Clay Babies

Thursday, October 11, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "And Can It Be That I Should Gain"1 (Lyrics)

Genesis 2:7 – And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (KJV)

As a child, I loved to make mud pies. In fact, during the summer, I was up to my elbows making miniature bowls, dishes, and furniture. Then, I discovered that I could make clay babies. After spending my day creating, I would place the babies to dry in a row along the top board of my mother's gray wooden fence. The babies would have been ideal, I thought, if only they could breathe. But I didn't have the power to bring them to life.

That human life could be formed from dust is a mystery to us. Yet, in Scripture, it is written, "But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand" (Isaiah 64:8 KJV). Imagine! God formed a lifeless Adam from a piece of clay. Then, with a puff of His own breath, He brought the clay to life. Instantly, Adam became a fully functional, breathing, feeling, thinking human being made in God's own image!

When I think back to my clay babies, I realize that before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, my own spirit was as lifeless as the clay that I made them from. When they dried, they were brittle, and their heads, arms, and legs would often fall off. Sometimes when I picked them up, they would shatter into pieces. I realize that without Christ, I was as fragile as they were.

We always need to be reminded that we are humble, earthen beings. Without the Holy Spirit and His power living within us, we are like my clay babies, spiritually helpless and powerless to worship and serve God.

Prayer: Father, grant us the grace of humility, so that we always remember that without You, we are nothing, and that with You, we become everything that You have designed us to be in Christ. Thank You for Your loving kindness! Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Karen.

    Thanks, Karen, for the good reminder.

    Good one. How I enjoyed my mud creations. I will use this story.

    Thank you, Karen Milam. We finally are receiving the devotionals!

    Hello Karen,
    Excellent advise to remember.

    Thanks for writing this devotion today, Karen. A good reminder of how much we need God in our lives. Blessings.

    Thank you, Karen, for this devotional with us. You brought back memories of my own and the mud pies we made! Blessings.

    Karen, the clay babies you made as a child was such a fascinating example used in today’s devotional about creation and our need and dependence upon Almighty God. Very nicely written! Thank you.

    Thank you, Karen, for stirring up a very special memory. I forward the Devotional’s to him and usually include a note or memory. I don’t know if the writers can read the comments, but if not, I would like to share it with you.
    Once again, thank for the blessings you shared today.
    I see you live in Cal. We may be “neighbors.”

    Karen, the clay babies you made as a child was such a fascinating example used in today’s devotional about creation and our need and dependence upon Almighty God. Very nicely written! Thank you.


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