Sing A Song

Sunday, May 8, 2016
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "When Mothers Of Salem"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 119:172 – Let my tongue sing about your word, for all your commands are right. (NLT)

For as long as I can remember, she has sung. I'm not sure when my mother actually began singing gospel songs. I suppose that it was as a young girl when she gathered with her family on Saturday nights around the old converted player piano. Then she began singing in the old Methodist church that they attended. After my dad became a minister, she sang in every church he pastored. A few times along the way, she formed a quartet and sang in other churches. Sixty years later, mom's still singing and playing the piano. Many of the songs that she sings are the same ones that she sang when I was a child. They all have one thing in common. They testify about Jesus, what He's done, and how He's coming back one day to take His children home.

No one else in our family has been blessed with mom's singing ability. Dad was a fair singer, and so is my middle brother. I've never heard my youngest brother sing, and I never utter song sounds loud enough for anyone to hear.

What I can sing about — and do a good job at it — doesn't require knowing music or being able to carry a tune in a bucket. Mom actually sang the gospel, but I can sing it by just sharing it with others. Though some won't like the words of the song, I can't alter the original message that the author wrote: humans are sinful, God is love, Jesus forgives, and heaven and hell are real. I can change the methods that I use to share it, but the message remains the same.

Jesus tells me and all His followers to sing this song. I must sing it with love, patience, and volume. The entire world needs to hear. I can sing literally — although I won't — but I can and must sing through the spoken word, emails, texts, Skypes, gifts, actions, and attitudes.

How often and how loudly are you singing God's song?

Prayer: Father, may we sing of Your love often and to everyone we meet. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Yes, singing God’s praises in Pennsylvania. Thanks for writing. Blessings.

    Great message Martin and a nice way to honor your mom on mother’s day.
    Blessings to you and yours.

    Amen to that, Martin. I sing with the Praise Team at our church and feel so blessed to have this opportunity to share the Gospel and to lead others in singing praises to God every Sunday morning.

    Hi Martin,
    Can relate to your devotional today, I don’t sing either. I Have a Bible Class at the local Long Term Care Centre twice a month and I end each session with a hymn, I don’t sing it or the people would never come back, but I read it or recite it. So many of the old hymns are little sermons by themselves and have such wonderful messages, the residents just love them.

    Dear Martin:
    Thank you for today’s devotional. Brought back memories that made me smile.
    As my Dad and step-mother got older they loved to go for drives. We drove 15 hours to visit them. They decided to join us on the trip home.
    Both Mom and Dad sang merrily along most of the way. Problem being they sang on different keys. All the old hymns.
    My daughter could only moan after we got home, “Mom, how could you stand it?” Things only bother you, if you let them.
    They are both gone now, singing praises to out Lord. I’ll bet it’s beautiful.

    Great devotional Martin. Being a singer of God’s Word is a real blessing.
    God bless.

    Dear M,
    Love is about relationship, to give and to receive.
    Encounter with the Living God, is granting forgiveness yes, but also walking with us in his Loving-Kindness (Chesed) day by day, as we give back to Him Thanks and Praise for His interaction with our lives, as well as our intercessions.

    Martin – How true and you do it very well.
    God bless.

    Such a nice message, my mother too had a great voice. How blessed we were. Our mom’s sang hymns and not some of the garbage folks are singing today. Their music was indeed a message for us, leaving a lasting witness for us to live them by. One of my favorites was “In The Garden”. I could actually imagine being in the garden with the Lord.


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