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1 John 4:7a – Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. (NLT)
Psalm 36:7a – How precious is your unfailing love, O God! (NLT)
I purchased a new clock, and its ticking seems loud to my husband. I am not bothered because I am hearing impaired. Whenever he mumbles "Tick, tock …" under his breath, I am reminded of nights spent with my grandmother.
I often stayed with her and shared her bed. Snuggled under wool blankets and feather eiderdown, feet on a hot water bottle, I was fascinated by her nightly routine. She removed several layers of clothing: knitted wool cardigan, dress, nylon petticoat, bone corsets, and stockings held up with rubber bands. A long flannel nightgown went over her "unmentionables". Then she rolled her hair in curlers and creamed her face.
I giggled when the bed rocked and creaked as she climbed in, shivering. There were no kisses, hugs, or prayers. She snored gently while I lay warm and cozy, listening to the clock, tick, tock …, lulling me to sleep.
I clearly remember these details and more, because I loved staying with Nan. She was my favourite person. When I told her that I was moving to Canada, she simply said, "Good for you, girl." It never occurred to me that her heart was probably breaking. In her last Christmas card to me, she wrote, "I have not forgot you. Love, Nan xx"
She did not have to tell me that she loved me; I always knew that. Nor do I hear God's voice saying that He loves me — but I know. Our heavenly Father sent His Son to die for us — what greater love is there? We can know that He loves us by the love shown in our own families. The joys and sorrows that human beings share, the help that we give, using our gifts to bless others — all point to a loving God.
We see God's love in the order of a world where season follows season. God doesn't provide just our food, but also a never-ending array of flowers and colours for no other reason than to thrill us. He proves His love for us in a thousand different ways.
Are you worried that time is running out? With hair turning white, no amount of cream halts the wrinkles. The world seems to be in such turmoil that it cannot last much longer. Yes, the clock is ticking. But if we know and love God, we don't have to worry. God will never forget us. The Bible tells us that "His love endures forever." (Psalm 136)
1 John 2:17 – And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever. (NLT)
Jude 1:21 – Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. (NIV)
Tick, tock … . The clock will stop one day. Let us not put off our decision to invite Christ into our heart until it's too late.
Prayer: Father in heaven, You lavish great love upon us! Come into each one of our hearts and help us to love others — and to love You most of all, so that we can spend eternity with You. Amen.
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Great story and challenge, JJ.
Great devotional today JJ thanks for writing and sharing.
Amen JJ. Well said!
Well said, JJ! Thanks for sharing this devotional with us. Blessings.
Memorable, J.J. Lovely memory of loving and being loved. Helps me.
What an inspiring thought for the day and for our life. Thanks be to God for people like you.
Thank you, JJ, for this assurance. It also made me remember good times with my grandmother.
Hello JJ,
Thank you for sharing such sweet memories of your times with your grandmother and reminding us that our God is always with us, now and through eternity.
Thank you for sharing such a loved filled devotional. I just took my granddaughter out to celebrate her birthday. It is an honour when your young adult granddaughter makes time for you and is showing you her love. Thank you for sharing your love and her love for you.
What a lovely, simple devotional. We are doing a Lenten study “Who is Jesus”, at the first session we were asked to share a hymn selection that makes us think of Jesus. The first one mentioned “Jesus loves me, this I know” resounded with all at the study.
Thank you for your devotional.
What a lovely message. I too had a dear Aunt who reminds me of your Nan and when her sister and family moved to Canada, I am sure it broke her heart. Thankfully we had numerous visits to see her as we grew and travelled. She lived to 95 and has had a great impact on my life. She too loved in an undemonstrative manner. That was the way in her cultural and religious situation. However, she was a great Christian and I have benefitted immensely from her example! Thanks for sharing.
Another great devotional my friend.
I too had a grandmother I cherished, and I called her Nanny, loved staying overnight. She was my mom’s mom. She wrote poetry.
This gives a person such comfort when they know God loves them and the joy He can give no matter what is going on around us.
Thank God!!!
What a beautiful memory of your Nan!
You reminded me of how blessed I am to have had known my paternal grandmother till she died when I was about 8.
She and my mom worked together and told stories and had sayings that summarized almost every event.
Almost eight decades later I still find myself repeating them.
Love this devotional. So very true.