Map Reader

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
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Listen while you read: "All Creatures Of Our God And King"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 25:4 – Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. (NIV)

It was in the Boy Scouts that I learned how to read and use a map. I can remember hiking in the Campsie hills above Glasgow, Scotland, with my Scout troop. As we climbed the hills, a deep fog descended around us, and before long, it seemed to me that we were hopelessly lost. As the mist slowly cleared, we began to see the landscape of the Campsies around us. During this time, our patient Scoutmaster unfolded a map and pointed out the various small streams and elevation markers that were drawn on it.

At first, all I saw were lines on a piece of paper which meant nothing to me, but as my Scoutmaster pointed to all of the trails, brooks, and peaks around us, while carefully identifying them on the map, I began to make the connection. He knew exactly where we were, and he was teaching all of us how to discover our location and re-find our path. It was a wonderful lesson that I have never forgotten, and to this very day, some fifty years later, I still enjoy looking at and reading maps wherever I go.

In today's highlighted Bible verse, the ancient psalmist is asking God to show him the right path to take. The psalm writer, possibly King David, has reached a point in his life when he doesn't know what to do or where to go. He needs God to indicate his location and show him the way ahead, so he prayerfully and sincerely asks for God's direction. It's a simple act of faith and trust which we all may experience many times in our lives. Thankfully, God hears our prayers and is always willing to show us the path ahead. So, no matter who we are or what we are feeling, encountering, or experiencing today, it's good to know that God is always aware of the life trail that we are on, and will always be our map reader and patient guide.

Points to ponder: Where am I? What path does God want me to follow?

Prayer: Lord God, You have always been leading us through each day of our lives. Every moment is a sacred experience; every step is an act of faith. Be with us and guide us on this great journey that we call life, and when all of this is over, lead us upward and onward to Your eternal kingdom. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for the challenge, John.

    Thank you, John, great post. God bless!

    You paint a very vivid picture of the Scottish hills I grew up with. Thank you for your insightful message today.

    John, thank you for this lovely devotion today. Much food for thought!
    Have a very blessed day today.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    This sentence is encouraging: ” Every moment is a sacred experience; every step is an act of faith”.
    Thanks for all the devotions you contribute.

    Hi John,
    I enjoyed your devotional today about maps, and how you tied it in with God’s leading in our lives.
    God is so faithful! Thank you.

    Greetings John,
    Thanks for the devotional today. So important for us to follow the path the Lord sets for us and how simplified life would be if we would just “let go and let God” instead of wanting to follow our own chosen path.
    Blessings to you,

    Thanks, John. Always a challenge to discern God’s plan for our lives when we get so caught up in our own agenda!
    Today’s verse reminded me of your Psalm art and this is the one (Ps. 25) which hangs in my hallway and is always a reminder to seek His path for us.
    Thanks so much.

    Thank you, John for today’s devotion. I always enjoy them. In my 90’s my mind is in overload of memories that has been on many journeys and trails. I grew up on those trails. Shortly after we were married, 4 years of college and 3 years of and then babes. We wondered if we could make it, but God was in charge that we followed even when it wasn’t easy. Many years later after being a pastor and Navy Chaplain, we were already seeing clearly His plans for us in so many ways.
    God bless you in special and surprising ways.

    Thank you from a very appreciative fellow Scot! I always enjoy your message and this one especially resonated as I’ve loved OS maps since a kid and later appreciated the map and compass to get off more than one hill, and most memorably off the Merrick years ago. Just wish that decent maps were available in Canada! I still don’t like to go anywhere without a map in the car with husband driving, The GPS may show the route as you travel, but the map shows the big picture…. a bit like seeing our scriptures in context rather than isolating a verse to prove a point to show others how wrong they are!!
    Keep writing!

    I always enjoy your devotions. Thank you.

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