The Lettuce

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "A Shelter In The Time Of Storm"1 (Lyrics)

Hebrews 4:16 – Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (NIV)

As I grabbed my ringing telephone, I heard my daughter saying that Frank was in the greenhouse. Dropping the receiver, I made a dash out of the house, arrived at the greenhouse, and confirmed that Frank had indeed broken in and was contently munching all the tender lettuce plants down to their roots.

Frank is my miniature horse. He is extremely nosy and very determined. Unaware of my arrival, he was chomping away when I asked him what he was doing. He almost leapt out of his skin, and then gave me one of the guiltiest looks that I had ever seen. Who knew? A horse could look guilty? Not I until I caught him red-handed.

Trying not to laugh at this unexpected reaction, I chastised him and pointed my finger for him to get out, which he at least had the humility to obey.

Frank is not the only one who gets caught out in his sin, though. The Holy Spirit is pretty adept at catching me, as well, and then pointing the way out and the way to go. The way out and forward is through God's grace in Christ — grace which allows me to acknowledge my sin, to be forgiven of both it and the guilt of it, and then to go forward with a clean slate to set things as right as possible concerning the situation. It's not that I deserve forgiveness, because God's grace is undeserved. He extends it freely to all those who trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Ephesians 2:8 – For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. (NIV)

This marvellous gift of grace is something that I am becoming more and more aware of as I age, due to the fact that I am often awake during the night. During those periods of wakefulness, the Holy Spirit brings to mind occurrences of sin from years before, even though I was often not aware that they were sin at the time. They are not huge things, but rather those everyday instances when I did not love my neighbour as myself. I acted hastily, rudely, in an unthinking and unkind manner. I did not take the time to help when I could and should have. I used harsh words or a manner that was totally uncalled for. I left undone what I should have done. All these things I either justified at the time or was simply blind to. Yet, God was aware of them, and because He loves me so much, He wants me to be holy in Christ, which also means becoming aware of any ungodliness within and dealing with it, through His grace, which I am obediently doing step by step, as He lovingly catches me out.

How about you? What does God's grace mean to you? How aware of it are you in your daily life? Have you been saved by grace, through faith — and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God. And if not, ask yourself, why not?

One day, we will each be found out, much like I found Frank out. Our life will come to its earthly end, and we shall stand before God. How we have accepted or refused His grace in Christ will be the judge of our eternity.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your grace through Jesus Christ. Thank You that it is always available to us through faith, that we might not only be forgiven of our sins but also the guilt of them, which is so often the cause of depression, discouragement, and hopelessness. May each of us learn to accept and rest in that grace, that we might become more and more like You. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Great post, Lynne. Very insightful. Blessings!

    Thanks, Lynn. A good insight on those middle of the night moments.

    Dear Lynne
    “Frankly”, this is just one of the very best!
    May the Lord continue to bless you as you are such a blessing to others.

    I always enjoy your devotions. I imagine you out in your beautiful mountains.
    I am in Ont., live in the city, but have a cottage on Beautiful Georgian Bay.
    God bless.

    O how I LOVED the Frank Story and how it sticks in the brain and how I knew it was you the moment you mentioned Frank! Thank you so much and for your prayers.
    I hope someday you write your memoirs.

    Great story.
    Bedtime is also a time when God gives insight and direction
    I think it is because we have turned down our noisy mind and can then hear “the still small voice” more clearly.

    Good Morning Lynne, Thank you for today’s devotional. Just for my own information, it’s been my understanding that horses cannot digest lettuce, and indeed, several years back, an acquaintance lost her horse due to eating lettuce. Does it not affect miniatures the same?

    Thanks, Lynne, for sharing. I also have in the middle of the night been awake recalling or identifying for the first-time previous events/ times that I feel regret or guilt. Thank God for the gift of mercy and forgiving grace, especially for those times I have difficulty forgiving myself.
    May God continue to bless you.

    I just read about Frank enjoying your lettuce and you catching him in the act. I had a hunch Frank belonged to you Lynne as I started to read. Another rich devotional you have been guided to write by God. What grace He gives you to write what He wants His children to read. I wonder what He will have you write next. May He continue to bless you abundantly Lynne.

    Good morning Lynn,
    That must be an age thing, I often think of the things I did wrong, even many, many years ago.
    It is good to know that in Christ we are forgiven. I just hope that the people I have hurt do not recall these acts and possibly still dislike me because of it.
    Thank you for writing.

    Good morning Lynne,
    Thank you for another special devotional. Oh, where would we be without faith in God’s grace of forgiveness! I agree that as we age and reflect on some of the misdeeds of our past, we have greater realization of the love our Lord pours out on us through God’s grace. Loved the story of your little pony.
    Blessings for the meaningful writings you do.

    Hi Lynne.
    What a chuckle you provided with your story of Frank! I so admire your ability to personify your animals, using them as analogies in your lessons of how we should live and believe. Poor Frank!
    Keep on providing your readers with valuable lessons while also being entertaining in your writing. “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”

    Hi Lynne,
    Oh, l do love reading about Frank’s adventures!
    This is such a great devotional on the conviction of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace – and so beautifully written, as all your devotionals are.
    In the last three years, my husband and l have been so blessed by the grace of God in ways we never would have believed. And still today, He continues to show us grace when we least deserve it. What a wonderful God we serve!

    Hi Lynne,
    God bless you as you continue to write for Him.

    Dear Lynne,
    Thank you for a devotional that blesses from first to last words.
    I pray for your health and strength in the “far north” that might not seem so far to you.
    I pray for God’s blessings for you and hope to see more from you.
    God bless you.

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