The Spare Chair

Saturday, September 9, 2017
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Soldiers Of Christ Arise"1 (Lyrics)

Genesis 10:8-9 – Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; that is why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord." (NIV)

I bought a spare chair a while ago. It sits in a corner of my kitchen, and for the most part, it doesn't do a lot. It came with a lovely, handwoven, green chair pad, which the cats really enjoy lounging on. I do stand upon it at times to reach something high up in the pantry. Once in a while, we have company, and someone sits on it. But mostly, I simply enjoy its beauty and unpretentious lines, and I am glad to know that it is there for me to use when the need arises.

Nimrod was no spare chair! In Genesis, we read the account of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, who had many, many sons and grandsons after the flood. But only one of them, Nimrod, son of Cush, son of Ham, grew to be a mighty warrior on earth. There was something about Nimrod that stood out above and beyond all the others, as his accomplishments are specifically mentioned in Scripture in a way that the others aren't.

As I noted this fact, it occurred to me how some Christians, like me, dislike being the spare chair. We want to be like Nimrod and do something outstanding for God, something beyond the average. We don't want to feel that we're not doing much of anything for His kingdom, compared to someone else.

Yet, I love my unique and lovely spare chair. It brings me joy and delight, and it has its own purpose, just as each and every one us, as God's children, brings joy and delight to our heavenly Father's heart. We each have our own purpose, which He has created for us and us alone to achieve. It may not be to be in the limelight, such as was Nimrod. It may not be to do big things for the Lord, to stand over and above the average crowd. But as Mother Theresa once said, "We may not all be called to do great things, but we can all do small things with great love." As the apostle Paul penned in 1 Corinthians 13:13, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (NIV)

So today, if you are feeling like the spare chair, the one who doesn't seem to do much for the kingdom or receive much, if any, recognition for what you do contribute, take a moment to thank God for making you who you are and blessing you with the gifts and talents that you do have. Then, determine within yourself, through God's strength, to put all of your being into everything that He places before you to do. Do each small thing with great love, the love of Jesus, for indeed, love is the greatest of all and does not go unnoticed by Him Who watches.

Prayer: Father God, we thank You so much that You love and delight in all of Your children, whether they be famous in the eyes of the world or the church, or whether they be spare chairs. You have created each one of us and given every one a purpose in life. May we be open to the guidance of Your Spirit this day, that we might fulfill that purpose, be it large or small, with the great love of Jesus within us. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Lynne.

    Thanks Lynne for pointing out our usefulness for the Lord’s work even if we feel like a spare chair. Blessings.

    God bless all the spares….
    God bless you Lynne!

    Lynne, your message reminded me of several less popular bible characters, such as the servant girl in 2 Kings 5:3 and others who played an important role in fulfilling God’s plan.

    Good Morning and thank you for your devotional this morning. Words I just needed to hear too! How is it that God seems to know just what I need to hear! Very timely. So, may God continue to bless you as you share His love with others!

    Your devotional is great. You have a gift for seeing the Lord at work in everyday situations and I am glad you share them.
    MY cats insist on sitting on my desk and happily enhance their presence with the occasional hairball!

    Hi Lynne,
    I so enjoyed your devotional today. Just imagine what our world would be like if the “Christians” were working for Christ in unity! A very creative and powerful message. Great perspective. I’ll be thinking about this message all day long.

    Thank you, Lynne, as always you give us something so meaningful. I’m trying to find how I fit in today. When I saw my doctor, he saw a lousy feeling me for the first time. I’ll be 93 in Dec. and am blessed beyond, just don’t know how to feel lousy. Maybe I need to sit in a chair in the corner. As I love to say, prayers are always good. Thank you again for being my friend. God loves you and so do I.
    PS. I have very close family friends who live in Florida that I’m concerned about. I have no reason to complain, just need to pray for the millions who are suffering in so many ways.

    This is exactly what we all need to hear and take to heart. If everyone would allow God to use their one small gift or talent however, insignificant it may seem to them and allow God to put it together will all of the other people who have only one small talent to offer much could be accomplished in God’s kingdom. In fact, through these seemingly insignificant small gifts more can be accomplished than through the gifts of one or two who have an abundance of talents or gifts.
    Thank you for sharing this.

    Dear Lynne,
    You make me feel that I’m like that “spare chair” that is loved greatly by God who gave himself to make us comfortable and loved in himself.

    Another good one. Keep writing.

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