The Empty Tomb

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Christ Arose"1 (Lyrics)

On October 21st, 1999, we were in Jerusalem with a group of Christian brothers and sisters. We looked at a number of tourist attractions in the morning and had a chance to do some shopping, and after lunch, we went to see the Garden Tomb. There is some controversy as to whether or not this is the actual tomb where Jesus was buried, because there is also the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where tradition says the tomb was, and a church was built over it many centuries ago. But I liked the Garden Tomb site, and the people who maintain this garden are sure that this is the place where Jesus was buried.

After Jesus died on the cross on what we now call Good Friday, a rich man by the name of Joseph of Arimathea asked Pontius Pilate for permission to take the body of Jesus, and he agreed.

Matthew 27:59-60 – When Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb, and departed. (NKJV)

Our whole group went to look at the tomb in the garden. Most of them went inside and listened to the guide tell them all about it, but I only glanced in through the open door, and then, I went away by myself to a garden bench just a little distance from the tomb. I wanted to be alone, to gather my thoughts, and to absorb the events which had taken place there. There were trees all through the garden and birds were singing. It was very peaceful away from the group for a few minutes. I looked at the entrance of the tomb, and my mind wandered.

I could see Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" sitting opposite the tomb, probably not too far from where I was sitting, the women in deep sorrow, unwilling to leave the Lord, wanting so desperately to spend some quiet time at the grave site.

And then, I imagined the scene just a couple of days later when they were there again, very early in the morning, even when the sun had just risen. They wanted again to be near the place where Jesus was buried. But much to their surprise, they saw that the heavy stone had been rolled away, and when they looked into the tomb, they saw a man in white clothes. When he saw the fear in their eyes, he said, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." (Matthew 28:5b-6 NKJV)

Suddenly, the spell was broken. The group came back out of the tomb, and I took another look inside. There were the stone walls hewn out of the rock and the slab of stone on which the body had lain. The Lord is risen indeed! The tomb is empty—it is now, just as it was that morning when the two women were there.

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank You for those wonderful words of Scripture written so many years ago, those words which have so much meaning to us even here and now. We pray that many may hear and believe. We ask it in the risen Lord's name. Amen.

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About the author:

Joel Jongkind <>
Meaford, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Have a blessed Easter Joel.

    Thank you Joel ~ a beautiful Easter message.

    Perfect devotion for the Easter Day. Christ has Risen!!

    May God Bless you and keep you writing. Thank you.

    Easter blessings to you and yours.

    Thank you for “The Empty Tomb”. I could picture all you were saying as I was fortunate to be part of a Christian group visiting the same place a few years ago. A Happy Easter to you and your family.

    Absolutely beautiful! What a blessing to have visited the Holy Land and see the site of the empty tomb. I always enjoy reading your experiences abroad but today’s devotional is truly special.
    Happy Easter Joel!
    May the Lord’s peace be with you and yours.

    Joel, Hallelujah Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed!
    The garden tomb was my favorite part of my trip to the Holy Land. I agree, its setting accurately fits the description of Scripture. I also saw the Holy Sepulcher and can understand the tug of tradition on those who believe it was the tomb. Regardless, both tombs are empty, mute testimony to the Truth.
    Jesus is risen, He is risen indeed! Blessings.

    Joel: As we read your description of the Garden Tomb site it was an accurate sketch as we remember it so many years ago. My wife and I ‘attached’ ourselves to the two Captains and members of the local Salvation Army so that we could enjoy the company of other devoted members of our faith while visiting the Holy sites of God’s chosen land set aside for the Israelites who we now refer to as our friends, the Jews. Yes, there were the two Marys, the rolled aside stone and the crypt which, as I recall, we did not enter. You have imagined the scene so well as it must have occurred. What a Gift from our Heavenly Father mankind has received, only to believe! Thank you for today’s devotional contribution.
    …so apt, so relevant. We thank you.

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