Almost daily, the neighbour twins run over to my house to check the fruit seeds that we have planted in broken mugs in the kitchen window. We've had one success so far: the soursop seed grew to be a foot-and-a half tall before we … Read more
Archive for May, 2016
On my walk around the block just awhile ago, I was down in my spirit, saddened by the obvious worldly conduct of the people that I passed. My thoughts were mixed, seeing the disorderly behaviour on the street corner that undermines the … Read more
David's Kindness To Saul's Grandson
Having a quiet time each day or making time for a devotional moment has so many intrinsic blessings. In one of my recent prayer times, I was reading an Old Testament passage about King David's conquests. During his time of stabilizing the … Read more
Faith Under Fire
I have always admired the apostle Paul, not just because of his wonderful epistles, but because of the hardships and struggles that he underwent. Whenever I hear a fellow pastor or someone else disparaging Paul because of something he … Read more
All One Body
In years past, I have chronicled the development of the PresbyCan Daily Devotional in devotionals like " Bread On The Waters ", " Death Of A Vision ", and " What God Has Prepared ", but each of them has focused on what happened in my … Read more
A Two-Way Street
In advance of the 20th anniversary of the PresbyCan Daily Devotional on May 25th, I designed an appropriate poster and submitted it to Facebook. It was there that I heard from some of the people whom I had known, and still know, as … Read more
Coincidence Or The Holy Spirit?
Last Sunday during the worship service in my local church, our pastor was preaching about the importance of sharing our faith with one another. At one point in his sermon, he stepped down from the pulpit and began to walk slowly down the … Read more
Daily Blessings
As I go through each day and get to an advanced age, I tend to be more mindful of the blessings that God bestows on each of us. He has sent showers of blessings to us over the years, just as He has promised. One of those blessings is the … Read more
Oh Yes, You Can!
I'm not sure how I came so often to sit beside my grandmother when we had family gatherings. But I remember that sometimes, she'd just quietly beckon me toward herself. Now Grandma always had handwork in her fingers as she sat in her … Read more
Get Going!
Joshua needed a prod. He had been Moses' assistant, and now it was up to him to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. But Joshua was hesitating. Doubting. Was he the right man to do this? Would the people follow him? Was he able to … Read more
Finding The Way
Recently, I received an invitation to one of those milestone birthday parties for a friend. However, my excitement regarding attending was dampened by the fact that the party was to be held in a home in a new subdivision of our city. I … Read more
A Cross To Bear
Some years ago, we were in a church where a young couple gave a report about the situation they were in. They had two children, the youngest one only two months old. When he was born, they discovered that he had trouble breathing, due to … Read more
Resist The Tide
Today, one of our toughest Christian challenges arises from the relentless pull of godlessness from all around. It's like a menacing tide, subtly trying to sweep us away from our trustful contentment in the Lord. I certainly sense it. And … Read more
Sound Familiar?
Have you heard of "tonsorial"? If I said that I had a tonsorial appointment, what would you think? Is my throat sore? Some words sound like they should mean one thing, while, in fact, they mean something entirely different. As it is with … Read more
Happy New Year
Early on Easter morning, I was out walking with our dog, a morning ritual that I have come to enjoy as much as she does. It was a beautiful morning, sunny and cold, and we were out very early, so we were able to watch the sun rise on our … Read more
Perfect Peace
We're all looking for peace in our lives: peace and quiet in order to rest; peace in our households in order to get along; peace at our work, so we can be effective as teams; peace in our neighbourhood, so we can sleep at night; peace in … Read more
The Right Time
I find myself putting in the time sitting on my recliner knitting more dolls. Even though I see double at times, each doll forms out properly — it is all from old know-how and memory. I noticed that the clock on the wall was out of sync … Read more
The To-Do List
Climbing up onto the stable roof and re-tarring all the rolled asphalt shingling is not my idea of fun. In fact, it's one of the last things that I ever wanted to see on my to-do list. And yet there it was: "tar barn roof". Oh me, oh my! … Read more
Delighting To Show Mercy
This may sound strange, but for most of my life, I had no idea what a real enemy was like, although in the past year I have been overwhelmed by an enemy. A person consumed with jealousy and discontentment has made it a personal mission to … Read more
Sing A Song
For as long as I can remember, she has sung. I'm not sure when my mother actually began singing gospel songs. I suppose that it was as a young girl when she gathered with her family on Saturday nights around the old converted player … Read more
When We Don't Like The Paint Scheme
Having been involved in a church committee debate over the colour of paint, I was struck (and maybe stung) by Nan St. Louis' recent devotional, " Where are you? " which mentioned the negative effect on others of Christians who disagree … Read more
Learning Patience
For the past few months, I have been trying to return to my pre-surgical level of fitness. It has required a great deal of patience. At times, it has been very frustrating and discouraging. Often at the end of my hour of exercise, I felt … Read more
Peace, Pakistan, And Children
When I read today's Scripture, I thought about how we all want our children to know peace, righteousness, and freedom from fear, terror, and oppression. Thus, we have taught our offspring about God, but then, I wondered, have we thanked … Read more
Words Of Comfort
Raise your hand if you've never been afraid! While I cannot see your response, you can be sure that my arms are limp by my side. In fact, when I stroll down memory lane, I can think of a few scary, fearful instances in my life. For … Read more
Captives For Christ
In ancient Rome, when a military commander or great general came back to the Eternal City after a victorious campaign, a triumphal procession was given to honour both the leader and also the mightiness of Rome itself. Behind the … Read more
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