Rebuilding The Church

Monday, July 27, 2015
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Listen while you read: "Saviour Like A Shepherd Lead Us"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 102:16 – For the Lord will rebuild Zion and appear in His glory. (NIV)

There's a lot of rebuilding that needs to be done in many denominations. The conflicts that we've all been involved in over the last three decades have taken their toll. Worship wars, culture wars, marriage wars, and atonement wars have diminished the life, work, and mission of the church as Christ's bride on earth. We are meant to be healers in a broken world; sadly, we have become so disjointed, disfigured, and disunited that we are broken, too.

We need to ask God to rebuild us, one day at a time and one person at a time. It will not be an easy process because it will require focus, energy, discipline, and commitment. There's no other way to rebuild congregations or denominations. There's no magic wand, instant success, or easy button to do it. However, it is not insurmountable or unachievable. It can be done, and it will be done among those churches that humbly yield to God and sincerely say, "Thy will be done."

Five hundred years ago, the Christian church faced a similar challenge. The early reformers like Jan Hus, Martin Luther, and John Calvin, knew that the people and priests had to get back to a form of basic New Testament Christianity. It was an uphill struggle: Jan Hus was burned at the stake; Martin Luther was declared an outlaw and hunted down; John Calvin faced death threats on a regular basis. They were successful in growing a new movement and a new church because their message was true to the gospel. They accomplished much because they remained true to Christ.

Today, let's seriously think about reforming our ways and rebuilding the church. Instead of throwing stones at one another, let's use those stones to rebuild our sacred places. Let's call upon God to give us the grit and determination, as well as the resolve and focus, to grow in His goodness, to advance Christ's kingdom, and to walk with the Spirit. We can do this. We can embrace this. We can rebuild.

Questions for personal reflection: What must I do to rebuild my commitment to Christ? How can I help others to do the same?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are all a part of Your church, Your work, and Your mission. In recent times, we have wandered away from Your truth, forgotten Your way, and have set aside Your life. Forgive us for tearing down what You have built. Enable us to reform, and allow us to rebuild. In Your holy name, we humbly pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thank you always for your devotionals.

    Thoughtful and timely as always John. Thanks for sharing.

    Thank you for your wonderful, timely devotion this morning and AMEN to all you said!!
    God’s blessings on you.

    Dear John;
    Amen! This is exactly how I feel. As you say, we need another reformation. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit is blowing a fresh new wind amongst us.

    Dear John Stuart,
    I pray with you for a renewed church — renewed by each one of us getting closer to our Lord, praying, and walking humbly with our Lord.
    Keep writing for Jesus’ name’s sake.
    We must be positive and push forward, forgetting the wrong theology and sticking ever so close to our Lord, his Word, and his true church on earth.


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