What We See

Monday, July 9, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Happy The Home When God Is There"1 (Lyrics)

2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight. (NRSV)

Sometimes, the things that we see deeply affect us. It may be a tragic news report on the television, or a picture posted online of some disaster far away. It could be the hurt that we see in a loved one's eyes, or real disappointment in the face of someone we know. We may have witnessed a terrible accident or looked upon a lost individual wandering the streets. We may have tentatively read a doctor's report or a sad letter about someone's sudden death. Whatever the case, the things that we see often have a profound effect on our emotions, mental health, and spiritual well-being.

During those moments, I wonder how many of us say a silent prayer, asking for God's help and guidance? How many times do we see something upsetting or beyond our control and quickly turn to God for a deeper understanding or a better outcome? Sometimes, we inwardly retreat to our soul-shell and quietly wait on God to do something to make things easier, if not better, or to make our burden lighter, if not gone. We may even faithfully rely on God to work things out, to keep us walking by faith, and not be overshadowed by what we see. Faith, then, becomes the pillar of prayer that we can lean on, as well as the fountain of fortitude where we can find the strength to carry on. It may not be easy at first, but it can be beneficial to realize God's part in our healing, recovery, and restoration. We may have seen something which concerns us, but we also believe in Someone who is concerned for us.

Whatever occurs this week and wherever you go, you are never out of God's sight, nor are you ever outside of His grace. Know that you are constantly loved and will be given the guidance that you need.

Points to ponder: What is troubling me right now? Am I ready to share this with God?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You came into the world to show us how to find God, so that we may place our faith in His salvation and our lives in His hands. You know our present concerns and worries; You know our difficulties and issues. Help us to rely on Your words so that we may be reassured about finding the strength, hope, and love that we each need in our lives. In Your holy name, we simply pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <traqair@aol.com>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    May it be so, John.

    Amen to your prayer.

    Thanks be to God for the gift of faith!

    Thanks for sharing this devotional with us. It spoke to my need today. Blessings.

    Dear brother John, Thank you for your uplifting devotional today! God bless you.

    Dear John Stuart,
    Thank you for a reassuring devotional taking us to the ONE upon whom we can and must (to have peace, help, and hope) cast all our concerns.
    Keep writing.

    Hello John.
    I am having many stresses in my life right now, not as bad as a lot of people but have to make changes which I find hard. Where you say in your devotion, no matter where you are this week, God is always with you, made me think that, yes, He is there every day not just today. Thank you.

    Hi John,
    Thank you for your inspiring message, there are indeed many thoughts on my minds and I talk to God very often about the things which are bothering me, sometime the answers are obvious, other times not so much, but I know he is with me (us).

    I read the Daily devotional every day. When I see you have written it, I can’t wait to read it. I can feel your true devotion to God in every article you write and it makes me feel like I am on the right train. This morning I thank God for my life, I am healthy, happy and still have my wife of over 60 years. I don’t seem to have a want in this world. Why God has blessed me so, I have no idea because I have not been a Saint or even a good Christian for a lot of my time here on earth. I thank you for keeping my faith so strong. May God bless you as he has blessed me.

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