See How They Run

Sunday, March 12, 2017
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Now Let The Vault Of Heaven Resound"1 (Lyrics)

I am back with the continuing saga of the black squirrels. Although I thought that they hibernated for the winter, I guess nobody told them about that, because I see them every day busily running back and forth, and up and down the tree across the road, regardless of the bitter cold and blowing snow.

All of this activity provokes many questions in my mind, and more so because of my concern for the well-being of these squirrels that I have come to know and care about over this past year.

First of all, where do these busy little creatures find food to eat? I am sure that they cannot remember where they hid all of the nuts that they spent the summer continually burying. Even if they could remember, how could they manage to get at them in the frozen ground underneath all that snow? Where do they hide in the bitter days of winter? As I pondered these "earth-shaking matters", a light suddenly went on in my brain. I was forgetting something very important:

Matthew 6:26a – Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. (AMPC)

If I truly believed that Scripture, why did I have all of these questions?

It struck me that there is much that we believers can learn from my questions about these furry little creatures. What they do by natural "instinct" — created in them by our heavenly Father — we human beings must learn and then choose to do.

Matthew 6:31 – Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? (AMPC)

Verse 32b clearly answers this concern: "Your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all." (AMPC)

God has His part to do, and we have ours, which is clearly stated:

Matthew 6:33-34a – But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow. (AMPC)

While I have been writing about my concern over the squirrels, I realize how well these verses apply to the concerns that I have in my own everyday life. I know from experience that God provides for my every need, so there is never any need to worry. Jesus understands how destructive those worries can be in our lives. In these verses that I have quoted, His Word commands us to look at God's sure and faithful provision as the antidote to our worry.

How amazing are the simple ways that our Lord chooses to teach us! What might seem so complicated to us has already been solved by Him. All we have to do is listen for His whispers and obey His instructions.

Prayer: Father in heaven, how we love You! We thank You for Your Word and how it teaches us to trust in You and Your plans for us as Your children. Teach us how to pray and to seek Your guidance in Your Word every day. This we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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About the author:

Sharon Y. Greer <>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good one, Sharon!

    Good advice Sharon.

    Thank you for today’s devotional. It really spoke to me.

    Sharon, yes, may we always “squirrel” these verses away in our hearts so that we will remember how much God cares for us. Thanks for writing this devotional. Blessings.

    Dear Sharon,
    Thank you for your devotional. It sent me to my Bible to read more of Matthew, chapter 6.
    We need to frequently return to these basic teachings Jesus.
    Keep writing.

    Hello Sharon, I just read your devotional about the black squirrels and it brought back a lot of memories from my past. Where I grew up there was a huge tree beside our house with lots of black squirrels. As my mom stood at the kitchen sink, she would look out the window at the squirrels in this tree. Eventually she started leaving peanuts out for them and of course they enjoyed these but, after a while the squirrels lost any fear they might have had and they started jumping onto the screen door at the side of the house —as they wanted more nuts. So it became difficult for us to get out of the door. My parents were a little scared that my brothers and I might get bitten or scratched, so my mom had to stop feeding them. Many years later after I grew up, got married and had kids, my daughter’s favorite animal happens to be the “squirrel”. Thanks for your message and I too find those scripture verses very comforting. As I read your message I felt very close to my mom! Blessings.

    Good thought.
    Peter and the waves comes to my mind. Life is like that but, praise God, He reaches out to us and delivers us from the storm.

    Sorry, I have no love for squirrels after they stole every last pear off my pear tree this fall, despite my best efforts to guard the tree. They didn’t even leave me one!

    Sharon, I really appreciate this devotional. I too enjoy watching squirrels and other wildlife; God’s world is so amazing!
    Thank you for sharing your insights.
    Keep writing!

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