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Matthew 24:42 – Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. (NIV)
When I take my horse, Frank, out for a buggy ride or a walk with my two-year-old granddaughter perched in the saddle, my goat, Marshall, has a habit. He climbs atop his jungle gym, and standing on the platform, he waits and watches for his friend, Frank, to come home. Marshall has no idea how long we may be gone. It could be a short time or it could be most of the day, depending upon our plans. Nevertheless, he stands or lies down and waits, ever watchful of the driveway gate which he knows that Frank will enter sooner or later.
Likewise, Jesus has promised that He, too, will return.
John 14:1-3 – Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (NIV)
We do not know the time or the day or the season, but a promise is a promise when it comes from God. It cannot be broken, and thus, we can count on it with certainty. But can God count on us to be ready and watching and waiting for Him? Is our life, first and foremost, based upon our relationship with Christ and our desire to live for Him at all times, in all ways? Or are we so caught up in the things of this world — our family, our jobs, our hobbies, our friends, our responsibilities, our worries, and our cares — that we are no longer looking out with hope and expectation for the coming of our Lord?
Jesus understands that we all have a life to live here. So much of what we do is important and demands our time and energy, but so does He. So, let us not forget to keep watching and waiting in joy and expectation, for He is coming again. We know not the day nor the hour, but we do know that a promise is a promise. What a wondrous and glorious day that will be when we see Him coming for His own — the faithful who are watching and waiting.
Prayer: Father God, You have placed us here on earth to be in the world but not of the world. Help us by Your grace and mercy to keep our relationship with Jesus Christ first and foremost in our everyday lives, that we might be found faithfully waiting and watching on that great day of His return. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.
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Thanks, Lynne. Let’s hope He comes soon!
One of the best minimum top 10 in last four years.
A great reminder, Lynne, on this snowy busy morning. God bless!
Very thought provoking
Thank you.
I have just one comment, AMEN.
Yes, Lynne. His return is our priority as is our work for Him! Love the most ordinary names for Frank and Marshall and treasure ALL your animal stories! Helps me. Many thanks.
Greetings Lynne,
Thanks for another special devotional. I love the names you have for your animals and how you integrate them into your writings. Yes, it is something we will never know, the date and time our Lord will come but we must be ever alert for that grand and glorious day of His arrival.
Blessings to you and your animals as you cope through these winter days.
Dear Lynne,
Thank you so much for that challenge to be ready and waiting. Your devotion is always well written and also very interesting.
hi Lynne,
Thank you for the wonderful word pictures you create as you write your devotionals. God speaks to us in so many ways and using so many avenues.
When we were young, our grandpa used to take my big sister and me on walks to the park in Northern Ireland and identify plants and flowers for us.
He also used to trek us to the ‘big library’ to get our dose of reading material. A gift of a lifetime!
Our dad was bedridden, so our granny was likely glad to be rid of her pesky grand-daughters for the morning!
We were so fortunate to have both sets of grandparents in walking distance, and so supportive of us as a family. A real god-gift!
Thanks, Lynne, for sharing this devotional with us. I could just picture that watchful goat! Yes, may we be just as vigilant! Blessings.
Dear Lynne,
Thank you for your beautiful Devotion. I do long to see the Lord!
I’m thankful He has not come back yet- we still have time to tell others about Jesus. May God be glorified through your Devotions!