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Matthew 6:25a,26 – Do not worry about your life. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (NIV)
Last night, I was listening to the late news, and it was all doom and gloom: wars, devastating floods, murders. Why did I bother to listen to all of this upsetting stuff just before bedtime?
I turned to a channel where I knew a good speaker was preaching, hoping to hear something spiritually uplifting to focus on. The preacher's topic was "The Coming Economic Armageddon". That was all I needed. I had to read for a couple of hours before my mind was settled enough to drift off to sleep. Even then, it seems that I tossed and turned all night.
The following morning, after an invigorating cup of coffee to brush the cobwebs out of my head, I glanced out my back window to check on the weather. The sky was grey and threatening, and I was not looking forward to walking my dog.
Just as I was about to take my chances on getting caught in a downpour, I noticed several birds hopping and running around the back yard. Robins! My very favourite birds! Immediately, I felt that familiar, warm "squinch" spread through my chest. This sensation had been occurring for as long as I could remember every time I saw a robin. And it never failed to lift my spirits. Sometimes, it felt as if my heart were singing right along with them. Their cheery song was always the same, come rain or shine, always encouraging me to "cheer up, cheer up!"
My mind immediately went back to the news that had disturbed me so much the night before, and a familiar Scripture came to mind.
John 16:33 – I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world. (TLB)
What a wonderful Lord I have! He knew exactly the words that I needed to hear. This promise reminded me that, like the cheery robin, I could face any problems and sing, even in the rain if necessary, because He is in control.
It never fails to amaze me how the Lord uses seemingly unimportant, everyday incidents to teach us so many wonderful lessons. I would ask you take note during this coming week of how many times God whispers a new teaching or reminder in your ear through some ordinary, everyday experience.
Prayer: Our loving Lord, teach us to listen carefully as we go about our daily activities so that we will not miss the blessing of Your divine whisper. We pray in the powerful name of our risen Lord Jesus. Amen.
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Very encouraging Sharon.
Thank you. I needed this message today.
Thank you Sharon!! Encouraging and restful.
What an inspirational inspiring message. Thanks.
Thank you, Sharon, for a beautiful reminder this morning.
Yup — robins do the same for me.
Good message Sharon.
Thank you.
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for the robin’s “Cheer-up” reminding us of God’s “Cheer-up”.
Keep writing.
Sharon – thanks for sharing this meaningful word with us today. Yes, He is the one who gives the victory over all the foes that surround us. Praise Him!
God bless.
Sharon, I was blessed by your devotional today. I too can become burdened with the weight of the world’s problems and suffering that we’re exposed to through various media. What a cheery reminder from Jesus to “cheer up” for he has overcome the world.
Hi Sharon
Yes yes I know just what you mean. I also let my mind wander all over during the night hours when I should be sleeping. Thank you for sharing.
God Bless.
With all the gloom and doom showering down upon us, and the 24/7 live news streaming from every corner, I thank you for your reminder that our Savior, in all things, lifts us up. A timely message, indeed! Thank you.
(Alabama USA)
Hi Sharon! It happened again. I was thinking that I hadn’t heard from you in a while, and almost as soon as I started reading, I knew you had written today’s devotional. (The reference to walking your dog clinched it). Thank you for the message today. Blessings.
Dear Sharon!
“Squinch” for me is “Cheerful and Chirpful”.
Robins have the same effect on me as they do for you.
Thank YOU for writing to us! Yes, every moment has a window of Blessing for us, if we but look through it. I love the notion that The Kingdom of God is in our midst. What comfortable squinch.
Dear Sharon:
Thank you for your wonderful words. Yesterday I was feeling a little blue. It was on my agenda to mark the lessons for the Canadian Bible Institute. I just recently started doing this. These people are in prison. When I opened my package for this week, it melted my heart to read his words and his love for the Lord. It brought to shame and humbleness for feeling sorry for myself. This man filled my heart with joy with his words. Praise the Lord, Amen.
God bless you Sharon and keep writing.
Dearest Sharon,
If only you know how much your “Daily Devotional” of today means to me!!
I find it so inspiring, so comforting! Thank you for opening my eyes to what goes on around me!! Just what I need for this day.
We live in a townhouse with a very small garden, here in South Africa. I love my garden and always feed all the wonderful birds which come here for food, especially now in winter. It is indeed a privilege and blessing from God to watch them and enjoy their daily baths here in our birdbath!
Many Blessings to you and a great big thank you for all you devotionals.
(South Africa)
Lovely devotional today Sharon. Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your day.
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for the robin’s “Cheer-up” reminding us of God’s “Cheer-up”. I give thanks with you and many others for “the blessing of Your (God’s) divine whisper”, the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Keep writing,
Good Morning Sharon:
Your message was lovely and so assuring. As you so ably advised Our Lord is indeed wonderful and is always there to brighten our day, if we but give Him the opportunity. We, as His children, must never forget He Is the Beginning and the End and very much In Control although, after hearing our daily news reports we realize how hard satan is working to keep the world, and our lives in turmoil. May we who serve Him never forget He is always there and to turn our eyes upon Him and allow Him to lead our paths, even on the rainy days.
I too love the birds, especially in spring, when they actually seem so excited, in their own little way, to return back to Canada.