Resist The Tide

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
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Psalm 1:1 – Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers. (NIV 2011)

Today, one of our toughest Christian challenges arises from the relentless pull of godlessness from all around. It's like a menacing tide, subtly trying to sweep us away from our trustful contentment in the Lord. I certainly sense it. And that's why I appreciate Psalm One. Here, I read about two contrasting kinds of people: those who resist the tide, and those who are swept away by the tide. Today as I immersed myself in the first verse, this is what I heard it say:

    God blesses the one who refuses to become rooted in a cultural worldview forged by those who have no respect for God — for Who God is, for what He promises, or for what He requires.

    God honours every person who resists the pressure to compromise with ungodly expectations arising out of unbelief.

    God shines His face on every person who resists the charm of people in esteemed positions, who are arrogant mockers, agitators, always eager to stir up conflict.

For me, the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer presents an effective illustration of the two kinds of people in Psalm One. During the rise of Hitler, Bonhoeffer and some others were willing to stand alone, amidst the masses of professing Christians who embraced a tide of political ideologies which eventually swept them away into destruction. Surely, Psalm One could have helped prevent the atrocities of World War II if it had been taken seriously. But it wasn't.

To be sure, standing against a tide of godlessness and putting Christ first can be a costly calling. Perhaps that is why Psalm One addresses godly people in the singular and ungodly people in the plural. That's how it is: the righteous one may stand alone against the masses swept by the tide.

And that's why Psalm One is so encouraging. It reminds us that God honours each of us who takes pleasure in learning His way, even when it's not the trend in our circle. God blesses each one who remains steadfastly rooted in Him, even in situations where the majority floats in the tides of the day.

Psalm One reminds us that we can live meaningfully and joyfully without needing to fit into the mainstream. Regardless of the tide's pull, we can fully embrace and enjoy the ways of God. In that way, we resist the tide, and God will bless us, just as He promised.

Enjoy Psalm One!

Prayer: Lord, may our hearts long to be prized for You and You alone. Amen.

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About the author:

Diane Eaton <>
Paisley, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Such a good and needed reminder Diane.

    Diane – Thank you for this uplifting, instructional devotional. May God continue to bless you.

    Amen Diane! A good word today so very true. I loved the Cost of Discipleship and Prayers from Prison.

    Amen, Diane, may we never forget whose we are and what he did for us in order to stand strong against the tides of this age. Blessings.

    Thank you for your devotional. A very timely message in a very trying time. Our “rootedness” in Christ must always be our primary identity!

    I am really blessed by this daily devotion. I have been enjoying this for the past seven years. I pray God will continue to empower you in all facets of life, you will live long in abundance and sound mind in Jesus name.

    That’s an amazing way to express your motivation for remembering Whom you believe and follow. I’m so glad I read this just now. Again and again the Lord helps me through people like you, Diane, who take the time to talk through the deeper meanings of certain passages, and are willing to share their reasoning with others instead of keeping it private and personal.
    This is such a testimony to God’s promise to work in and through those who commit themselves to serving Him in others… and I am one of the beneficiaries. Thank you Lord. God bless.

    Dear Diane,
    Thank you for a precious devotional.

    Love your insights and wisdom. Thank you.
    God bless you.

    Hi Diane I enjoyed the devotional. It is so true that we can be too impressed by the standards of our culture rather than following God’s Word. I enjoyed your visit. God Bless.

    Thanks. It is timely reflection.

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