In 1948, J. Calvin Reid published a collection of stories under the title Birdlife in Wington. Wington is an imaginary town, and all the characters are birds with very human qualities. One of my favourite Wington stories is about a … Read more
Archive for August, 2019
Hidden Imperfections
We have a wooden deck behind half of our house. It is a place where we can sit when the weather is good. It is about three feet (one metre) off the ground, with four steps at one end to take us down to the lawn, the vegetable garden, the … Read more
The Recipe
A lady I once worked with was complaining that her muffins never turned out. I shared that I had a no-fail recipe and would bring it in to work for her. She was quite pleased. I did take the recipe in, and she asked me if it was … Read more
Hot- And Cold-Running Christians
The sign read, "House for Rent. Hot and Cold Running Water." Though laughable now, there was a time when having indoor plumbing was a luxury that only the wealthy knew anything about. Water was drawn from a well or creek and was carried … Read more
Keep Your Word
I was blessed with parents who both followed the biblical instruction to keep their promises. While many such circumstances come to my mind, there are two that I will share with you. My father accepted a senior lay leadership role in … Read more
Slugs, Snails, And Flowers
Recently, the slugs and snails have been after my dahlias and lupines. I have been dismayed at how much damage can be done in such a short time over the mid-summer nights. Brutal has been the decimation, and total the annihilation of some … Read more
Alone In The Universe
This title, from a children's musical, reflects a common theme for kids' songs: the search for meaning in an unwelcoming world. Each year, I discover such lyrics through my involvement in Summer Music Camp. The lyrics may not resonate with … Read more
Serving As A Bad Example
In the spiritual life, there is an important action called "The Sacred Pause," part of two-way prayer. Before proceeding, we stop and ask God whether the way that we are heading is the way that He intends us to go. Then we pause ("The … Read more
Our Divine Inheritance Above
Each time we remembered one particular fellow whose inheritance of landed properties was unjustly taken away, the pains came like birth pangs. But his family chose the path of peace, allowed the sleeping dog to lie, and took solace in the … Read more
Bread And Other Stuff
My little terrier mix dog, Chewy, is a bottomless pit. He hops up and down excitedly as I place his bowl on the feeding mat. His grub vanishes in milliseconds before I've eaten a few bites of my own dinner. Then, he's at my feet … Read more
Come Sit By Me
Out of the mouths of babes! At the park, while watching Bubble Man move his apparatus so that the wind would blow hundreds of iridescent bubbles at a time, my great-granddaughter patted the grass, and said, "Come sit by me, Grammy." She … Read more
An Old Joke
Like most pastors, I'm often jokingly told that our jobs are easy because we work only one day a week. Usually, I laugh along with the person, who thinks that this is exceedingly funny, but within my heart, I'm actually weeping for myself … Read more
Grief Skills
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) buried his wife and two children in 1840. Grief paralyzed him. He gave up composing. The days were dark, and the nights were worse. Visits from his music agent did not help. As one of his visits was ending and … Read more
The Missing Word
The other day, I was doing a word puzzle and got stuck. I was looking for words that began with the letter "f". I turned my tablet sideways, as this gives me a different perspective, but still I had no success. I was just about to click … Read more
A Love Reaction To Racism
My husband Solomon and I have been living in Germany for many years as expatriates. I am British and Solomon is Nigerian. We are well integrated with the traditions and social intricacies of the German culture, and we speak the language … Read more
I am fortunate to live in a lovely home where all my needs are met. To serve the various interests of the residents, there are many activities, ranging from Blackjack to Bible study. The residence is privately owned and operated, and is … Read more
You're Still God
When our oldest son passed away due to illness, I wrote the song, "You're Still God". You can click here to listen to a recording of it. You're still God in the midst of the trembling quake You're still God even when our heart breaks … Read more
Getting shoppers sidetracked is a retailer's dream come true. Moving isn't fun, but we had no choice. After a long day of sweating in the hot, humid temperatures of a South Carolina August, my wife and I showered and readied ourselves to … Read more
Playing Church
When I was five and my brother was four, we'd play church. We dressed up just like the grownups. My brother was the minister, and I was the organist. He'd stand on the kitchen table with a book in his hands (often upside-down) and preach … Read more
An Open Palm
The open palm of the hand is generally understood as an indication of trust and surrender. It shows peaceful acceptance and acquiescence. In the Christian world, a raised, open palm is also a sign of adoration and praise to God. Its … Read more
Divine Regard For The Needy
Schooling with inadequate funds comes with its own peculiar challenges. Years ago, I was a poor student on campus, and life was not friendly with me then. My pocket money for the month was less than fifty dollars. Out of this little … Read more
Exploding Doormat
A friend told me that he was looking for a new therapist. "I thought you were happy with the one you had," I said. "Oh, I can't go back to him," he said. "When I thanked him for helping me, he replied that talking to me had been a … Read more
Setting Fear Aside
Some years back, we were driving home to British Columbia from our daughter's place in Alberta. Having headed out much later than planned due to a family emergency, my husband decided to stray onto an unfamiliar route. This seemed like a … Read more
He My Daddy
I had been teaching my bright-eyed granddaughter about Jesus. She looked at a poster of Him and the children gathered about Him, and she pointed out representations of her and her brother in the picture. During a recent visit, she pointed … Read more
When Storms Rumble
When summer thunderstorms roll, my wee dog Chewy knows that one is coming and cringes at my feet, petrified. Earlier today, when a t-boomer shook the windowpanes, he was right between my feet, cringing. This afternoon, he's still there, … Read more
Sharing God's Grace
As I ponder this journey called "life", I wonder what on earth God has in store for me. What possible purpose does He have for me that I would still be here, while my Bob, who had a clear calling to share his faith through music, both … Read more
A Modern Parable
Margaret Fishback Powers is the author of the poem Footprints in the Sand. The poem appears on pillows, cups, and posters. The theme of the poem is that Jesus is the caring one. Lillian Daniel has a contemporary version of a similar … Read more
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