then, those words minister to me at exactly the right time. He is so good and so faithful to us. It is beyond mere words!

    You and I are peace-loving persons – or we might say we are peace-loving souls.
    Jesus Christ’s love brings us peace, for upon the cross Jesus Christ paid the price for our redemption, for our eternal life in heaven; His love brings us peace for we know he is there for us. May God cause us to continue to pass on His peace.
    Keep writing for Jesus’ sake.

    Your devotion today sure hit home for my wife and I. We come away from some of our services lately, COLD from the music they are using. We have tried to accept the new music their using but it just leaves us empty. Our faith is stronger than ever as we age but it sure is trying us. Thanks for letting us know we are not alone with our memories of the good old faithful tunes.

    Dear Dee,
    Beautiful devotional! Thanks for focusing on those songs. They are all ones I enjoy singing. We truly can feel such peace and reassurance of our Lord’s power and love, through song. A great way to praise our loving Saviour.
    Blessings for this devotional and have a beautiful day!

    Thank you so much sister, We are never alone ever even in the dark when it’s challenging for sure. All the old people dying in their “prisons”, I feel so bad for them, they don’t deserve to be “shelved” in this world by too busy families.
    If only they could be involved/closer to their loved ones.

    Thank you so much for your devotional on these scriptures and songs. Psalm 104:33 reminded me of how George Beverly Shea shared this as his favorite passage on his 103rd birthday some years ago. Also, singing Psalm 119:105 caused me to make a goal of reading through the Bible in a year. This year I’m reading from the New Living Translation.
    Songs and Psalms have been so meaningful for me.

    Oh Dee, how your devotional resonated with me. I too, find music lifts my spirits! Having had polyps removed from my vocals chords, has left me without a singing voice but mouthing the words and ‘singing them in and from my heart’ with all the expression I would use IF it was aloud, stirs my very depths! Just listening to CDs can have the same uplifting effect! I thank the Lord for the gift of music!!
    Scripture set to music does come back to the memory so easily. Often, as I see or hear a Scripture passage, I ‘hear’ a song in my head! What a blessing indeed!

    Thank you, Dee,
    For your inspirational devotion, Songs of Praise.
    Music and praise songs really do have charms to soothe souls.
    I have acquired a dear friend, during these Covid-19 days of isolation, who is blind, in a wheelchair, and in a nursing home. We talk by telephone twice a week and each loving session begins and ends with a favourite hymn (e.g. One Day At A Time, Just A Closer Walk, In His Time, Amazing Grace, In The Garden). We also include favourite scripture passages.
    And the joy we share, as we tarry there (as we listen and sing along with a CD) I want to say, (none other has ever known) is heartwarming.
    We both begin the day with joy.
    So, thank you for affirming our time together.
    Blessings on your day.

    Thanks for sharing your hope and strength today, Dee. Helps me and countless others.

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