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Hebrews 12:1 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. (ESV)
I have a car with computers in it. When it detects a fault, it has an instructive ding sound to let you know that there is a message. The more serious the fault, the more piercing the tone, and the more persistent and unrelenting the dings.
The thing, though, was that the only fault in my car — as it transpired from my search on the Internet — was a common one. The passenger air bag was being reported as faulty, due to a wiring flaw in the seat. When I turned on the ignition, I got a ding, because the memory said that it had had a fault reported that had not been dealt with. Obediently, I took the car to a garage and they reset the computer and checked the wiring. No more ding; whoopee!
Lo and behold, though, two days later, the message returned. Ding!
I am not one of those people who can let anything slide ad infinitum. It is a "men are from Mars" thing, my wife tells me. I like issues to be resolved.
I bought a code reader that interfaces with my car's computers. This allows me to carefully interrogate the car's memory and reset the fault code, which I have done. After months of being annoyed by a ding, when I sit in the car I get silence. Brilliant!
Now, when the car dings, I read the message, because it is not an old, outstanding error, but something new that I need to react to.
We can get a ding in our conscience when something is wrong in our walk with God. That is what our conscience is there for: a place for messages from God to let us know that something needs our attention. If we do not address the issue, every time we wake up, the ding will return, until we do something about it.
Prayer: Lord, You are our Saviour from ourselves, as well as from others. To You alone is the glory. Lord, enable us to run the race in peace with You, free from the dings of life and the sin that entangles. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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Good thoughts Rod.
I always enjoy your devotionals. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Amen to your prayer. It’s nice to see you are writing again Rod.
I am impressed that you can reset car codes! Whew! Thanks for the reset thought-for our lives.
Brilliant, Rod, Absolutely Brilliant!! In all respects….fixing the problem and writing this analogy to share with us. I’m keeping this one.
I would have taken my car to my mechanic as that ding could be serious. Now for the dings we hear and feel I would pray for instructions. Just plain let go and let God. He will let us know what to do to make dings not needed.
Dear Rod,
I love the fact that when something needs to be adjusted in our lives, we have the precious Holy spirit to remind us. Praise Him!
Thank you for writing.
God bless you.
Dear Rod, This is a very helpful analogy about the place of conscience in our lives. I too, have a computer in my vehicle which dings. I call it nanny. I often take children and teens in my vehicle and nanny is very helpful about undone seat belts. When nanny dings, we have to find the problem and remedy it. Sometimes, nanny is annoying, but we know she is for our own good. I often talk to nanny, “Now, what’s your problem?” But it is for my own good to find out the problem and remedy it.
After reading this devotional, I’m going to pay more attention to my conscience, my own private nanny. Also, I’m going to discuss with others the wonderful way in which our consciences can function as our own private nanny. Thanks for the way you have presented this.
What a great example! I’ll remember that one.