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How is your health? This is a question that is frequently asked. It normally applies to our physical health, and we may be asked many times throughout our lives.
When my tenth great-grandchild arrived in October, there were many times when I was asked about his health. He was born with transposition of his great arteries, which meant that oxygen was not flowing properly. Within days, he had open-heart surgery that took over six hours. Fortunately, the brilliant staff at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, were successful in correcting the problem.
One morning after his operation, his parents were returning to the hospital after having spent a few hours resting at home. Speeding along the freeway at 130 kilometres per hour, they were stopped by a policeman. Tim immediately decided to agree that he was indeed exceeding the limit. He then explained where they were going and why they were rushing back to the hospital. He also produced a picture of his son, taken immediately following the surgery, that showed all the tubes keeping him alive.
The shocked police officer then said, "God bless you. My family and I will be praying for you." He then sent them on their way without a speeding ticket. Those prayers were answered, and on the six-week anniversary, it was a joy for me to hold him and observe him behaving like a baby his age should. His health is good.
Now, I live in a residence where many residents are in their nineties. Inquiries as to the state of our health are very common. From our birth to close to our death, our physical health is a topic of intense interest to us all.
Lately, there has also been increasing interest in mental health. Whereas it used to be avoided in discussion, it is now increasingly recognized as a legitimate illness.
I have been told that as many as seventy-five percent of our physical illnesses are psychosomatic. We are truly complex beings with a strong connection between our minds and our bodies.
But the most important question that should be asked is "How is your spiritual health?"
Whether we live nine days or ninety years, we can be sure that our physical bodies will waste away and die. Our mental faculties may or may not remain healthier than our physical body. But we can be absolutely positive that our spiritual dimension will be eternal.
Why God created us like He did is a great mystery. He allows our physical and mental health to deteriorate, but He desires our spiritual health to strengthen continually.
2 Corinthians 4:16 – Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. (NIV)
May we each strive to know Him better and to serve Him and others positively.
Prayer: Dear God, help us to be aware of our spiritual health. Help us to understand Your great love shown by the gift of Your Son, Christ Jesus. As we accept Him, may our health continue to strengthen. In His name, we pray. Amen.
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Very nicely put.
Excellent. Thanks for sharing.
So true, thanks and blessings, Vincent!
Wise words, Vincent. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, EXCELLENT devotional!
Thank you!
Thanks Vincent. I, too, live among many seniors and see the wisdom of your words.
God bless you, Vincent, for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Blessings.
Thank you for your very encouraging devotionals and I am sure you are a good example of Christian living to those around you. God bless you richly.
This was a touching devotional and congrats on the little one. God is so good.
Thinking of you and praying you have a great day.
God bless.
Dear Vincent,
Thank you for the wonderful reminder of spiritual health and I am glad that your great grandson is doing well physically and he has a very spiritual great grandad to help him with his spiritual one.
Thank you so much for your devotional and emphasis of keeping our spiritual health in focus. I read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb every day. I started that discipline and it is amazing. It just helps in keeping a 2020 vision for life. Also, Psalm 139:13-14 gives us a good insight about how we are knit together and fearfully and wonderfully made. God surely has a knitting plan and our doctors follow it in new ways all the time. Blessings.
How fortunate your great grandchild was born at this time in medical history my youngest sister born in 1940 had a ventricle problem they did not yet know what to do by the time she was 13 a surgery was perfected but she could not have the surgery as her body hand grown a part to sort of make up for it.
So, blessings on your great grandchild and his family.
Dear Vince,
Thank you for writing another very mindful devotional. Our spiritual health is definitely something to focus on continually. Good news hearing that your great-grandson had successful surgery. May he continue to do well and enjoy the Lord’s blessings far into the future.
Bless you Vince for the devotionals you write.
Thank you again for your contribution. I am celebrating the 105 birthday of my friend. She is still very alert and living in her own home and very alert although she now has help. I read her your devotion this morning as I do when I stay overnight with her and she also enjoyed it too.
When I started to read the verse from Ruth, she just repeated the words.
She has a great memory for both bible verses, poetry, music and all things going on around her.
Hi Vincent,
Thank you for the wonderful story about your grandchild. We have a wee girl at church who went through open-heart surgery at Sick Kids in Toronto too when she was just a few weeks old. She is such a blessing to us all. She is having surgery this week hopefully to correct a wandering eye. What a brave little girl! God has been and is so good to us. I hope all will continue to be well with your little on too.
I hope you are doing well. I really appreciate your Devotionals. I will certainly ponder on this one with the Lord.
God bless you and your family.
Thank you for your Devotion.
I’m amazed at how many Great- Grandchildren you are blessed with!
So thankful the Surgery was successful on your little One!
A Verse you shared, was one of the first Verses that came to my mind this Morning;
2 Corinthians 4:16 – Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. (Sadly, when I shared it with someone- they acted like I was saying something horrible.)
To me it was very uplifting!
God bless you always!
I want to tell you how immediate and heartfelt your devotional came to me when I read it. Thanks for your faithfulness, Vincent. Blessings on your grandson.