The Question

Saturday, January 24, 2015
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "There Is A Happy Land"1 (Lyrics)

Psalm 116:15 – Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. (NIV)

Isaiah 43:4a – You are precious and honoured in my sight and … I love you. (NIV)

Not long ago Mocha, our 17-year-old dog, died, and one of the questions people often have for us when something like this happens is, "Does having so many others help you to miss less the one that has died?"

The answer to the question is "No". Though we may have six or seven or eight or more other dogs to love and enjoy, the loss of one is not diminished. Why? Because the one that has been lost was unique and special in its own right, and no other can take its specific place in our family or in our hearts.

Likewise, there is no one who can take our place in this world or in God's sight. We are precious and honoured in His sight because He has created each of us unique and special. There is no other one just like us anywhere, anyplace, anytime. It is simply not possible. We each have our own gifts and talents and personalities, and we each have our own purpose within God's plan for this world.

So, when I am down and feeling purposeless and useless in this world, wondering what it is all about and whether my life is making any real difference to anyone, I remember that there is no one just like me. This means that there is no one who can fulfill the purpose that God has for my life other than me, so I need to quit moping and simply ask God to open my eyes to the next right and good thing that He has for me to do, and then do it, no matter how simple it may seem. For when I do just that, when you do just that, we are indeed furthering the kingdom of heaven on earth, something which most definitely has ultimate purpose and meaning for eternity.

Prayer: Father God, how wonderful it is to know how much You love and treasure us, and that there is no one — not one other person — who is any more important to You than we are. You love each and every one of us individually and have a specific purpose and plan for our unique and precious lives. Bless us through the power of Your Holy Spirit to know, receive, and implement that plan and purpose day by day, that Your kingdom may indeed come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Refreshing Lynne. God bless.

    Enjoyed your words so much! Thank you.

    Lynne, Thanks so much for your words. Blessings.

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pet. Amen to your prayer.

    Very meaningful – thank you Lynne for this encouraging devotional.

    Thank you Lynne. Knew it had to be one of yours.
    Thank you for all the animals for whom you care, love and provide a good home.

    Dear Lynne – I agree with you whole heartily; that is why I think Birthdays are so special – it is our day to shine. When it says “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you.”

    Dear Lynn. Your devotionals are always a blessing. This one is apropos since my Leukemia is out of control and the Lord can call me home any day. It is wonderful to know His mercies are new ALL day. The Lord bless you.

    Good thought Lynne,
    You hit the nail on the head.
    Just like the lost sheep, Jesus, as ours Shepherd, cares for each one of us; no one is less important.
    Thanks for the reminder.

    Dear Lynne,
    I am sorry for your loss of a well-loved companion. How true that nothing can replace the loss nor diminish the sorrow when you lose a loved one.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge with us.
    May God comfort you and bless you.

    Hi Lynne, I’m surprised that I didn’t recognize your ‘voice ‘; but I sure appreciate the message. It is so comforting and reassuring to think that even I am of some significance to Him. As insignificant and undeserving and inept as I am, he uses me and cares about each and every event, thought, challenge in my own ‘little’ life. Blessings on you for that beautiful truth, straight from the Word. God bless.

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