The Power Of The Truth

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Solid Rock"1 (Lyrics)

John 14:6 – Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (NIV)

Our church holds drop-in evenings for neighbours who are curious, hurting, or seeking. During these informal, yet structured, get-togethers, we offer a meal, we share stories, and we talk about King Jesus, Who was sent to earth to save His people.

One evening, we were joined by a young woman. She was polite and soft-spoken. However, she did not share anything about herself, and she seemed distant when we explained the words and works of Jesus.

But that changed drastically. After three or four visits, she started to bombard us with questions, tricky questions. Why was Christianity better than Buddhism? Why have Christians waged religious wars, killing one another and destroying each other's livelihood? Were we aware of witches and evil spirits? Why are there so many Christian hypocrites?

We were unable to answer all her questions to her satisfaction, and we felt badly when she stopped coming. Did we fail her? Did we turn her off when it was obvious that we did not have all the answers? Did she catch us contradicting ourselves? Did we fumble our explanation of the good news?

How thankful we were when she returned several months later! Again, she was bursting with questions. This time, her questions were not tricky or aggressive. She was thirsting to hear more about Jesus. She asked us to help her understand why He would have died also for her. She wanted to know more about angels. She wondered how and when Jesus will come back. And then, without warning, she stopped coming again. This time, we felt worse. We had missed our second chance with her.

Unbelievably, about half a year later, she returned. She looked beautiful and confident. During the meal, she shared her story. She explained that over the previous two years, she had gone to different Christian churches, attending their evening classes and outreach efforts. During these years, she became aware that the Lord was calling her to follow Him. This awareness was confirmed when she noticed that in each church, the people spoke the same truth. With tears in her eyes, she confessed that Jesus was her truth, her way to the Father, and her way to life eternal.

The burden of guilt fell off our shoulders. We had fumbled our answers. We had been unable to find proof texts. We had become a bit defensive at times. But, thankfully, we do not have to feel badly. Even though we spoke the truth in weakness, the Truth had spoken powerfully, and was heard. May our experience encourage those who doubt the power of their faltering witness.

Prayer: Dear and gracious Father, we confess that often we speak the truth in weakness when we reach out to our neighbour with Your Word. We thank You from the heart that You will use our weak words to convince others that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and Life eternal. Amen.

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About the author:

Jane deGlint <>
Langley, British Columbia, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you Jane.

    Wonderful story with a good challenge Jane.

    Thanks for sharing! That is the consistent power of the Holy Spirit!!!

    Dear Jane – I want you to know I really got a lot out of that message today. Thank you.

    Thank you for your wonderful, uplifting and encouraging devotional. God’s power works even in our weakness!

    Jane, your story gave me “spiritual goose bumps.” How exciting to be used by God to woo this woman into His Kingdom. Praise the Lord!

    Good morning Jane,
    Thank you your inspirational story, for The Power Of The Truth.

    Dear Jane – thanks for this devotional and for the reminder that while we and our words and actions may be weak, God our Father provides us guidance and words. God Bless you.

    Thank you, Jane. What a powerful witness you and your fellow church members made…perhaps without even knowing it! What a grand message for all of us.

    Dear Jane:
    Thank you for this wonderful testimony of how God continually works to save us and works through us to bring others to know Him.
    God bless you.

    Hello Jane,
    Your devotional had special meaning for me. You wove a beautiful story of a journey that ended up in redemption thanks in part to your (church’s) faithfulness.
    You’re a good writer, keep going.

    Good morning Jane, thanks for sharing that beautiful and meaningful devotional with us.
    We all have friends who “come and go” when the gospel is explained.
    Yours was certainly a good news story and hopefully many others will follow.
    The truth in Christ does speak powerfully in people’s hearts.

    Thank you, Jane, for this affirmation! The church we attend is very progressive and is what I call, though not out loud, a Whatever Floats Your Boat Presbyterian Church. I stay because my husband, who comes from a different tradition, prefers it. I am encouraged that my own witness, weak as it may be, will benefit others.

    Hi Jane,
    I’m so glad that I received your second article very soon and I didn’t have to wait for a long time. As usual, your essays are always unique and beautifully written. Truth may not lead us to where we think we are going, but it’ll always lead us to somewhere and something better. Wishing you the best in your writing and your life.

    This touched my heart. My husband and I have just opened a B and B. I worry about how to be a witness without coming off as a “religious fanatic”. Some of our seven guests so far have been Christians and we encouraged each other. ‎The other wonderful guests we loved and trust He will work in their hearts.
    Thank you for your well-written and encouraging devotional.

    Thank you Jane for the story of the journey with one individual. Over many years I have always been active in various churches in several different communities where my work took my family and I. I have often looked back and noticed that some people who have sat in classes where I taught didn’t continue in the way and often wandered why. My mind would then go to the many more who did. God had given the increase where people accepted His Truth. Then one day He showed me and convinced me that I was only the mail man delivering the messages of Truth, or if you will, introducing them who heard, to the one who is the “Way, the Truth and the Life.”
    It is good to know that in my weakness God is made strong. Thank you again for your story and the reminder that God is in the business of giving eternal life, and we have been just been given the privilege of introducing others to that one who is truth. God bless you! Never give up.

    Witness to others.

    Praise God for answers to prayer! Thanks for sharing this encouraging devotional. Blessings.

    Hi Jane
    A wonderful story of simple faithfulness.
    God’s truth always shines through despite our shortcomings!!

    Dear Jane,
    A grand story of witnessing to the truth and power of our Lord Jesus Christ!
    I pray that you will continue to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to reach out not only to this precious person but also to many others.
    For Jesus sake, keep writing of such experiences.

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