Defined By Convictions

Monday, June 30, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere"1 (Lyrics)

There were at least three that I determined I would not compromise.

Convictions are beliefs that I think are important enough to stand by, regardless of the temptation to do otherwise. I fashioned three early in life: I wouldn't cheat, I wouldn't have premarital sex, and I wouldn't fight. There were times in school when I didn't know the material because I hadn't studied. I could have glanced sideways, but I took the failing grade instead. And I had opportunities to have sexual relationships before marriage, but I held firm. Some of my convictions offended others who, in turn, wanted to fight me. I never threw a punch.

Daniel was a man of conviction also.

Daniel 1:8 – But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods. (NLT)

After being instructed to eat food that his religion considered defiled, he resolved to stand by his convictions.

My convictions define me. They reveal my character and demonstrate my integrity. In fact, they are what they are because of the character I possess. To close friends and associates, I'm known as a person who won't do … or say … . If I act in ways contrary to my convictions, they are shocked.

The convictions that I had as a young person — and the ones I have now — are based on God's Word. This is how I planned it. What God says I should and shouldn't do is important. Once I build them, I hang onto them regardless. Sure, there have been occasions when I slipped and fell, but with God's help, I stood back up and moved on.

My convictions should also influence others. When such convictions run contrary to the norm — and God's commands normally do — this is a natural result.

What convictions have you formed that you are not willing to compromise?

Prayer: All powerful God, assist us in forming godly convictions, and give us strength to stand by them through thick and thin. Amen.

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About the author:

Martin Wiles <>
Greenwood, South Carolina, USA

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1 Comment

  • Presbycan Daily Devotional says:


    Amen for convictions!

    Amen! Keep writing Martin – you’re a good role model for the younger generation.

    Dear Martin.
    Thanks for expressing your convictions in this strong testimony.
    God will bless you for taking your stand for basic Christian values.

    We have a friend who did a sermon Anger one letter from Danger and talked about things that angered him like idiot drivers. We thought you could have a helicopter when they saw an idiot driver just scoop him up!!
    Well it was an idea??!!

    Good morning Martin
    What a great reminder of the importance of standing by one’s convictions rather than giving in to temptation and straying from those convictions!
    Please do continue to write.
    God bless!

    Dear Martin,
    Thanks for sharing your good convictions from which you never departed.
    May God keep you in them forever.
    Keep writing.

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