Opening The Gate

Sunday, November 24, 2019
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Listen while you read: "Love Lifted Me"1 (Lyrics)

2 Peter 1:11 – And God will open wide the gates of heaven for you to enter into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (TLB)

Long ago, I learned that there is a special key for every lock. When opening the gate to my dad's logging road, I tried the key that I'd last used, but it did not work. I went home and he gave me a new key because the lock had been changed. After that, only the new key worked. A key and lock must have matching characteristics for the lock to open.

When we try the gate of heaven, there is a very special key that fits the lock on eternity. By God's favour, he made clear that Jesus Christ is the only key to forgiveness of sins and eternal life. We are all invited to enter through Him, but we must first repent of our sins and believe that Christ suffered, bled, and died for the sins of the world, that He rose again, and that He is our Lord. The characteristics of God and Jesus perfectly match one another to fulfill God's purpose. It is by God's grace through Jesus Christ that we are saved.

As my dad indicated that he had changed the lock on the gate to his property, so God revealed that Jesus is the key to the lock on the gate to heaven. The key opens the lock because of His gift to us when we have faith in Him, not because of our good works. Of course, we serve God and do works of service to others out of our love for Christ, but only by His grace is the barrier to heaven unlocked. God and Christ are fundamental to one another. We cannot earn salvation because God is the lock and Christ is the key. Do you have the right key?

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for sending Jesus Christ to show Your incredible love for Your children and to teach us that we cannot earn our way to Your favour. May we all repent, be saved, and enter Your eternal kingdom. Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Yes, AMEN!

    Amen, Karen.

    Very Well said!! Thank-you for sharing your vision.

    Amen Karen, great analogy.

    Thank you, Karen, for sharing this instructive devotional with us. Blessings.

    What a well-written, clearly stated devotional you have written! I hope and pray that many will read your concise analogy and ‘get the right key’! Thanks for sharing!

    Hi Karen,
    Thank you for this very good devotional. You have described a great analogy of a key and lock and the necessary “key” to enter heaven.
    Bless you for writing on this subject.

    Dear Karen,
    Thank you for a real gospel message.
    Keep writing.

    Dear Kare Milam,
    You have given us a very fine gospel message. Please continue to write, for Jesus” sake.

    Dear Sister Karen,
    I used to go to a different Church. I knew about Jesus – but didn’t really know Him. I’m thankful to Know Jesus now!
    Your devotion clearly lines up with the Gospel- it’s all about what Jesus Did on the Cross, not what we can do. All of our works are as filthy rags. I hope you continue writing!

    Hi Karen,
    Good devotional about Christ being the key to open our way to God.
    Thank you for writing.

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