
Monday, May 30, 2016
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 42:1-2a – As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. (KJV)

On my walk around the block just awhile ago, I was down in my spirit, saddened by the obvious worldly conduct of the people that I passed. My thoughts were mixed, seeing the disorderly behaviour on the street corner that undermines the collective enjoyment of the people at large.

It is not unusual for me to stop a distance away and take it all to God in prayer. Picture me standing there, asking God what this was all about. Where does it come from? How did it begin in the first place? To put it mildly, I was down, but not out, with what I heard and saw happening.

When I go by street musicians, I ask if they sing any gospel songs. Today, to my big surprise, a fellow asked if I would like to hear him sing. After my affirmative answer, he began to sing from memory, "As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after Thee!" His guitar was in need of new strings, yet it was enough to accompany him in a song of praise for passersby to hear.

I was blown away, engulfed in the lyrics and melody that took me into a heavenly and godly moment! It was a happening that I wanted "more than gold or silver", a happening that satisfied with true joy from "the real joy giver"!

Just awhile before, I had been down in my spirit, but now I was up! "To You alone may my spirit yield … and I long to worship Thee." I was truly yielding my spirit to worship God with the street musician whose smile acknowledged God as his "heart's desire"!

The sun was shining approvingly as a blessing from above! The unhappy happenings were replaced by a powerful happening of the kind that begins with God. He has enormous happenings to help out His people who run to His shelter because of Jesus Christ. Even when the road seems uphill and so far to go, Jesus has said that He will always be with His own, never forsaking us on our journey!

Hebrews 13:5b – He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (NKJV)

Prayer: Lord our God, thank You for happenings that remind us that You alone are our heart's desire. Thank You for grace and blessing from above. Jesus, we long to worship You, the real Joy Giver! In Your holy name, hear our prayer. Amen!

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About the author:

Kirsti Sipila <kirstiksipila@hotmail.com>
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:


    Thank you for that beautiful devotion!

    Wow, thank you what a great God.

    Great encouragement Kirsti.

    Lovely. Thankyou Kirsti.
    God’s continued blessings to you.

    Thank you, Kristi, for sharing you uplifting experience.

    Thank you for being willing to be God’s messenger today.
    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

    Thank you Kirsti for the reminder that God lets us sense his presence in such wonderful ways. I am going through a very tough time now, needing to know God is there as well. Blessings on you.

    Amen Kirsti, what a special reminder and blessing you received that day, and how wonderful that you could then pass it on to us!

    Hi Kirsti,
    Thanks so much for your words this morning. As always, I feel blessed by what and the way you share your faith and yourself – I pray your day will be filled with many wonderful gifts of God’s grace.

    Good morning Kirsti!
    Isn’t it true and so wonderful how God looks after us? Thank you for sharing this beautiful example of His care and encouragement. May God bless that young man who played for you.
    May God continue to bless you. It was so good hearing from you again.

    Hi Kirsti,
    As my sister used to say, “Two Things”.
    Loved your devotional today, we are always surprised by what God can and does do in our lives and also, Psalm 42 was my mother’s favourite Psalm.

    What a wonderful devotional – thank you for sharing! The words of that hymn would certainly lift your spirit…as they obviously had done for the street musician you encountered.
    God is our ever-present Father who gives us what He knows that we need, just when we need it (as He did with you).
    Keep on writing and sharing your experiences in God’s World!
    May you have a blessed day!

    It is always special to have a devotional from you. What a wonderful moment when that street musician sang that song of praise. Today I am down partly because our tiny country church has so few people attending. Our wonderful part time pastor encourages us to read and think about scripture every day.
    Thank you.

    Than you Kiristi Sipila for your devotional story. It’s retelling blessed at least one more person. What was starting out like a “blue Monday” became a Blessed Monday.
    Recently widowed and having children who require physical assistance, I find it difficult sometimes to breath out a thank you to my God.
    You inspired me with your story, and made me realize once again how blessed I am, to be a child of the living God of all creation, who is in total control, regardless of life’s circumstances.
    Thank you!! Thank you!!

    Dear Kirsti,
    Thank you for taking courage to ask the musician about singing spiritual songs.
    And how wonderful that he did!
    You encouraged him, and no doubt brought him a step closer to the Lord of life.
    Keep on the track.
    And keep writing.

    I pray that the Lord is meeting your daily needs. My wife and I are musicians too, so I particularly appreciated the “lift” that a well-timed song can give.

    Yes Kirsti, God lifts our spirit in unexpected ways.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
    Maybe if you see that guy again you could buy him a new set of strings.
    Sorry, but I’m a guitar player and can’t stand dead strings.

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