It's A Miracle!

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "There Is A Book That All May Read"1 (Lyrics)

Mark 14:13-15a – [Jesus] sent two of his disciples, telling them, "Go into the city, and you will meet a man carrying a jug of water. Follow him. When he goes into a house, say to its owner that the Teacher asks, 'Where is my room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples?' Then he will show you a large upstairs room that is furnished and ready." (ISV)

Do you believe in miracles? When you awoke this morning, did you consciously realize that you were breathing and your heart was beating? Our blood circulates; we blink and swallow instinctively; our hair and nails grow. We're alive! It's a miracle!

Doctors are given knowledge and skill, and scientists invent amazing machines, but no one except God has ever been able to create life.

When you looked outside, was the sun shining? Was it snowing or raining? Do you ever think about how each season follows along, year after year, right on time? Flowers bloom in the same sequence every year. Birds migrate thousands of miles. How do they know when to come and go? It just wouldn't work if spring occurred before winter! Humans can move the clock hands, but no one's ever changed an entire season. It's a miracle!

In the Smithsonian Institute, Thomas Jefferson's Bible is on display, the one that he read every day. It consists of the four gospels, and it's his own cut-and-paste version — he cut out every single miracle. One wonders how much is left. Take today's verses from Mark, for instance. In a city teeming with people, Jesus knew that there would be a man carrying a water jug — that was then usually women's work — and that the owner of the house had a spare room. The owner may have shrugged it off and just thought that it was a lucky coincidence, thinking, "Good thing that room was just cleaned — and I need some extra cash." He may not have realized that God was at work.

Three small verses, easily overlooked, but little things like that happen every day. So often we hear of "Mother Nature", "Lady Luck", or "coincidence", and we never give them a second thought. God doesn't get much credit.

Jefferson was rejecting God Himself, not just miracles. When we invite Jesus into our heart and ask Him to take over our lives, the Bible shows us that we can expect Him to take control. God is alive, and the Holy Spirit opens our eyes so that we can see God at work around us — and not only in the big things. His timing is perfect. He cares about everything that concerns us. We can talk to Him about every detail of our lives. He desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us.

Today, I challenge you to stay alert. Keep watch for the miracles. Write them down, and praise God for them before you go to sleep. There's another one: sleep. It's a miracle!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we believe that You are who You say You are because of the miracles that You perform. Open our eyes as You reveal Yourself to us today. Amen.

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About the author:

JJ Ollerenshaw <>
Belleville, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    A good word JJ. Thanks for sharing.

    A good start for a difficult day, being positive sure helps.

    Thanks JJ for a good reminder.

    Amen dear friend!
    Thank you for your powerful devotional! I will watch today for God’s everyday miracles!

    Thanks for sharing this devotional with us, JJ. We do so often overlook the miraculous because it so ordinary. Blessings.

    Such a wonderful reminder of how God affects every part of our lives.
    There are no coincidental happenings. Thanks for your positive message

    Thank you for your words this morning. And, sometimes, He allows us to get sick. I’m battling my second bout of the flu and there is just too much to do, not only around the house, but getting stuff organized for my husband as well. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, especially because I don’t have the same energy as when I am well.

    In response to your lovely devotional today – Yes, indeed, I believe in miracles. I was recently the recipient of God’s touch in my life.
    Thank you for your devotional today. So many people put happenings down to good luck, but we who believe know different. Blessings on you.

    Thank you for your devotion today … It’s A Miracle!
    The bit about Jefferson’s Bible was interesting, but I did have pause at this line …
    “Jefferson was rejecting God Himself, not just miracles.”
    … and wondered if the word should be RESPECTING instead of rejecting?
    Perhaps there are things about Jefferson that I do not know.

    Dear JJ,
    How encouraging, and your challenge is a real blessing, too!
    I have heard of Jefferson’s Bible, and it is good to have his beliefs held up under the light: so many today would put more credence in him than in God Himself, and would never see how Jefferson was, as you point out, rejecting the one true God, and creating a god that was limited to the dimensions of his own finite mind.
    Thank you.

    Hi JJ,
    Thank you for your good devotional.

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