Hey, Jude!

Friday, July 24, 2015
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Blest Be The Tie That Binds"1 (Lyrics)

I haven't been making much progress with my weight loss lately, so I prayed (again!) for God's help.

He reminded me (again!) to consider the passage where unbelief hindered Christ's ability to do miracles in his home town of Nazareth.

Mark 6:5-6a – Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief. (NKJV)

Then I heard a television evangelist's sermon on the topic. Whew. When I read a devotional that I had started about Judas, the traitor of Christ, I finally got the message. I had written something like this:

    I want to yell at this failing disciple, "Hey, Jude! What are you thinking? Get back on track! It is not too late!"

    And I wish that someone would yell, "Hey, Brenda!" at me, when I am slipping into the muddy path that leads me away from Jesus.

    Judas finally saw how wrong he had been. It wasn't too late for him to repent, and yet Judas continued his journey of self-destruction.

God grabbed my attention today. I pray that He also grabs yours.

Prayer: Lord, forgive our foolish ways of disobedience. Thank You for pointing out our failures and helping us to overcome them. We are forever grateful. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <brenda.w@nextcom.ca>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Brenda. God’s blessings.

    I know what you’re talking about! Hey Brenda!

    I can so relate to your message today! Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

    Brenda – Thank you for this crisp, to the point and easily understood devotional. Amen to these words and God bless.

    Sounds so much like my lament. Glad to see we are on the same page. Never give up my friend.
    Hang tough!!

    Hello dear one! I must say the French fries at the Cove perhaps didn’t help, but oh, the conversation we had was so sweet!!! Enjoyed your devotional.
    God bless your day today Brenda.

    Thank you Brenda. Best of luck to you to “stay the course or on track” . You’re not the only one out there who is on the weight loss band wagon. Perhaps we all need to keep the song “One Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus” as our mantra.

    I just wanted to drop a line, I too rely on God for my strength and willpower with my weight. also…while I was reading and my mouth dropped when you said Brenda get…..what!!!!! then I saw on the bottom, we had the same first name. Good devotional. God bless.

    Hi Brenda:
    Great message!! Thanks so much. I’m now going to a Pulmonary Rehab program so that I can breathe better and I have to exercise for an hour a day. Hopefully I can start shedding the pounds as well. It’s a tough road but we can do it. Let me know if there is anything I can do to encourage you.

    Amen to that sentiment, and prayer.
    After our conversation yesterday He grabbed my attention again, today, with the Bible passage Psalm 37:5
    Commit your way to the Lord. Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.
    Enjoy this beautiful day.

    I always enjoy your devotionals and this one got my attention. On this journey in our temporary home, it feels like there is always work to be done to become who we were made to be. Thanks for the reminder to never give up, and that it’s never too late with our God. Hey Brenda, get back up! God’s got this and He’s working through you to help the rest of us get back up and try again. Thank you for sharing your words and your journey.
    A grateful mom.


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