Perfect Peace

Thursday, May 12, 2016
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Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. (NIV 2011)

We're all looking for peace in our lives: peace and quiet in order to rest; peace in our households in order to get along; peace at our work, so we can be effective as teams; peace in our neighbourhood, so we can sleep at night; peace in our church, so we can minister to the larger community; peace in our souls, so we can be renewed and re-strengthened by God.

The Hebrew word for peace is "shalom", which is a complete peace. The "perfect peace" that Isaiah refers to in today's verse, "shalom shalom", is even greater than that — it's a divinely gifted peace which blesses the body with health, the mind with clarity, the heart with strength, and the spirit with holiness. It's what God meant us to experience when He first created us as human beings.

As Christians, we look for that perfect peace in Jesus. He forgives us of our failures, restores us to God's favour, and reshapes our lives so that we can serve God faithfully, cheerfully, and wisely. It's a wonderful gift and something we should always aspire to.

Today, in the midst of yet another busy day, let's seek God's perfect peace by embracing His presence and placing our faith, hopes, and lives in His loving hands.

Questions for personal reflection: Where do I currently need God's perfect peace in my life? How may I seek this blessing from Christ?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we all need peace in our lives. We call You the Prince of Peace, so we pray that You will allow us this precious gift in our lives, our homes, our schools, our workplaces, and our communities. In Your holy name, we humbly pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Shalom, Shalom.

    May it be so John.

    Thank you for a very helpful devotional.

    A big AMEN to that. Thank you John.

    Thank you, John. I always appreciate your writings. They seem to touch a chord within my heart … guess that’s Jesus’ love.

    Thank you, John, for this reminder. Truly we need God’s perfect peace. Thanks for writing this much needed devotional. Blessings.

    Wow. I can’t believe the devotionals coming my way. It seems that every single day, a devotional is meant for me alone and yours is one of them. I know that you had probably written this devotional some time ago, but God knows what we are going through and your words came at the most appropriate time. I am stressed; stressed to the hilt. Taking care of Mom and her affairs, as well as our own, and finding the “right” place and setting things up has been added to my plate. Now moving, setting up, etc. comes to play. So … I definitely need the peace of Christ to fill me up and trust that God is indeed in control. Thank you.

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