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Listen while you read: "Open My Eyes That I May See"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 12:22-26 – Then turning to his disciples, [Jesus] said, "Don't worry about whether you have enough food to eat or clothes to wear. For life consists of far more than food and clothes. Look at the ravens — they don't plant or harvest or have barns to store away their food, and yet they get along all right — for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! And besides, what's the use of worrying? What good does it do? Will it add a single day to your life? Of course not! And if worry can't even do such little things as that, what's the use of worrying over bigger things?" (TLB)

Lately, my life has become one big worry. Off work on medical leave, I worry about how I will feed my family and pay the rent and bills. Not knowing what the future will hold is very difficult. I am very much aware that we Christians are to trust God to provide what is necessary for us. I know that worry is like a rocking chair: it gives us something to do, but it doesn't get us anywhere. It is true that although we don't know what the future holds, we do know who holds the future. However, I can't talk the talk if I can't walk the walk. To call myself a believer and to truly follow God's plan is to trust that He is totally in control of my life — and yours!

Jesus asks the question, "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" The answer is, of course, they can't. Let us all try to put aside our worries about the future. The only day that we have is today. Let us learn to trust in God's plan and be open to the miracles that He brings. In the face of our worries and fears, it would be helpful to thank God that He is in control and to memorize and repeat this Scripture verse:

2 Timothy 1:7 – For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (NKJV)

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to trust in You and be open to the daily miracles that are all around us. Amen.

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About the author:

Andrew DeShaw <>
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good one.

    Thanks for sharing, Andrew.

    Thanks, Andrew for such a good reminder. We hope you will keep writing.

    Great post and reminder about worry, Andrew. Sending prayers your way for a return to good health!

    Prayers for you for healing and peace as well the support of your family!

    Thank you for this devotional. What a wonderful reminder.
    (QC, CANADA)

    Hello Andrew,
    Thanks, I needed to be reminded of this, “not to worry”.
    Cheers and God bless,

    Your verse today has been a solace to me many, many times over my lifetime. Those words never change, but it is still hard sometimes to keep moving when circumstances seem daunting.
    Blessings to you, Andrew.

    Your devotional is so timely and appropriate for the circumstances we both face at the moment. How wonderful it is to have the opportunity to share these events and situations with others also walking in faith. Blessings on your today as it unfolds in God’s hands and in your tomorrow. God is already there.

    Thanks, Andrew, for a good reminder. Worry can be such a worry! And a constant struggle to stay on top of when difficulties real or perceived arise. Recognizing it is a blessing from the Holy Spirit as then we have the choice and power to begin dealing with it by refocusing our energy from the negative to the positive in Christ.

    Hello Andrew,
    Thank you for this submission to the devotionals. It is so true that worry gets us nowhere but trust in God gives us great reassurance. The scripture you quoted from 2 Timothy is very positive and a good one to keep in mind.
    Blessings upon you.

    Dear Andrew,
    Thank you for sharing so honestly about your situation and feelings. It is so true that worry does not help us, and they have shown that when we handle stress poorly, we are damaging our body. It is easier to understand this but harder to practice it. God is walking beside you on your journey and will guide you to a good outcome. May you replace worry with contentment and peace.

    Hi Andrew;
    Your devotional touched my heart. Thank you for sharing of your life. Well written.
    I too have been worrying about health – mine and others.
    I have been studying the Book of Ruth which speaks to God’s steadfastness and complete provision. Do read it and be encouraged.
    Somedays life is hard, hang in there. God knows and cares for you.
    We are in Him.

    Hello Andrew
    Thank you for your devotional both personal and encouraging. Yes, even Christians go through storms but it sure is comforting to know we do not go through the storm alone.
    When I have been down, I amuse myself by thinking of all the possibilities and all good ones, that God is panning for me. How, in His divine love and knowledge, He knows exactly what and when I need whatever it is. God is faithful!!
    God bless.

    Thanks, Andrew, for this reminder to trust in all things.

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope you are able to set aside the worry and simply “abide.” I am learning to remember each time I begin to worry that HE knows every need and answers in HIS perfect timing.

    Hi Andrew,
    I am in the exact same position as you and l understand the concerns you have. In this season, God has been providing for my husband and l again and again – in ways we never would have believed. Even today, God gave me favour at the supermarket, when l was short of cash.
    He will provide for you and your family too. l am a living breathing example of it! Since l have been on medical leave, God has paid every bill and monthly rent payment – without fail! Praise be to God!
    l suggest you share your testimonies of God’s provision with others – it will encourage them, for many understand the situation you are currently in. Maybe God wants to use this season for you to not only grow in your trust and faith in Him, but to also encourage others in their faith walk.

    Dear Andrew De Shaw,
    I pray that you have the best care possible.
    I pray for the best for you.

    Only the Lord could work it that such a message would come to us through this source today. May God be with you as you read it.

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