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This past winter might go down in the history books in some places as one of the worst winters for snow. As we entered spring, it seemed that winter didn't want to let go. We would get one warm day, and then, it would snow again that night, covering all the exposed, dirty snow and sand with a clean, white blanket.
In my job, we go to another location once a week to do crafts. A few weeks ago, we noticed that from the Christmas nativity scene buried in snow on the front lawn, the head of Joseph was poking through. The next week, we saw Mary showing through. As we were leaving, we called back that we could hardly wait for the return of Jesus—from the nativity scene, in this case. Truthfully, we are also waiting for the final return of Jesus for us and for this hurting world.
A true transformation in the landscape has taken place in the past few weeks. We haven't had a lot of rain, but we have had lots of wind. God provided this wind, and it helps immensely to dry up the melted snow and moisture. Much of the wind blew overnight, and we could see the transformation each morning, just as we noticed the nativity scene returning.
Right now, I am going through my own transformation as the Lord works on me while I am waiting on specialists to deal with carpel tunnel syndrome in both arms. Frustrated that I cannot bike, I have gone back to walking. I am appreciating this spring in its slower pace, and this, too, is a season in my life. Annoyed that I cannot sleep all night, I am often up and wandering the house, and I have heard and seen the gentle breezes and spent more time in prayer. God will sustain me during the day, as He has these past weeks and months. This, too, is a season that I know will come to an end, bringing me out on the other side in a greater relationship with Jesus as I lean into Him.
Thinking about the transformation that Jesus did and is doing daily in my life, I stand in awe at His marvellous works in my life, and especially in the types of seasons that He gives me. He knows just how much to expose or to cover with His white blanket of love in my life, all the time—not just some of the time. He knows when to send the rains and the gentle breezes into my life, and greatest of all, His Son is always shining on me.
Romans 12:1-2 – Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV)
How about you? Is Jesus wanting to do a transformation in your life, or does He want you to be a part of a transformation in someone else's life? If you know someone today who is struggling with something, whether it be physical, emotional, or financial, or who is just in need of prayer, step into the situation and watch the transformation that Jesus can do—you will be blessed. There is something good to be said at the end of the day about doing, caring, and coming alongside others.
Psalm 95:6-7a – Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. (NIV)
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that You care for us so deeply and that You call us Your own. We know that this message is not just for a select few but for all to know You. Help us to bring others into Your kingdom so that they, too, can be transformed by Your love. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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Thanks for sharing Julie. Good food for thought.
Wow great writing indeed. Fantastic message.
Dear Julieanni, thanks for the devotional. Has been food and refreshment for my soul.
Julie, so sorry to hear of your discomfort. Praying for you, and for early and successful treatment.
Thank you for your inspirational message. I pray that your carpel syndrome difficulties will be cured.
Thanks for your daily inspiration from the Word of God.
God bless.
Hi Julie
I am reminded by your devotional of Good Friday when our theme was:
It’s Friday… But Sunday’s a Coming.
Thank you for those excellent words of wisdom. God is there, ready and willing to hear our prayers.
God Bless you and lots of success with your forthcoming surgery.
I am going through a “season” which is the biggest testing that I have experienced – and it doesn’t involve anything “life-threatening”! I never thought my faith could be challenged in such a searching way. But I know this is for the transformation purposes that I have so often meditated upon and talked about… now I am walking the talk and it is HARD! Thank you for the encouraging reflection and verses,
Dear Julie: I am praying for the numbness and tingling in the thumbs and two and one half fingers of both of your hands. Aquafit exercises to improve my full range of arm and spine motion helped, along with Glucosamine, MSM and Celadrin to treat my arthritis. Added to that refrigerated flax oil and silica help keep my hand useful for typing, although still weak and burning 10 years later. I am 92 years old and still able to walk long distances with my walker to support my back. Using a cane makes the hand pain worse. God bless you and keep you young in His service. Thanks for your insightful devotionals.
Hello Julie,
Hi Julie: my daughter took the vitamin B6 and keeps taking it because it looked after her carpal tunnel. It seems it’s a B6 deficiency. Also I’ve had insomnia for 25 years and the Lord brought information my way through the Wheat Belly that it was gluten intolerance. I stopped all gluten and after two nights things began to change and I’ve been sleeping every might since two months ago. God bless.
Hope you are having a great day!!
God bless.
A precious devotional, Julie.
May God bless you that you will get beyond that carpel problem.
Keep writing.
Julie – Thanks for this thoughtful word.
Thank you for sharing your story. It is very timely. Like this winter, God’s ‘seasons’ can stretch seemingly forever and I forget that it is just a season, not a lifetime. For that I will be grateful.
God Bless and may your season with carpal tunnel syndrome come to a close soon.