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Hebrews 12:1-2a – Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. (ESV)
As Heraclitus is purported to have once said, "The only constant in life is change." So it is that I have had to face up to the fact that I have been writing devotionals for myself and the PresbyCan Daily since May, 2001. Like many, I am getting older.
It started so simply. As I wrote them, I sent them in, and then, I published them on my blog in HTML3/4. After some editing by the PresbyCan Daily editor, and the occasional rewrite, as of today over the intervening seventeen years, there are so far 221 published by Daily, and a few more up my sleeve for 2019 on the way.
Anyway, my scripting had become so old-fashioned that my webhost's nanny scripts necessitated me to let go of the old design scripts, redesign the homepage, and redo it, chopping it up into 240+ pieces.
The outcome is now that my blog
However, on checking out my new webpage, I found that some dead links failed because there were more than a few tired mistakes that needed to be corrected to make them work. More haste, less speed.
One slight error would mean that you get a message that says, "Sorry, I cannot find the page you are looking for", with a link to go back to the home page. Ho hum.
I spent a further several hours going through the lines of code once more, one by one, sifting out the flaws that the website host's code engine said were there to be found. I found them, checked them again, and found some more.
Thanks to PresbyCan Daily's author search engine, I have added an extra list of devotionals in chronological order as well as alphabetical.
Now it serves as a journal of my walk with God, somewhat like a John Bunyan travelogue over the years. Wonderfully, the words talk afresh and remind me of the enormity of what God has done, both then and now. I can be thankful for how He has saved, healed, directed, blessed, and restored me.
Yes, God continues to correct my flaws one by one, line by line, gradually getting rid of the old code. Not forgetting the past, I am able to witness to the efficacy of His love in the time remaining.
Be of good cheer! God continues to restore and comfort all those who continue being open to His influence to guide our path and who allow His love to produce fruit. Maybe you should share it!
Prayer: Lord, thank You that Your view of us is perfect. You see past our flaws and dead links. Please enable us to hear and see what You wish us to hear, know, and do today. Send us out in the power of Your name, the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Well written. Thank you.
What a devotional this morning.
A wonderful heritage to leave behind.
Working on clearing out my code as well! Thanks.
Amen Rod. Thanks for a good word today.
Rod: how blessed we readers are by your honesty and endurance.
Thank you, Rod, for your faithfulness and inspiration through the years.
Dear Roderick Marshall,
Have you considered having a book printed?
Thank you. As a fellow ‘old timer’ I particularly enjoyed you message today.
(Ontario, Canada)
We appreciate all your very hard work! Thanks to you, millions have heard God’s Word. Well done, good and faithful servant!
Yes, and I have been with you all the way. I really am not sure when I started reading the Daily Devotional, but I do remember, and praise God, for all He has done through this medium. Thank you for your faithfulness in continuing to write for it.
Thank you, Rod, for sharing your devotional journey with us. I’m amazed anyone can make sense from computer codes, but very grateful for those, like yourself, who have that knowledge. Keep on keeping on, my devotional writing friend. Blessings.
Thank you for your wonderful devotionals over the years. I always feel blessed when you do so. You present God as our loving father who looks beyond our many faults and loves us still. May God continue to bless you as you witness to his forgiving grace.
So nice to hear from you. The devotionals are always good to read. It is a blessing every morning and I appreciate every one of them. Matter of fact, since I have been reading them I have saved almost every one of them on my computer. Thanks again.
Hi Rod
I always enjoy your Daily Devotional contributions, but have been curious to know why someone in Cheltenham contributes to a Presbyterian website in Canada?? Interesting.
Best wishes and Blessings from an ex-pat Scot now living & worshiping in Ontario.
Hello Rod,
Thank you for this devotional and many thanks for your devotion to writing and contributing your writings over the years. Technology changes throughout time but our precious Lord remains constant and true with His unending love and concern for us.
Thanks for writing the devotions over the years and I hope you keep it up for many years. I have enjoyed your honesty and insight which has helped me on my faith journey.
Hi Rod,
Loved the examples you used in your Code devotional, thank you, and thank you ever so much for your faithfulness in writing and sharing devotionals all these many years! God bless you.