
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing"1 (Lyrics)

1 Peter 1:7-9 – These [trials] have come so that your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (NIV)

As those who journey in the kingdom of God, we can rejoice that God is with us always. So, when I wake up in the morning, I say, "Morning, Lord!" (or something similar) and pour out my mind upon Him with my thoughts for the day. Those who are in a relationship want to talk to their partner. Then, at some point, I try to remember that He is actually God, worthy of my praise and worship, and not just my companion for the day ahead.

I reflected today on how I used to want to win a million pounds so that I could give the money away to good causes. The discussion would be something like this:

"If I were to win a million pounds, I could give 100 percent of it away and help those in need." I did not hear God's reply, so I continued: "I know that my wife would not look kindly on me, giving away all of the cash when we are in debt to the mortgage company." Covetousness would sneak up on me from the nether regions and I would say, "So how about if we gave away 90 percent of the million pounds and we keep 10 percent to pay off our debts and have enough for a new car and a holiday?" Then, I would say, "But I know that it would be hard for me to give 900,000 pounds away without giving some to my children, so how about 20 percent for us and 80 percent for good causes, etc.?"

By this time, I would realize that I was sunk and would give up asking, in the knowledge that I could not be entrusted with money that would first become mine, because I would want to own it and spend it, rather than allow God to flow through the giving.

In reality, we do not own money, because the value of any paper money that we possess is not inherent; it carries an authority as currency which is recognized as binding. We use it, if we have any, to trade, receive, or give away. Now, we have digital as well as paper money, no longer with intrinsic worth, unlike the original copper, silver, and gold lumps of metal, which, several millennia later, are still traded as desirable.

I am reminded how God gave us His Son, Jesus, sent into the world to bring us back to Him. The value of this Jesus kingdom is innate and always with those who are willing to receive it.

As Christians, we are recipients of this free gift of grace, winners as a part of the kingdom of God on earth. We have Jesus abiding with us always via the Holy Spirit. We are tasked with giving away this good news of grace, witnessing to our life-changing salvation. We are entrusted with something of greater worth than mere currency.

Prayer: Lord, we rejoice that You have set us free from sin and taken us to be a part of Your kingdom here on earth and in heaven. Grant us wisdom and boldness to share Your story and give away the joy of the good news. Be with us as we pray for all those we can, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for your daily devotion. It is very good.

    Thanks, Rod. I’ve nurtured these exact same thoughts at times!

    Thanks for the encouraging thoughts, Rod. Have a happy new year.

    Warm greetings to you and your family from your Canadian friends. I always appreciate your devotionals.

    Dear Rod,
    I appreciated your “Winners” devotional today. Thank you for writing and sharing.

    HI Rod,
    Always appreciate your devotionals. I think you know that.
    Here’s hoping 2018 bring to you and all those you love the very best.

    Thank you for some great fresh and honest thinking on the topic of winning a fortune. Familiar to me since I have had the same thoughts. Really appreciate God’s inspiration speaking through you today. Helps me. Please keep writing.

    Dear Mr. Marshall,
    Thank you for your very well written and articulated message.
    Your work never fails to inform and inspire. Thank you.
    Blessings to you and your family.

    Hello Rod,
    Thank you for this devotional as a good reminder of how wealthy we are when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and have His everlasting love and care.
    Blessings to you.

    Good message, Rod.
    I, too, have had that dream and have portioned the ‘winnings’ similarly.
    My prayer is that you and your family continue to live in the shelter of His love and provision, and you spread the wisdom of His guidance for a long time.
    Happy (and blessed) New Year to you and yours,

    How true are these words regarding money and winning a million pounds! I have had a very similar conversation myself. We don’t need the money but we sure would like to win enough to help out families. And on and on it goes and of course give some away to our favourite charities. Blessings to you.

    Hi Rod:
    So good to hear from you again!
    Happy New Year. I pray you had a wonderful and Happy Christmas.
    I needed to read what you wrote this morning. Not about the winning of money but everything else. For we have won the “Big One” when we turned our lives over to Jesus. Thank you so much for writing and reminding me to greet our Lord as you do every morning for He truly is our partner.
    May He bless you and your family always with all you need.

    Hello Rod,
    Thank you for your devotional. As far as winning a million pounds (or dollars in Canada) there have been statistics showing that people who suddenly win a bunch of cash without earning it, tend to blow it all and become poorer than before, or worse, get so many sudden “friends” that crawl out of the woodwork, that it makes life unbearable for the lottery winners.
    It is good to know that the Lord has our best interests in mind and will continue to give us what we need and not what we want. What is needed most often than not, is not more finances but more wisdom and sometimes more hard times to strengthen us as mentioned in the Bible. Not a popular message but a necessary one.
    I trust you have had a Merry Christmas and will have a blessed New Year 2019!

    Many of us had similar thoughts. I like the proverb that says we are in the best position if we don’t have too much or too little. Best in the new year.


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