A New Beginning

Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Standing At The Portal Of The Opening Year"1 (Lyrics)

Each day when we awaken, we face a new beginning. If the day on the calendar is a 1, then that day is a new month. If it is January 1, then it is the beginning of a new year. 2020 is the start of a new decade.

Each beginning comes with an opportunity to make a difference, either positively or negatively.

The birth of a child is a new beginning in a very special way. In 2019, I was blessed with the arrival of four great-grandchildren. Each birth brings special joy, as well as opportunity for the parents. Even grandparents and great-grandparents are made to feel special.

While the arrival of each baby is unique, God has designed life so that each of us has a new day every day that we are alive.

One of my friends in the place where I live has seen many new days. He is closer to 100 than 90. While I am almost a decade younger than he is, he puts me to shame on many days.

If I meet him leaving his room for breakfast, he sometimes confides that it has been difficult to get up. But when he arrives at the breakfast area, he is so cheerful that you wouldn't think that he had an ache in his body.

Mike often says, "Good morning! Isn't this a beautiful day!"

A couple of years ago, he lost his wife of 70 years. He clearly faces physical challenges. He could have a negative outlook, but he reminds me of a familiar Bible verse:

Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. (NKJV)

Mike has chosen to be positive, and that positivity blesses others.

You and I are given a new day, every day. Some of us will have more days and some fewer. But every one of us faces the challenge of being a positive influence with everyone every day. The longer I live, the more I realize the difference that each one of us can make with other individuals.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You for the opportunity to serve You for another day in another month, another year, and another decade. Help each of us to be sensitive to others, and to share the love of Jesus in all that we do. In His name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Vincent Walter <vwalter@bell.net>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you, Vincent! Happy New Year!

    May it be so, Vincent. Happy New Year.

    Thank you so much! A great reminder for today, and every day!!

    Thanks, Vincent, for this encouragement and example as we make a new start.

    Thank you, Vincent, for a wonderful devotion today. Your personal story makes it so meaningful.

    Dear Vincent, Thank you for being an encouraging person to all of your
    readers. Many blessings.

    Thank you, Vincent, for sharing this devotional with us. May this upcoming year find you blessed. Blessings.

    Vincent – another great devotional. YOU are an inspiration to many with your continued ministry of devotionals. God Bless you.

    Beautiful start to our new day, year, decade. Thank you, Vincent, and may your new opportunities be plentiful, and your new joys be uplifting. God bless.

    Thank you again for your wonderful words of scripture.
    Hope you have a Happy and Healthy 2020

    What a beautiful writing. I have sent this to all my family as I know they will all enjoy it. Have a wonderful year.

    Thank you, Vincent, for today’s devotion about new beginnings and opportunities for this brand-new year. Happy New Year to you! May God bless you in many ways in 2020.

    Happy New Year Vincent!
    You are such a blessing to us all. May the Lord continue to bless you this year with the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Happy New Year Vincent. Wishing you many more happy and positive years, months and days. Thanks for your devotional.
    Thanks for the reminder to stay positive and be positive.

    You just get clearer and clearer as you send out these simple words, profound in their meaning. I look forward to your takes on family and where we fit into the family of God, Vincent. Thank you for your commitment and joyous living.

    Good morning Vincent,
    Thank you for your good words this morning, it is good to be positive and will enjoy the day that the Lord’s has made and be glad in it.

    Love your positive outlook. Not always easy. I fell recently but was checked out reminded I am older now and to be careful – not easy when you thought you were. Oh well I am ok nothing broken just some bruises.
    Thanks for your devotionals greatly like them.

    Dear Vincent
    Yes, I’ve been blessed to know both the miserable souls and those filled with joy…. who are an inspiration, what a difference! Now I do my best to banish negativity and focus on the positive… and to smile!

    Thank you for your devotional for today — another day that the Lord has made. You may be aware of the fact that the worship program, The Hour Of Power, has used that verse in their call to worship for 50 years. Have a great year in the Word of God. I love to read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb every day.

    Happy New Year Vince,
    A delight to read your devotional this morning. It is so true that the Lord gives us a fresh start at the beginning of each day, and we have the opportunity to make it a blessing to others thru showing and sharing the great love that Jesus pours out. In reading the devotionals you write it is easy to know that you are a true blessing and inspiration to those you are within the retirement home. May you be blessed with much joy and happiness each day of this new decade and beyond.

    Hello, Vincent.
    Loved your message but would like to inform you of a common misconception it included.
    Since the first decade of what we are now calling the common era included the years 1 through 10 (10 years in all), each successive decade begins on year with a number ending in 1 and ends with one ending in 0. Hence, the 203rd decade c. e. will begin in year 2021 and end at the end of 2030.
    Regards to both you and Mike and please keep up the good work.

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