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How could anyone cheat an elderly person? And simply to pad their pocket.
I was working my first job at an exterminating company — not my idea of the ideal job but all that was available at the moment, and it was paying my bills. Shortly after starting, I was transferred from spraying the insides of houses to treating the underneath sides. This was even more distasteful. But when I was called to install a moisture barrier under an elderly lady's home and was choked by the dust I encountered, my attitude deteriorated even more. How could a salesperson sell an elderly person something they obviously didn't need? Honesty was definitely not his policy. Making money was.
Wise King Solomon warned against dishonesty:
Proverbs 23:10 – Don't cheat your neighbour by moving the ancient boundary markers; don't take the land of defenseless orphans. (NLT)
Honesty is a reflection of character, and character is who I honestly am. Character involves the traits I display on a regular basis. It demonstrates what I value and don't value. My character will be reflected in my actions, in the goals I set, in my attitudes, and in the relationships I choose.
Honesty also exhibits integrity. When my character is what it should be, integrity will follow. Integrity is doing the right thing — all the time — whether no one is looking or whether everyone is gazing. Honesty in character leads to integrity. I may put down the moisture barrier because my job requires it, but I'll begin searching for another job … which I did.
Honesty reflects Jesus' nature. And after all, He's the one after whom I should model my life. Jesus displayed honesty and confronted dishonesty.
When I demonstrate honesty, God will honour my life and my efforts, and He will send blessings my way. It always has been — and always will be — the best policy. Let's follow it!
Prayer: Father in heaven, prompt us to exercise honesty in every action, thought, and attitude. Amen.
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Wonderful thoughts Martin! Your devotional spoke to me about something that was on my heart.
Dear Martin Wiles,
In some ways this devotional reminds me of, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor,” and “You shall not covet.”
Keep writing.