Noisy Troubles

Sunday, April 10, 2016
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Seeking The Lost"1 (Lyrics)

Bam! I was on my way home from an appointment with my income tax accountant when my Ford Focus announced that it needed attention: brrramble, rumble, grumble. It made noisy sounds like a Sherman tank might make as it clanked and rumbled down the road. My car definitely didn't make the purring sounds of a compact car. Thankfully, God had already given me a good auto mechanic who will likely discover what needs to be fixed and will know how to fix it.

Fairly late the same night, the phone jangled, and my daughter and I spent two hours talking as she poured out her grief about a wayward child. Then, she asked about the church that I've been attending. I pulled out the bulletin from last Sunday and read a prayer that exactly addressed her situation. We were both overwhelmed with gratitude and amazement at God's timely provision. God had provided a prayer to fit her need even before the situation occurred, as He had promised through the prophet Isaiah:

Isaiah 65:24 – It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. (NKJV)

The prayer gave us both much needed comfort, and I've reproduced it as today's prayer below.

The very next day, trouble reared up again. Seems my disadvantaged son had blown all the money that he had earned doing odd jobs … on the lottery. I'm sure that God is still working on this one, as are we. We've not seen results yet, but we are praying and have taken steps not to enable his habit.

One thing that I've discovered is that often God's timing doesn't match ours. For what He allows, He's got His reasons that often puzzle us. For me, it's a matter of having faith in God's ultimate purpose and placing trust in Him that He has our best interests at heart, as the apostle Paul and Solomon each wrote:

Romans 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (NKJV)

Ecclesiastes 9:1 – The righteous and the wise and their works are in the hand of God. (NKJV)

To paraphrase him extremely loosely, "Thankfully, God's got this, because I don't!"

Without a shadow of a doubt, life will continue to throw noisy troubles our way. When that happens, we may be tempted to pound a wall and shout, "What else can go wrong?" Let's take a hint from Paul and old King Solomon: Everything is in God's hands. I know that's easier said than done, but I've found that the more I exercise faith, the easier it becomes. Hopefully, some day, it will be our knee-jerk reaction.

Let's proclaim, "God's got this", and then, turn our worries, fears, and troubles over to Him in prayer. After all, He's eager to hear from us.

Prayer: Gracious God, we rejoice in Your tender care for us when we are in the wilderness of life. When we face difficulties, You miraculously make a way forward. You lead us to the living water of Christ to refresh and sustain us. You nurture us by Your Word and Spirit. You fortify our faith, so that we will live to praise You. Amen.

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About the author:

Cassandra Wessel <>
Tionesta, Pennsylvania, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks Cass for another good word.

    This was a good one.

    Dear Sandy,
    God has got this one!

    Indeed God is faithful!
    Now then about this Ford!

    Thanks Cass for this encouraging message. Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite Scriptures, especially when things are not going the way I had hoped.

    Hi Sandy
    I will pray for you and your family. Its not easy but God always steps up to the plate when we have faith.

    Thank you, Cass, for this message. It is one to which we can all relate. As I read your words I was thinking I know she is right but is seems to me to be one of those things that is “easy to say, difficult to do.” Blessings.

    Thank you Cass for the reminder.
    It does work!
    Since I yielded and surrendered, begone are my worries and fears.
    God’s mercy and peace follow you.

    Hello Cassandra, I was very moved by your message today. It hit home with me! I’ve been going through a lot of difficulties lately and my church has also. So I have felt that way __” what else can go wrong ?” I have felt frustrated and depressed and I know that I need to — literally “let God deal with this” and trust in Him! Thanks for your meaningful thoughts. They have helped me. Blessings.

    Now if we could truly believe God is in control all the time and always turn to HIM in prayer as we give our problems to him without trying to “fix” everything ourselves our faith would grow stronger. I am guilty of trying to help God fix it my way or taking the problem back. I know that through HIM all things are possible if. We truly believe. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Yes, Cassandra,
    God sees all, hears all, and knows all. I pray for you all that God will bring brighter times to your family.
    He has shown you that he is with you in grace and mercy. Follow in his way.
    Thank you for writing.

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