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Listen while you read: "My Jesus I Love Thee"1 (Lyrics)

Two years ago my left hip broke, and it has not healed well. I have to use a walker.

Many people have helped me wheel groceries to my car and put them in the trunk. Teenaged boys at church have lifted my walker into the back seat of my car.

I have sometimes said, "I have never appreciated help so much as in these last two years." A young father with one toddler in tow and a smaller child in his arms helped me through a door. One day, when someone with her arms full of packages held a door for me, I said, "I should be helping you!" We exchanged smiles.

Then I read: "And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others …" (1 Corinthians 12:28a NIV). "Those able to help others!" I paused there.

I'm thankful to God that I can help others too, by using my computer, for instance. I can do mending for my niece's large family, and I can host a little weekly Bible Study around my kitchen table.

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ," wrote Paul to the Galatians (6:2). What law? Can Paul mean Jesus' words, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12 NIV)? Or maybe Jesus' words at John 13:34? "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (NIV)

Some of those who are most-burdened and in need of love are possibly those whose plight may not be known to many: the young couple in domestic struggle awaiting marriage counselling, the people in seniors' buildings suffering loneliness and pain, the family with an ill young child, people in places of political conflict living in fear of gunfire …

Can we do anything greater to love people in distress than first to carry their burdens to God in prayer? Then let us be up and doing according to His will, offering earthly help whenever possible.

Prayer: Lord, please be mightily with those who suffer in any way. Be with them to heal, to comfort, to teach faith and patience in tribulation, to show us how to love sacrificially especially those in distress, even as Jesus loved when laying down His life to save us. In His name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Isabel Allison
Roland, Manitoba, Canada

1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good words Isabel.

    Lovely devotional Isabel. Thanks for sharing.

    That was beautifully written Isabel, may we all hold this close to our heart and put it into action. Blessings.

    Thank you Isabel. Your example is an encouragement to others.
    Please keep writing!

    I don’t normally get this devotional, but it was forwarded by a friend. I especially appreciated the wonderful prayer at the end. WOW Thanks for sharing!

    A very moving moment in prose. Thank you for these thoughts and especially pointing us to one of our great services for Christ, namely, to CARE for others less fortunate.

    I’m always amazed at how God can use us in spite of difficulties when we’re open to His leading. He gives us the strength we need to carry out His plan for our lives. Blessings.

    Thank you for the thoughtful and inspiring meditation this morning, Isabel. I, too, am needing more help and appreciate helpful people on my path through the days.

    Dear Isabel,
    I can identify with you as one who depends on the use of a walker. When I first realized that I wouldn’t be able to participate in Choir anymore, I remember saying, “I can’t do anything but pray anymore.” To which someone reminded me how important and powerful prayer was.
    And now, we are sitting at our computers writing for Him. What a privilege! Thanks for sharing with us.

    So very true Isabel. I can relate to almost everything you said. I was helped out by members of my church when I was unable to walk or stand, and was awaiting surgery. Also a friend across the street walked my dog daily. Another friend said she would keep my dog for as long as it took for my recovery. As it happened I cancelled the surgery because God did something and stopped the pain.
    What a wonderful Saviour we have.
    Bless you for sharing.

    Hi Isabel,
    Thank you for your devotinal this morning. I have mentioned many times in Church services that not all of us can do the physical things to bring the gospel. I found a poem in a book. These words echo your thoughts exactly, I think.
    “Traveling on my Knees by Sandra Goodwin”
    Last night I took a journey to a land across the seas.
    I did not go by boat or plane, I traveled on my knees.
    I saw so many people there in deepest depths of sin,
    But Jesus told me I should go, that there were souls to win.
    But I said, “Lord, I cannot go and work with such as these.”
    He answered quickly, “Yes you can, by traveling on your knees.”
    He said, “You pray, I’ll meet the need. You call and I will hear.
    Be concerned about lost souls, of those both far and near.”
    And so I tried it, knelt in prayer, gave up some hours of ease.
    I felt the Lord right by my side, while traveling on my knees.
    As I prayed on, I saw souls saved and twisted bodies healed,
    I saw God’s workers’ strength renewed, while labouring in the field.
    I said, “Yes, Lord, I have a job, my desire: Thy will to please.
    I can go and heed Thy call, by traveling on my knees.
    Blessings in your writings.

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