Best Meal Ever

Sunday, February 4, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 22:19b – This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. (NLT)

According to my wife, I eat some strange things.

My wife and I come from different regions of South Carolina, and we have different eating habits. On one of our earlier dates, she was fixing my dinner plate. Out of habit, I said, "Make sure you put some pot liquor on my rice" — a saying and practice foreign to her — pot liquor being the juice in the pot with the cooked vegetables. Neither did she understand putting vegetables over white rice — until she spent a few years in the Low Country and was served white rice with every meal. Some of the things that we put together — such as grits and fried cubed steak — she had never experienced. Getting her to add vegetables on top of the gravy that she had just put on her rice was out of the question.

Since I love to eat, almost any meal that I consume is good. But I suppose that the one that Jesus served to His disciples was strange — not the bread and wine, but what He told them about it. Eating the bread was eating His body, and drinking the wine was drinking His blood. This practice accounted for the early Christians being accused of cannibalism. Some church traditions teach that the wine and bread become Jesus' blood and body when consumed.

Early churches observed the Lord's Supper every time they met. I've been more accustomed to churches that do so quarterly. Dad always gave the biblical warning to examine oneself before partaking of the elements. Paul said that "every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord's death until he comes again." (1 Corinthians 11:26 NLT)

So what's the big deal about Communion or the Lord's Supper? Of all the meals that I might enjoy, this should be the most pleasurable because of what it represents. Other meals merely fill my belly, feed my muscles, and leave my body. This one sticks around and gives me continual spiritual nourishment. Eating the bread reminds me that Jesus was my substitute. His body was broken as He paid for the sins that I had committed, was committing, and would commit. Drinking the wine — or juice — reminds me of the blood that He shed for my sins, "for without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness." (Hebrews 9:22b NLT)

Enjoy a good meal, but don't neglect the best meal.

Prayer: Father, thank You for allowing Your Son to give His life so that we might have life. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Great devotional on the Last Supper – God bless.

    Examine yourself before the elements but also after, asking for forgiveness.

    Good morning Martin
    Thank you for your devotional this morning. God bless you.

    Thank you. Communion can so easily become a routine and we don’t think enough about this blessing from the Lord.

    Greetings Martin,
    Thank you for a most meaningful devotional this morning. Celebrating communion is such a special service of deep reflection on our Lord and the sacrifice He made for us and your writing emphasizes this.
    Blessings to you.

    Oh Martin, all of us do come from so many different regions. My Mom often served Southern fare that was new to my Ohio raised fiance. Likewise, his Slovak rooted folks ate food I’d never tasted. Our family blended a variety of traditions. But you’re so right, Communion is the very best supper. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper today. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    I agree whole-heartedly! I look forward so much to a congregation sitting together to share this meal. There is a holiness and a presence there on those days, not that it is housed in the bread or the wine, but His Presence is there in a way it is not on other days. In some congregations we have done intinction where we have gone forward to take of one loaf and one cup and that is my favourite. Blessings on you in this day.

    Your devotional was particularly appropriate for me today because we celebrated communion today in my church. Our elders recently decided to celebrate communion the first Sunday of every month instead of the traditional quarterly service. I, for one, am happy the decision was made. It is a most graphic and meaningful part of a service which joins the celebrants together in a special way.
    Thank you.

    Good morning Martin. Thank you for your devotional on this Sunday morning on the bread and wine served at the last supper which is now our food, Christ himself.
    You say that “some church traditions teach that the wine and bread become Jesus body and blood when consumed.”
    Actually Martin some churches not only teach it but believe that Jesus is present in the bread and wine.
    May God bless your day dear brother in Christ,
    (Ottawa, Canada)

    Thank you for your sharing and your insights on communion. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper this morning at the church we attend and it was meaningful. In my early years in the church we celebrated every quarter and in recent years we have celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
    I came across a quote from Thomas A Kempis that I had not heard before in relation to John 14:6 where Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life…”Without the Way, there is no going. Without the Truth, there is no knowing. Without the Life, there is no living.”
    Thank you again for your devotional and keep on writing and sharing. Blessings.

    Good morning Mr. Wiles!
    I always enjoy your devotionals but needed the message especially today. I can relate to your wife about southern foods being foreign, being from Ohio area myself. I can also relate to you as someone who really appreciates and enjoys food. Overall though, I am thankful for the reminder this morning of the importance of The Lord’s Supper.
    As I am getting ready for church, I am mentally preparing for all the ways I may be asked to assist during our church service today – it can be overwhelming sometimes. But when I read this devotional, it reminded me what this morning is really about and slowed down my thoughts. We will be observing communion this morning, and no matter how active I may be during the service today, the most important part is my time of repentance and remembrance this morning.
    Thank you for the reminder, and God bless you as you go about your day today!

    Very meaningful; thank you Martin for reminding us the sacredness of Holy Communion and partaking of the Lord’s table. Blessings.

    So true Martin. Thank you for reminding us of how important the Lord’s Supper is and the fact that we should prepare our hearts and minds before partaking.

    Dear Martin Wiles,
    I’m always happy when the words of scripture are read and/or explained when Communion is celebrated in churches. But sometimes I’m sad if I’m present when the elements are used with no accompanying words. (I’m glad it is rarely done).
    Thanks for reminding us.
    Keep writing.

    I LOVE this devotional for several reasons. I love communion and in the Presbyterian churches I’ve been in we had it the first Sunday of the month. I moved a few years ago and the church where I went was having it only about 4 times a year. Then a new much younger Pastor came. We now have communion the first Sunday of the month and EVERY Sunday night!!! So that’s a great JOY for me. Keep your great devotionals coming.

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