When Storms Rumble

Sunday, August 4, 2019
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Job 36:33 – His thunder announces the coming storm; even the cattle make known its approach. (NIV)

When summer thunderstorms roll, my wee dog Chewy knows that one is coming and cringes at my feet, petrified. Earlier today, when a t-boomer shook the windowpanes, he was right between my feet, cringing. This afternoon, he's still there, since more storms rumble in the distance.

Last night, while thunder rumbled and rain pelted down, all he wanted was to be next to me. He whined, paws on the edge of the bed. He leapt up to be snuggled, trembling in every fibre of his little being. Cradled next to me, he shook until the storm finally rolled away to the east. Then, he scooted to the foot of the bed, curled up, and slept. That's when I finally got some shut-eye, too.

A short while ago, as I looked at Chewy, the Lord seemed to be telling me that there's a lesson in his behaviour.

As Chewy looks to me for protection, comfort, and companionship, even so Jesus wants us to look to Him. As I hug Chewy when a storm blows, even so, Jesus wraps His invisible loving arms around us, hugging us.

When we're in need of protection, Jesus is our safe shelter and our sure defence in times of trouble. When we're hurting from the loss of someone we love or from losing employment (or even a baseball game), He's our comforter. When we're feeling lonely, down in the dumps, or otherwise in a funky mood, He's there, right beside us, walking with us, even ahead of us, clearing the way.

Through His Holy Spirit, He's our sure companion. He's our helper, our rescuer, especially when everything falls apart around us. Yes, Jesus is that and a whole lot more. He's our Saviour! Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are assured of a blessed life here and an eternity with Him in heaven.

So, when the storms of life roll through, when illness strikes us down, when jobs are lost, or someone we love dies, Jesus is the One who puts His arm around our shoulders, letting us lean on Him while we walk together through the troubles that come.

When everything falls apart around us, Jesus is always available to help us.

Prayer: Lord God, may we always turn to You for help and comfort when everything in life falls apart around us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Cassandra Wessel <casswessel4319@gmail.com>
Tionesta, Pennsylvania, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Amen, Cass.

    Thank you for your positive thoughts.

    Thank you, Cassandra, for this encouraging word.

    Hi Cass,
    I wanted to say thank you for your message today, of hope, comfort, and assurance.

    A lovely devotional today Cassandra. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    Blessings on your day!
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Greetings Cassandra,
    Thank you for this very meaningful devotional. We believers must be ever thankful that our Lord is ever with us to comfort and strengthen us through whatever “storms” we must face. Your writing today is much appreciated.

    Oh Cass, What a helpful devotional. I sure identified with Chewy as I travel this grief journey/storm. I could sense Jesus’ invisible arms around me as I sat crying in the airport before the flight took off (reliving my airport experience when lost my husband and I had to fly home alone).
    THEN a lady nearby saw my tears and came and comforted me as she recognized the ‘signs’. She too had lost her husband (though a few years ago). She teared up as she shared with me but also was such an assurance to me that it will get ‘softer’.
    She became Christ’s arms and heart as she showed His Love to me and for me.
    Visible through caring people and yet invisible …. Great is our God, Saviour, Comforter and greatly to be praised.

    Thank you, Cass. These words are exactly what I need to remind me that my Lord is no further than a breath away.
    Your description of Chewy’s reaction to the storm took me back to how my beloved dog reacted in storms and how he drew comfort from cuddling in my arms. While he has gone to doggy heaven for some time, the memories will always be with me.
    In the same manner I continue to “cuddle up” close to my Lord Jesus whose loving arms are always there waiting to reassure me that He will never leave me or forsake me.
    For a wide variety of reasons (largely health issues), I have been housebound for over a year, and My Lord’s constant presence comforts and encourages me.
    I am so thankful that He walks and talks with me 24/7 and I praise His Name continually as He teaches me to lean on Him and draw strength from His Presence and His Word.
    Many blessings!

    Thank you!

    Beautiful devotional. Sounds so much like Daisy and me

    Dear Cassandra,
    Thank you for speaking of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    Hi Cassandra,
    Chewy sounds like a dear sweet little companion!
    Thank you for this message of Jesus’ protection when we need comfort.

    Hi Cassandra,
    True words indeed, thank you for writing.

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