The Blessings

Thursday, April 10, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Tell Me The Old Old Story"1 (Lyrics)

Numbers 11:5-6 – We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna! (NIV)

Today was like any other day: get up, get showered, get dressed, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, refill the water bowls, have breakfast, clean the dog run, vacuum the house, walk the dogs, go to my boring job, come home, feed the horses, clean the corral, have supper, watch television, go to bed—just the same old, same old. How incredibly boring is my life was my nagging mental refrain. And then, I remembered the Israelites and the manna story, which really didn't end well at all when God rained down the quail that they were begging for, and a great many of them died because God's anger burned against them for their discontent with what He had so graciously provided. Mmm! Now this gave me something to think about and ultimately changed my own attitude toward my everyday blessings. For indeed, the same old, same old are blessings from God which rain down anew every day, something which I see and am thankful for when I have the right attitude—an attitude like the one Paul encouraged the Colossians to embrace when he said:

Colossians 3:23-24 – Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (NIV)

Tomorrow, as I rise and begin my same old, same old chores yet again, I intend to be thankful for them. I intend to get back on the grateful track by choosing to view them as the blessings from above which they are—opportunities to serve and to care for others, myself, and the things that God has given to bless, sustain, and encourage me. I intend to perform them with all my heart, as working for the Lord. Somehow, as I do so, I expect that my day might not be so humdrum after all!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for the opportunity to consider ourselves as working for You while doing our everyday chores with all our hearts—an opportunity which when embraced has the power to turn the humdrum aspects of our lives into spiritual food for our souls. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lynne Phipps <>
Tawatinaw, Alberta, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Good reminder Lynne. Been there done that.

    So very, very true. Thanks for the reminder!

    Hm That’s a thinker — let’s take a brake and give to God the time we owe Him!

    Thanks for the reminder Lynn. We are so blessed above almost all other peoples. The Lord is so good.

    Thanks for your message today. I could relate to it. We do take God’s blessings for granted at times don’t we and we truly are blessed! Thanks for the reminder.

    Hi, Lynne. Your reading was very much a “reality check” today. Thanks for your inspiring words. The Lord is great!

    I think your life is anything but boring. You couldn’t write the devotionals you do, if it were. We wouldn’t find them so helpful unless they came from a vibrant life.

    A great devotional and advice for all of us. Let us be grateful, Lord, for health, a good mind, and your constant guidance for us.
    Keep writing.

    Dear Madam,
    Bless you for the write up.
    Often we find ourselves grumbling and murmuring when tasked to get things done but we consciously have to remind ourselves each day that all we have is from the Lord and we do things unto the Lord to bring glory to His name now and forever.

    Dear Lynne: “Thank You” for this wonderful reminder. How we all need it.
    God is so gracious to keep Blessing us in so many ways every day of our lives, and sad to say we take it all for granted so often. One of my very favorite Hymns is “Count Your Blessings”.
    God Bless you, dear heart, as you continue to be a Blessing to many others.

    I am sure your life might seem boing at times but it is rich in love for those lucky animals that you care for and who receive your love. In the metro area where I live we have pups galore surrounding us in the city, the only horses we see daily are park police horses.
    I enjoyed your message and think about how peaceful your life might be over the frenetic pace here in which we thrive.

    Thank you Lynne. I sure needed this message. Blessings to you.


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