Selfie Prayers

Wednesday, July 18, 2018
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Listen while you read: "Unto The Hills Around Do I Lift Up"1 (Lyrics)

1 Corinthians 13:12 – Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (NIV)

I like to look at Facebook several times a day. Because my family is so far away in Scotland, it gives me the opportunity to see what they're doing and to comment on their exploits. I am able to keep in touch with them in a remarkable way that I could not have done ten years ago. I laugh with them when they're having a good time; I sympathize with them when they're having bad days; and I pray for them when they're going through tough times.

Sometimes, they post selfies which make me smile and laugh; at other times, I think, "Oh no, not another selfie," especially from my nieces and nephews. I guess that, as younger people, they're just trying to find their way in the world and discover who they are, but there are days when what I call "selfie-overload" takes over my Facebook newsfeed. I feel as though they are too self-preoccupied, and I wish that they would limit the number of photos that they take, upload, and post.

Then, I find myself praying to God more than several times a day, expressing my own cares and concerns, my worries and expectations, focusing entirely on myself, instead of loving and adoring God for His grace, forbearance, and mercy. It makes me wonder if God ever rolls His eyes at me and says, "Not another self-centred prayer from John. He's already talked to me about this so many times today!"

Usually, after this revelation, I end up thanking God for His patience and appreciating how blessed we are to be children of His grace. Our prayers don't have to be about us. In fact, they should be more about God and the beautiful gift of salvation which He has promised through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Perhaps today, we will all make more time to do this, in order to praise God and put Him at the centre of our lives. If we do, then when we come face-to-face with God, we will fully know who we truly are in His eyes.

Points to ponder: What am I most thankful for today? Have I gratefully prayed to God about this?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know us completely, and You see how vain we all are. Forgive us for being self-centred. Help us to turn our focus to You and our heavenly Father. Grant us opportunities to praise and worship You today. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen to your prayer.

    A very timely word, John.

    Ah, to live a life of gratitude!

    Great message John! It struck a responsive chord in me.

    I enjoyed the daily devotion today – sure gives a person room for thought.

    Hi John,
    A very insightful and helpful devotional. Thank you!

    Since you seem to have the time why don’t you put some of these things you are thankful for in Facebook (whatever it is).

    Oh, thank-you John for writing this lovely devotional. Something to really think about.
    Blessings to you and yours today.

    Good thing God is patient isn’t it? I often wonder about asking God about something over and over. And yet we are told to pray without ceasing and prayer warriors tell us to continue in prayer. Perhaps this is more for us to keep God front and centre?

    Yes, John, isn’t Facebook a wonder! I, too, look forward to keeping in touch with my family and friends on that platform. When I spend time with the Lord in my morning devotionals, it’s a great way to keep in touch with my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Thanks for writing and sharing. Blessings.

    Thank you, John, for this so appropriate reminder of upon Whom our focus really needs to be! The comparison really fits. We do find so often that when our prayers shift into praise of our Lord and thanks for His grace, that that is the moment hope returns; i.e., our faithful God rescues us again from the pit (Ps 103). Thanks again for the message!

    Greetings John,
    Thank you for this devotional. Very good advice. We can be so quick to call on God to solve a problem for us but need to give Him thanks and praise more often for all the wonderful treasures He has already given us.

    Powerful thoughts! Both amusing and introspective,
    I found myself assessing my “selfie” prayers…
    lots of “self-correction” needed!
    When it comes to intercession, others need to be fully in focus.
    As usual, John, you’ve used simple analogy to change my thinking.
    (BC, Canada)

    Wow John, you’ve done it yet again! It’s so easy to identify with your anecdotes and be convicted by the message you share! I thank God for you and your Devotionals!! Keep it up. You’re such a blessing!

    Dear John Stuart,
    I think God wants us to have a very personal relationship with himself.
    And I think he wants us to take our relationships to him too.
    Thanks for making us think.
    Keep writing.

    Thank you for the “selfie” devotion. I am a tired care giver who had a pity party and your devotion pulled me out of this slump. At times I tend to forget I don’t need to repeat my request to my Heavenly Father as He knows my needs before I do. All I need to do is Thank him for his Grace and His loving care. He will take care of the rest!


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