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John 10:10b – I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (NIV)
I had moved to a new community and looked for a church to go to, a church that would be Christ-centred and welcoming for a newcomer.
In no time, I was involved in a Bible study, and at one point, I was asked how I had found the study. My thoughts filled with a rush of answers that took me back years to when I first began the Christian life, and how the inner debate took place about what way to choose and follow. As I then observed the overall behaviour, language, and attitude of the general public, they did not appeal to me like the values and morals of church goers. I decided to seek what they had that was so different and joyful in their lives.
Something about them gave life a meaning and drew me to look up and above human understanding and the overpowering issues in life. I turned to my Bible to seek, ask, and knock. God was ready to be found, to listen, and to be of help.
After that, I was in a Bible study group many times. We were given homework, so in a way, I was doing Bible study alone as well. One group of twelve lasted two years, once a week from September to May, and we got to know each other well, having a great time of fellowship. I had to drive thirty kilometres one way to attend. Once, it so happened that I was voted in to be the leader of a neighbourhood Bible study among six attendees. We met in our homes once a week in the afternoon. I visit those years with fond memories.
Bible study is vantage ground for our search of who God and Jesus Christ are, and who we are in God's eyes. When we experience a wide hardship, a trying time, our friends at Bible study will remind us that God says He will never forsake us. We will get through stronger, holding on despite overwhelming odds, and deeper in our faith.
I have not stopped seeking, asking, knocking. Always revealed to me are new understandings about God's grace and mercy. Jesus began His work in me and will bring it to completion. It is clear to me that Bible study has enabled me to function better in everyday life.
Our thinking will go in God-like ways the more we study and learn and worship Him. God wants us to lean on His promises. The Holy Spirit calls us to take part in the study of the Word. Biblical literacy is a life-changing blessing!
This is how I see a Bible study group: disciples-in-making to be fishers of men, disowning the world's teachings, owning God's way and will, transforming from the old to the new, and having meaning and purpose in life.
Prayer: Almighty and everlasting God, You have lifted us up from sin to salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. You have seen to our spiritual well-being by giving us teachers to teach Your Word. You have made Your Word to be living bread for us to grow in faith and obedience to You. Thank You, in Jesus' name! Amen!
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Thank you Kirsti.
Thank you Kirsti and amen!
Thanks Kirsti for the good word.
Dear friend in Christ,
Dear Kirsti:
Your words inspire me to be a better Christian. Thank you and God bless you always.
Sounds a lot like my life for the past 40 years – my husband and I now lead Bible Study in our church. Thanks for writing.
Thank you John for bringing to light something that occurs quite frequently. Words of truth need to be spoken, even though they hit us between the eyes sometimes.
Kirsti – Your devotional brought back memories of the many Bible studies I have done. My most memorable was when for the 5 or 6 years I studied with a great group of women the great teaching of Kay Arthur. It can be challenging, but very rewarding. thank you for sharing.
God bless.
Dear Kirsti,
I enjoyed hearing your experience in bible studies. It always amazes me how we can learn something new no matter how many times we’ve read the same passage of Scripture. Thank you for inspiring us to read and study God’s Word – truly there’s no other book comparable to the holy bible!
Dear Kristi,
You say:
“In no time, I was involved in a Bible study, and at one point, I was asked how I had found the study. ”
And you tell of the great spiritual benefits of Bible Studies you attended, and of having been a leader of a Bible Study. But I cannot find the amswer to the question you were asked:
“I was asked how I had found the study.”
I am wondering how you found this new Bible Study after you moved. Did someone in your new church invite you, or did you see an announcement of it in a church bulletin?
I enjoy Bible Studies too, and for the same reasons you do. A little group of three or four are meeting in my house usually every week.
Whatever, keep writing devotions.
God bless you forever.