Best Before

Monday, February 4, 2019
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 90:10 – The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (KJV)

Although I have almost completed fourscore and six years, some of you reading this will be even further along than I am on the runway of life. However, most of you will have more time before you take off and "fly away".

When shopping at a produce store, have you noticed how frequently products are shown with a "best before" date? As I ponder this, I realize that there are three aspects of life — physical, mental, and spiritual — and in the first two, I know that I have passed my "best before" date!

However, in the third and most important aspect, it is quite a different story. I remember very clearly a Sunday in 1940 when I asked for God's forgiveness and committed my life for service to Jesus Christ.

While there have been ups and downs along the way, since then, I have progressed with continuous growth and opportunities to serve. I am confident that I am stronger spiritually today than I have ever been.

We can't change the past. The days before today are history. All that matters, as we race down the runway of life before lift-off, is what we do with what remains of our life.

It is impossible for me to know the avenues of service available for each of us in the days that remain to us. May God help you and me to do our best to love Him and serve others in the days that lie ahead.

On my wall there hangs a plaque that reads:

    Only one life,
    'Twill soon be past.
    Only what's done
    For Christ will last.
    "To me to live is Christ."

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, as an atonement for our sins. Help us to continue to grow spiritually as we serve You until we lift off at the end of our journey here on earth. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Vincent Walter <>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you.

    Amen to that!

    Amen Vincent. Great analogy!

    Thank you, Walter for a very special devotion today.

    God bless you, Vincent. A great testimony and challenge.

    Thank you Vincent for such a good reminder for us all of what is really important.

    One of the best, from the heart messages, I have read. Thank you for your sharing.

    So true!!

    Thank you for your encouraging devotional.

    I have a way to go but I hope if I reach you age I have as much wisdom as you, Vincent. God bless!

    Great analogy and encouraging thoughts, Vincent.
    Thank you.

    Vincent, my mother had a plaque with that very same phrase. She lived that verse! Thanks for sharing this devotional with us. Blessings.

    I never tire of reading your devotionals. They are always just as special as you are. Thank you so much for contributing to our spiritual growth.

    Dear Vincent – thank you for your continued ministry to the Presbyterian Devotionals. God is still using your faith to reach out to others. God Bless you.

    Thanks, Vincent. I love that phrase “runway of life”. I, too, see the increase in spiritual strength while the other declines.

    Good Morning Vincent,
    Once again you have written a devotional that is most effective and obviously heartfelt. Thank you.

    I always love to see your name coming up as author when I click on my Daily Devotional. Your truth, honesty and wit continually bless my days. Grateful that you keep on writing.

    Thanks so much for today’s devotional, Walter.
    That was my father’s life verse.
    May God continue to strengthen you each day for the work He still has for you.

    Dear Vincent, Thank you for the inspiring and thought-provoking devotional. I am glad that you had that powerful Sunday in 1940 and have grown spiritually ever since. May we all be blessed with a powerful desire to serve God as we travel towards our “best before” date. Blessings.

    Thank you for your devotional, and thanks for sharing your age. This passage has become a favorite of mine in celebrating 90th birthdays with friends. The Psalms are special for me, and I am numbering my days as I also celebrate my 87th soon, and I’m with you on reading more scriptures now than ever.

    Dear Vincent,
    It is always a pleasure – and an encouragement and challenge – to read your devotionals! Thank you for this one, and I indeed join you in this prayer.

    I enjoyed the devotional you shared today Vincent. A lovely analogy about life in the here and now. Thank you. I am in my 89th year, standing at the gate waiting for “take-off”, and I realize it is all in His timing. In the meantime, as you mentioned, one is still able to love and serve.

    Very good devotional. I just celebrated my 3score and 10 birthday. My family threw a big party. It was a fun occasion but sure hit me I’ve now lived my biblical years. You and I can both look back Vince at wonderful years of service opportunities in our lives and each day now still look for opportunities to serve him. It never stops but changes form. Have a great day this Monday my friend!

    Dear Vince,
    Many thanks for another special devotional and may the Lord’s blessings prevail over you now and in the time to come for your dedicated service to Him. The light of Christ in your life Is certainly a beacon in our world and a message to all of us.
    Blessings always,

    Dear Mr. Walter,
    What a beautiful analogy. I could feel my own stages of life as I read this devotion and apply my own experience as I read. What an encouragement, and we can know that we have “avenues” of life yet to be filled in. What a Lord we have to atone for our sins so we are ready for service until we “fly away.”

    SHALOM Vincent
    A short poem I memorized from a Church sign I read sixty years ago.
    Life is filled with toil and trouble,
    Two things only stand like stone:
    Kindness in another’s trouble,
    And courage in your own.

    Dear Vincent Walter,
    I like your use of “Fly away.”
    Yes, I’m soon to see the last days of age 88.
    I’m thankful for what I still have and can use in the Kingdom of God.
    My prayer: “Lord help us to use our gifts for the expansion of your Kingdom.
    God thank you and use me for your glory. Amen.”
    Keep writing, Vincent Walter.
    For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

    Good morning, Vince:
    Just wanted to thank you for your devotional this morning. While I may not be quite as far along the runway as you have shared, I did reach my three score and ten in December, and with that celebration came the poignant reminder that my runway is also quickly slipping away! I have thought almost daily about the time left to me in God’s planning. We are but a breath on this planet to Him, aren’t we?
    So thanks again for the reminder that each day is important in our lives in influencing others for good and for building bridges with those we love and with those who may slide off the runway if we haven’t shared our faith with them.
    God bless you as you continue to pack up for your trip!

    Mr Walters. You sound like a really cool guy. Blessed, for sure. My husband recently flew away one night in his sleep. Just how he wanted it. What I would give to have him home for another three score years. I’ve noticed of those who leave life early is that their heart is ready. He had a lot of life in him. Now he is extremely excited to be in his new forever home. His heart was ready to fly. This world had not a lot to offer him.
    I look forward to our next meet up. Bless you some more, Mr. Walters.

    Good morning!
    Feeling a little more vulnerable lately while waiting for yet more medical testing and soon to have that “three score and ten” birthday, this devotional really spoke to me.
    Thank you for your devotionals which you are so beautifully sharing with us as you/we travel down that runway, getting ready for take-off!
    Praise the Lord, you/we are not flying solo!
    What a wonderful destination we’re looking forward to when we get the word from the control tower.
    May we continue in His strength to live for Him and bring Him honour and glory.

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