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Luke 2:11 – For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (KJV)
Every year, my mother would take all four of us kids to the toy store to pick out a present. If we were not naughty but nice, Santa would deliver it on Christmas Eve. We eagerly set out in different directions to look.
On one such occasion, I was in the doll section, and one doll in particular caught my eye. The name on his high chair was Tortino.
Stringy yellow hair hung over his eyes, his face was twisted, and a lever under his high chair made him flop up and down.
My sister chose an Easy-Bake oven, one brother wanted a telescope, and the other a drum set, which my parents and neighbours ended up regretting later!
When my mother saw Tortino, she suggested that I choose a different doll — but he had already captured my heart.
The other dolls there were so beautiful, they would have no problem finding a home, but I couldn't bear the thought of Tortino not being chosen and being all alone in the store on Christmas Day.
On Christmas morning, he was waiting for me under the tree. I was so happy, and Tortino loved flopping up and down to every beat of my brother's drum!
At that time, our family was not saved, and Jesus didn't have the proper place in our hearts or pre-eminence in our home. Although we were taught to respect God, at Christmas, all our thanks and praise went to Santa.
When my husband and I became adults, we were saved. It became very important to us that our children understood the plan of salvation, and that Jesus' birth was the reason why we were celebrating Christmas. I'm sure that as believers in Christ, this is vitally important to you also.
Sadly, for many children and adults, Christ's birth is not the reason for Christmas celebrations. In fact, many people in different places have replaced "Merry Christmas" with "Happy holiday", and it is just another gimme-gimme day as described in my poem.
- Christmas Mourn
Seems as I talk to boys and girls
As Christmas time draws near
They all seem so excited
About Santa and his reindeer
Their Christmas list is piled sky high
They hope that they'll receive
At best, a portion of the toys and gifts
As they wait on Christmas Eve
I listen very patiently
I even try to smile
I tell myself that certainly
They will mention the Christ Child
But the sparkle in their eyes is gone
Their voices become still
They didn't mention Jesus
Or God's promise He fulfilled
The time is fast approaching
I call it Christmas Mourn
A time when people celebrate
But forget that Christ was born
The precious Christmas story
Of the Saviour and His birth
His precious blood atonement
And His mission here on earth
Must be proclaimed by those of us
Who know Christ and can say
Thank You Lord for saving us
And for Christmas Your birthday
The time is fast approaching
I call it Christmas Mourn
A time when people celebrate
But forget that Christ was born
Prayer: Lord, may we always remember that we celebrate Christmas because it is the birthday of our Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Amen.
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Well said Cheryl, have a blessed Christmas!
Beautiful poem and message, Cheremiah. Have a Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
(Manitoba, Canada)
Thank you, Cheryl for sharing this story and your poem to remind us of the reason for celebration.
What a beautiful and true poem. God loves you and so do I.
Merry Christ-Mass
Thanks for another inspiring message and poem, Cheremiah, reminding us that Jesus is, Indeed, the season for the season. Christmas Blessings to you and yours.
Spot on, my 2nd. Family often forget the meaning of Christmas, and your poem strikes to the heart.
Thank you for sharing.
Lovely devotion today Cheryl. Yes, we must never forget the ‘reason for the season’.
May you and yours enjoy a very blessed Christmastide!
(Ontario, Canada)
Thank You Cheryl for your prayers!! They are a real joy to read. God Bless you and your family in this Holy Season of our Lord and Saviour’s birth,
Amen!! And so many thanks.
Blessings to you and yours at this holy and blessed season advent. Hope, peace, joy, love!
Today’s message was too true. I remember Christmas eves so long ago when my wife read the real story of Jesus birth to our young children.
Christmas Mourn, sad!
Hello my Friend,
This was a good one and so true, love the poem also. Here’s praying more people realize this year that they really need Christ and not just Christmas day but for the rest of their lives.
God bless.
Thank you.
Enjoyed your devotion today. Also enjoyed your poem. Like you I feel sorry that it seems fewer each year who understand what the true Christmas is all about.
God bless you and have a wonderful Christmas.
Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing this devotional and poem with us. The blending of Christmas with the winter solstice celebration has been a struggle for centuries. Epiphany gives we Christians another day to celebrate the Christ child. I, for one, intend to keep Christ in Christmas! Blessings.
Amen Cheryl. So many children everywhere are growing up without any knowledge of God and yet we wonder why there are so many suicides, mass shootings, idiots holding down top political jobs and the like! Seems pretty simple doesn’t it, for without God there is no wisdom or light.
Dear Cheremiah,
Thank you for sharing another devotional and another of your very meaningful poems. You do special writings honouring our precious Lord and Saviour.
Blessings to you and yours for a blessed Christmas.
Cheremiah, I pray that more people will find, like you have, that nothing compares to CHRIST. I love your reason for picking out the Tortino Doll, because you thought other Kids would pick the beautiful Dolls and not him, and you didn’t want him to be there alone in the Store for Christmas. What a caring heart you have. Happy Birthday (today) Cheremah! Happy Early Birthday JESUS!
Hi Cheryl,
I read your Devotion with interest this morning. The deterioration of the celebration for the birth of Christ is one of my big worries, especially at this time of the year. We see so much emphasis on the secular activities and it really bothers me. I have preached about it and written about it on different occasions and every year we see articles in the paper belittling those of us who believe in the birth of Christ as Saviour and Lord. It is a time to mourn indeed.
But we are assured through faith that Christ was born and that He died for us. For us it is a time to rejoice.
I wish you and yours a “Blessed Christmas”.
Your writing is always trenchant and goes to the heart of the faith we share.
I am saddened that because I was “saved”, nurtured, and have grown in passion for evangelization, my husband was not. In the family, I am the odd one out.
Our family are very moral, kind and caring but, as yet, neither my prayers for their salvation have been answered, nor those for my grandchildren!
Your promise of “Christmas Morn” for all of them is something I will add to my petitions!
Many thanks and blessings.
Dear Cheryl,
I pray with you that you will be Inspired powerfully to rewrite the sad verses from your poem as we all pray for the time to fast approach when Jesus will be glorified not only at Christmas time but every day of the year by multitudes of people in the world.
Let us join together in asking God to make his Son known for who he is – “Lord of all.” For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.
Let us pray, “Thank you God for coming to earth as a tiny baby and growing to manhood and taking our sins to the grave and rising victorious – so we might rise victorious. Let us pray for the GOOD News to be broadcast far and wide.
As a child I would have had the same reaction you had about Tortino. I know that compassion continues in your life as you follow Jesus!