Unquenchable Love

Sunday, March 16, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I'm Not Ashamed To Own My Lord"1 (Lyrics)

Song of Solomon 8:7 – Many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised. (NKJV)

Some time ago, a dear friend gave me a special gift of heart-shaped measuring spoons, a memento from her nephew's wedding. Knowing that I would put the spoons to good practical use, she wanted me to have them. So now, whenever I bake, I am reminded to measure all ingredients with love. Each spoon is labeled as follows:

    1 tablespoon – a heap of love
    1 teaspoon – a spoonful of affection
    ½ teaspoon – a dash of tenderness
    ¼ teaspoon – a pinch of joy

Although these instructions sound easy enough, many times we fail to put them into practice. But in today's Scripture, King Solomon speaks of a love which is unquenchable, a love whose dimensions are impossible to measure. This love is so powerful that not even death itself can weaken it. This is the same love manifested to us on the cross of Calvary; it can never be bought or earned.

Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (NKJV)

For believers, the love of Jesus Christ is solid, unchangeable, and eternal. It has the capacity to deliver us from sin and death; it is the anchor of our souls. No other love can withstand the "many waters" that we will encounter during the course of our lives – financial, health, and marriage difficulties, to name a few.

What, then, are your "many waters"? What problems are you facing today? Be assured that God's love will emerge from the tempest. He will calm the raging sea. And what is more, His faithfulness will ensure that a daily recipe of love, affection, tenderness, and joy is a successful one.

Now look up and see the Son shining brightly; His love is available to all who choose to embrace Him.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, we thank You for Your love which is beyond measure. Let Your heart be forever one with ours that we may become channels through which Your compassion and grace are made known to others. In the name of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us, even Christ our Lord. Amen.

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About the author:

Lori Ciccanti <dlalsina@mchsi.com>
Ocean View, Delaware, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Lovely, Thanks!

    Great reminder.

    Thank you Lori.

    You are a miracle.

    Thank you so much!

    A good reminder Lori.

    Thank-you, Lori, for your inspiring words!

    Hi. As someone who enjoys cooking, very nice analogy.

    Just a beautiful reminder to keep our eyes on the Lord. Thank you.

    I will never look at measuring spoons again without thinking of what they mean in your devotional. Thanks from one baker to another.

    Hello Lori.
    Well written, and refreshing!

    Your devotionals are always welcome, Lori. Thank you.
    Was sorry to read about the delay in your husband’s surgery. Praying for strength, wisdom, and peace for you two.

    I love the Devotionals penned by Lori. Always so heart-felt, so meaningful, so profound, so Biblical, so instructive, so useful, so well-written. I could go on and on ad infinitum.
    God Bless you.

    Over time I have printed many of your devotions and kept them for myself as a reminder of how precious we are in the Lord’s sight and how He is all we need in all situations of life.
    It has been a tumultuous year but through it all we felt led by the Lord. It has been a time of searching in a kind of wilderness but we realize we are where God called us.
    I have been blessed in much of my life and I can only praise God for his goodness.

    Thank you for a beautiful message tonight.

    Lori, thanks for the great reminder, since it is our charge to love one another as Jesus loved us first.

    Another lovely devotional Lori. Yes, great is the Lord’s faithfulness. Thanks for taking the time to share.

    Loved this. You do such a good job. I am always excited to see your name as the author. Hope you are well.

    Dear Lori,
    Thanks for your devotional.
    God bless you Lori, especially in this Easter season, and forever.

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