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Proverbs 6:6-8 – Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. (NIV)
When we moved from suburbia to a small northern town in British Columbia, Canada, the house we purchased came with a drilled well that produced lots of clean, fresh water. We were thus not prepared when the following spring, the water which flowed from our taps had a distinctly yellow colour and a very earthy taste and smell. For a number of weeks during this period we had to resort to buying bottled water, until our own well once again began to gush forth clear, sparkling water.
Since that time, we have prepared for the coming of spring in regards to our well. Each year, about two weeks before the final spring thaw, we begin stockpiling fresh water for ourselves. We also order water from a local supplier, and have him fill the livestock tanks. These preparations allow us to move quite effectively and effortlessly through the spring run-off season, which taints our well.
Preparing for future events can be extremely important in our lives. Sometimes, we are caught unawares, and there is little we can do about it, but in other instances, such as with our well water, we are given warnings which should motivate us, like the ant, to make preparations for the future.
The Scriptures tell us that Jesus is coming again. They do not tell us when, only that "the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:3 NIV) As Christians, however, we are called to make ready for this future event by being alert, pro-active, prepared, and ready at any moment to meet our Lord face to face. We are to "be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet." We are to "encourage one another and build each other up". (1 Thessalonians 5:8b,11a NIV)
Today, like every other day, the sun has risen, and the day has commenced as usual. And because so much time has passed since the Scriptures were written and the prediction of Christ's return was given, it is easy for us to think that this day will not be the day of His return. Yet none of us knows this for a certainty. So let us not be sluggards concerning our spiritual lives, but rather, "go to the ant … consider its ways and be wise!"
Prayer: Lord God, encourage our hearts this day and every day to be spiritually diligent, that on the day of Your return, we might not be caught unaware. In Christ's name, we ask. Amen.
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Well said Lynne.
Thanks Lynne. Good as always.
A very good word, my friend.
Wonderful devotion, and timely. You have amazing analogies. I’m sure you’re looking forward to spring.
From that time written in scripture for certain the Day is closer. Using the signs let us be prepared!
Very good and very true. Thoughts for all of us to ponder and obey.
Thanks Lynne
This is a wonderful reminder to expect the unexpected and not take life for granted and without preparation, blessings and prayers.
Lynne – the verse in proverbs is a great illustration warning Christians to be prepared for Jesus’ return. Considering the events happening in the world today, it looks like the fig tree has nearly blossomed (Matthew 24:32-34).
When I was growing up I lived on an island in B.C. In the summer the water table sunk so low that the salt water which surrounds the island seeped into the water table. At this time we had to drink the natural spring water that was on the island. I can relate to the water problems you deal with.
Thanks for sharing about Atlin.
Good Morning Lynne:
What a beautiful message. Well illustrated and one with the warning, as to how our Lord will come as a thief in the night.
I too am guilty of getting caught up in preparing for the things of this world and often placing the thoughts of meeting the Lord on the back shelf of my priorities.
This message was indeed a jolt in the arm for me.