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Psalm 119:105 – Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (KJV)

"Let's go to that quilt show that I saw in the paper," I tell my best friend, also a quilter. And off we go to another display of creations by dedicated quilters. Most shows also have vendors — salespeople with a variety of tools, small or large, that make quilting easier. I've bought many over the years, from a small $2 item to a large mechanical sewing table that raises and lowers to ease my back when cutting and piecing fabric. Sometimes, I'm sucked in by the salesperson's pitch, and that item gets put in a drawer, never again to see the light of day.

A few years ago, I bought a walking foot — a special accessory that puts pressure on the top of the material to keep it from slipping or bunching up while stitching the top, backing, and batting together. I tried it once and couldn't make it work. Like those other tools, it ended up in a drawer, and I continued to struggle with the quilting process. A year later, I tried it again. It worked, and my quilting advanced to a new level of accomplishment. If I'd just taken a little more time the previous year, I would have saved myself a great deal of trouble and anxiety.

Using the right tool, or using it correctly and to its full potential, is also important in our spiritual lives. Fortunately, we have the Bible, but unfortunately, it is not always used to its full potential, or is left in a drawer, or is displayed as a decoration on the coffee table.

I heard a story recently about a couple who invited the pastor to dinner. Afterwards, they noticed that a fork was missing. Several weeks later, it was still lost, so they asked him about it. He replied, "I put it in your Bible." I don't know if it was a true story or an illustration that someone thought up, but it's obvious that the couple's Bible didn't get much use.

Some say, "Oh, I can't read the Bible, it's too hard, too boring, too (fill in the blank)." I suggest:

  • Find a translation that makes sense. Ask friends or your pastor for recommendations.
  • Eyes aging? Look for large or giant print versions, or read on an electronic device that allows you to enlarge the font size.
  • Read it in a chronological version — one continuous story that flows from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Look on that electronic device for a program or app that organizes daily readings to finish in a year and gives reminders when a day is missed.
  • Listen to the Bible. Use an electronic device, CD/DVD, or a tape recorder, like my electronically challenged friend who plays the tape and follows along in her Bible.
  • Use good study tools: Bible dictionaries, concordances, reliable websites.

Others may say, "I don't have time to read the Bible." But is there time for the newspaper, a novel, a television program, an electronic game? The Bible has about 800,000 words in 66 books. Most sources confirm that if we commit 15-30 minutes a day, we can finish the Bible in a year. It takes only 80 hours to listen to all the CDs or cassette tapes!

I'm currently in my third round of reading through the Bible. If I don't have that daily morning time, I feel like something's missing all day. Let's all make a commitment to read and study this wonderful tool that God has given us.

Prayer: Father, we know that we need to study and absorb Your Word and that we need to do that each day. Help us to find a time and a tool that works for our learning style and schedule. Give us the desire to make that a daily event. Guide our minds and thoughts as we study. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Sharon Cook <>
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Well said, Sharon! Thanks and God bless!

    You are so right, Sharon. Been doing this for years.

    Amen Sharon!

    Thank you for writing that interesting devotional. It is so true. I know I need to read it everyday or else the day isn’t good. I especially liked the fork in the bible!!!!

    Thank you, Sharon, for reinforcing how necessary and important it is for us to be into the Word of God, and for suggesting the numerous ways available to us to be able to do so. God Bless You!

    Your words are so true, we find time to read what we want to read. Thanks for a great reminder and keep up your devotions.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Amen, Sharon! So well put. I share your love of Bible reading and study but am clueless when it comes to sewing a quilt! These days my vision hampers any delicate work, but large print enables Bible study. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    Hi Sharon,
    Thank you for the nudge… I’ve been meaning to read through the Bible again!
    And everything you have shared rings so true. I’m going to start again tonight.

    Good Morning Sharon,
    Thank you for today’s devotional, especially the story of the Minister, the Fork and the Bible. A quote I quite like is one from Charles Spurgeon: “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”

    Greetings Sharon,
    Thanks for your writing of this morning’s devotional. Right on! The Bible is a most important book to stay connected to.

    Dear Sharon
    Wonderful, wonderful devotional! Thank you so much. You write beautifully; a gift of the Spirit!
    I too am on my third reading. My day is not the same if I miss even one day.
    My mother was a professional seamstress. Unfortunately, my buttons don’t like to stay on. She was quilter as well. She would have appreciated your story as well.
    Enjoy all of your days of quilting and reading the words of our God.
    God bless you my sister in Christ.

    Dear Sharon:
    Thank you for your excellent devotional. I have read the Bible for over 60 years, 4 different versions all the way through. I am now in my 70’s and my favorite is my little King James with a snap-over cover. All my Bibles have many notes written in them. I do treasure His word and have a hunger and thirst for it. I have prayed that the memory work I’ve been doing since a child stays with me even if my memory goes in my old age. I remember hearing a minister say, “You can go through the Bible hundreds of times, but you MUST let the Bible go through you!” The Holy Spirit enables this. I also have my parents’ Bible. It, too, is worn and has many notes. Real treasures! It is difficult to imagine being in Heaven and not needing my Bible! We will walk and talk with the ever-living Word, Jesus Christ!

    Hi Sharon
    Wow, you hit the nail on the head with this one. So many excuses not to read and yet where do we go when we need a prayer answered. I sometimes wonder what God thinks.
    Thanks, this was a great reminder for sure.
    God bless.

    Thank you for This message.


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